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September 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Gossip Girl

So last night was the first official kick off to the Fall season.  Were you glued to your TV or are you not quite ready to give up your summer yet?

We’ve already talked about a few of the shows yesterday, but now that you’ve seen them I thought it would be great to get your take.

Chuck and Blair, Gossip GirlLying, cougars and Bass…oh my! Yes, GOSSIP GIRL returned to its scandalous ways last night. Serena & Dan have reunited, but will it last?  Nate has traveled deep into the woods of the Hamptons to find the not so rare Cougar.  Is it true love or just a little summer fling?  And what about Vanessa?  Did he just ditch her or what?  Jenny and Eric’s friendship seems to be on the mend and perhaps her appearance at the White Party did a little to help her status at work too.  And then of course there’s Chuck, Blair and the Lord.  Oh Lord! Chuck’s actions told us this might be real love, but is it or just a game? I already shared my take on last night’s GOSSIP GIRL premiere, so now it’s your turn.

Wentworth Miller, Prison BreakAn era is over…the tattoo is gone.  Who knew it would be so easy.  A few grimaces and a little blood and poof! it’s adios to the ink.  They could have at least thrown us a bone and shown Wenty shirtless, no?  Ok so let’s get to the good stuff, yesterday I shared my thoughts on last nights ep but now it’s time to hear from YOU. Can we please talk the reunion of Sara and Michael.  He clearly loves her but does she feel the same?  How can she not hold Michael at least a bit responsible for all that has happened to her? (And really, what did happen to her?) Michael was the one that brought her into this whole mess.  Talk about some baggage!  And the of course there’s the rest of the band of merry men.  Sucre finally sees his baby but for only seconds before he gets sold out by Maricruz’s family.  Bellick is back with his former wards – he’s got to wonder if his vengeance was worth it.  Linc is still a hot head and I’m still not a fan.  And then Mahone. Poor Mahone.  He may have down some shady deeds but he certainly didn’t deserve to have his innocent wife and son brutally murder.  Not cool.  Oh and T-Bag – did you eat some bad Mexican last night?  Yeah, that was so wrong.  So were you feeling last night’s ep?  Are you into the whole Syclla mystery?  Talk to me.

What else did you watch last night?  Tell me about it. The comments are now open….

PRISON BREAK (and Sara’s Head) Returns Tonight

September 1, 2008 by  
Filed under Prison Break

PRISON BREAK Cast Season 4

Usually before the premiere of a new season, a show benefits from a little recap of what went down in the previous season.  You know, a little reminder to fans who may have forgotten the happening over the long summer months.  But in the case of PRISON BREAK, that recap isn’t all that necessary.  As it has in every season to date, PRISON BREAK returns with a whole new tale to tell.  If you’ve never seen PRISON BREAK before you could jump in with tonight’s 2-hour season premiere (8pm on Fox) without feeling left out.  For a show that has seen its fair share of struggles, I think this is a good thing. And a good thing is what you’re going to get in tonight’s premiere.

Previously on PRISON BREAK…
Yeah, I know I just said this wasn’t necessary and it isn’t, but we’ll do it anyway only because Fox put together this hand dandy 3-minute recap of all three seasons.  It’s well worth the watch (if only because we see Michael Scofield and all his tattoos…enjoy it while you can.)

Reunited and it Feels so Good…
As the fourth season opens, Michael is in L.A., looking to even the score with Gretchen for Sara’s death. Of course we all know that Sara isn’t dead because Fox shouted it from the rooftops, but Michael doesn’t know and that’s the important thing. Fans of Sara and Michael – brace yourselves – the writers don’t screw around with us. The two origami love birds will be reunited tonight, and I must say that I got a wee bit misty. It was good to see Sara back…even if she is a little haunted.
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What to Watch…Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008 by  
Filed under TV News

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Happy Monday to you all. While pulling together today’s ‘What to Watch’ list I was surprised to learn there was something besides the Olympic games on. Who knew? The Olympics may be exciting, but can they really hold a candle to the drama in the 4th season premiere of THE HILLS? Come on now.

