BBC Mistakes Cab Driver for Expert, Live on TV
May 16, 2006 by Kath Skerry
I’ve had a few people email me this one today, and I think it’s great. Here’s the story.
After a recent court dispute between Apple Computer and The Beatle’s record lable, the BBC wanted to get an expert opinion on the downloading trend. A floor manager ran to reception and grabbed the editor of, Mr. Kewney, and quickly rushed him on air. Problem was, the man the floor manager grabbed was not Mr. Kewney, but rather the cab driver who was sent to pick up Mr. Kewney after the show.
The on air reporter immediately launched into questions about the subject matter, and the cab driver tried to BS his way through the interview. After a few questions the anchor must have received word of the blunder because she quickly went to a field reporter.
Some say that cabbie knew all along, but I disagree. Check out his face when she introduces him. His face tells it all.
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Oh that poor man! He so obviously was caught off guard!
That man is so cute!!