Here’s a little taste of what’s on tonight…anything you’re interested in checking out?

Clearly NBC has a lot more Olympics coverage than what is shown here, but here are a few highlights of tonight’s primetime events.

8pm est on NBC
The women’s trampoline final and night two of individual event gymnastics competition (men’s rings and vault; women’s uneven bars). On the uneven bars, Moscow-born, Texas-raised gymnast Nastia Liukin is a three-time world championship medalist. Plus, track and field: The men’s steeplechase, 400m hurdles and long jump; also, women’s pole vault.

9pm est on NBC
The semifinal-round of the women’s beach volleyball tournament includes Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh, who have claimed three straight world titles and the 2004 Olympic crown. Likely challengers could be China or traditional beach powerhouse Brazil (LIVE ET/CT).

The Closer | 9pm on TNT
MeeVee RecommendsBrenda and the rest of the department begin to question the innocence of a teenage boy when they begin investigating after he suddenly goes missing, and they try to determine if he’s been murdered or simply run away.

Saving Grace | 10pm on TNT
Saving Grace, Holly HunterAfter a woman is brutally murdered, her son is abducted; as Grace begins investigating the boy’s father, she has a hard time finding him; Ham continues to process and deal with losing something so close to him.

The Hills | 10pm on MTV
The four friends are still reeling from the pressures of their first year together in Los Angeles, and the now single girls are determined to stick it out despite problems with new boyfriends that test their loyalty to each other.

Rerun Central…
Some of my faves are in rerun mode tonight so I thought I would share a few with you. And remember, if you haven’t seen it it’s new to you!

  • The Big Bang Theory | 8pm on CBS : Penny’s plans for a surprise birthday party for Leonard, who doesn’t usually mark the occasion, get thrown off-kilter when Sheldon gets a chance to live out one of his biggest dreams.
  • How I Met Your Mother | 8:30pm on CBS: When Marshall is verbally berated by his boss, he questions whether the decision to work for a big corporate law firm was the best career move.
  • Gossip Girl | 8pm on The CW: An embarrassed Serena resurrects some troubling old habits as she continues to hide the truth from Dan, and her feuding friends rally to help her in her time of need. Elsewhere, Rufus’ band scores a high-profile gig, where an unexpected guest shows up to lend him support.
  • Prison Break | 8pm on Fox: Michael begins a new effort to tunnel out of Sona, joined by Lechero, Whistler, Mahone, Bellick and T-Bag. They are a team in name only. Then the weather causes a change in plans, requiring some last-minute assistance from Linc and Sucre.
  • Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | 9pm on Fox: The stranger (Brian Austin Green) struggles to remember life in the future. Meanwhile, Sarah tries to explain to Charley why she had to leave him. Charley Dixon: Dean Winters

What will YOU be watching tonight?

What to Watch…Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008 by  
Filed under TV News

I’m not sure where you are, but here in Boston there’s a bit of chill in the air. Fall isn’t too far off – the TV screeners are starting to arrive, returning favorites are starting to air their end of season reruns. I’m trying not to get too excited, but come on…this is good stuff.

Since I was away all weekend, I haven’t really been paying much (ok, not any) attention to the Olympics. I’ve managed to jump on to to see Michael Phelps in all his delish glory take home a few gold medals, but other than that I’ve seen bupkis. Hopefully I can watch a few competitions tonight. If only we all had as much time as President Bush on our hands to take in more of the events.

Tonight, NBC will be showcasing the following event: swimming; men’s gymnastics; beach volleyball; and men’s diving (among others)

High School Musical: Get in the Picture | 8pm on ABC
High School Musical: Get in the PicutreThe contestants get a lesson in how to express emotions without using words. Later, they separate into pairs to perform duets. [GMMR: Is anyone watching this show? It’s a question, not a judgement. If you are watching, leave a comment and let me know what you think.]

The Closer | 9pm on TNT
MeeVee RecommendsProvenza pretends to be a killer for hire in order to gather evidence against a woman who is planning to have her husband murdered, but Provenza’s job is jeopardized after his car is stolen along with all the evidence he had gathered for the case.

Saving Grace | 10pm on TNT
Saving Grace, Holly Hunter
A drunk driver collides with Grace’s car door and reveals a large amount of cash that had been hidden there by a previous owner, which leads to an investigation; the squad members are devastated to learn that Ham’s brother is missing in Afghanistan.

The Mole | 10pm on ABC | Season Finale
The MoleThe winner, the Mole’s last victim and the Mole are revealed in the fifth-season finale after all 12 players reunite. Will The Mole turn out to be Nicole, Mark or Craig? [GMMR: My money is on Nicole, but who do YOU think is the mole?]

Weeds | 10pm on Showtime
Weeds PickNancy and Esteban set aside time to spend with one another in the midst of their busy schedules; Nancy has a special talk with both Shane and Silas; Silas and Lisa add new items to the cheese-shop menu while Andy and Doug encounter El Coyote.

Rerun Central…
Some of my faves are in rerun mode tonight so I thought I would share a few with you. And remember, if you haven’t seen it it’s new to you!

  • The Big Bang Theory | 8pm on CBS : Leonard lies to Penny to avoid hearing her sing a second time, but Sheldon extends the lie, which makes things worse, leading Leonard to produce a nonexistent cousin (D.J. Qualls).
  • How I Met Your Mother | 8:30pm on CBS: Ted decides to live life like Barney on St. Patrick’s Day, which probably involves activities that would make a saint blush.
  • Gossip Girl | 8pm on The CW: Georgina threatens to disclose details about Serena’s past; Blair and Jenny spread rumors about one another through Gossip Girl; Dan has information about Asher that Jenny ignores; Rufus turns to Lily for parenting advice.
  • Prison Break | 8pm on Fox: Michael heads back to shore up the escape tunnel, and T-Bag enlists Bellick to display his gladiatorial skills once again as the battle between Lechero and Sammy for control of Sona comes to a head.
  • Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | 9pm on Fox: Sarah attempts to acquire new fake identities for herself and John. An old friend offers to help by putting her in touch with his nephew, a gang member. Meanwhile, John grows restless and sneaks out of the house to track down Charley Dixon.

What will YOU be watching tonight?

PRISON BREAK Season Finale or Series Finale?

February 19, 2008 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

Prison Break Season Finale

Do you think that was it?  Was that the last we will ever see of Michael Scofield?  There are rumblings that PRISON BREAK might not make it on to Fox’s lineup next season.  But the show has not been officially canceled, and with the shortened development season due to the strike, perhaps we will see Michael and his band of merry men once more.  The question is, do we want to? After last night’s finale, I am surprising even myself by saying “yes”, I want this show back.Last night’s season finale was actually really fantastic…for a midseason cliffhanger.  For a season finale?  No.  For a series finale?  Absolutely not.  There were too many questions thrown out there and not enough answers. The questions we will get to in just a bit.

As for what went down lat night, well it was nice to see Michael getting all smarty pants again.  The boy is always one step ahead of everyone else, and when he’s on his ‘A’ game the show is at its best.  The museum transfer was smart, and while I knew that Michael picked the location for a reason, I couldn’t figure out why.  I actually thought he was going to set off some kind of laser shield between his people and Gretchen. But covering his tracks with the alarm and walking straight out made sense too.  Adding the stolen souvenir from the gift shop to Whistler’s back pocket to distract the guards was a nice touch.  That foresight of his has served him well.

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PRISON BREAK: “Hell or High Water”

February 12, 2008 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

So Michael and his band of merry men finally escaped from prison, therefore justifying the name of the show. Anyone else have a case of de ja vu? I was impressed that Mr. Scofield managed to find a way not to break out the bad boys this time around. I know letting T-Bag escape from Fox River last year never did anything for Michael’s conscience. And I’m sure he would have had more than a few sleepless nights had he put T-Bag and Lechero back on the streets. Bellick is just an asshat, so I don’t think Michael cared either way.

I think last night’s episode was probably my favorite of the whole season if for no other reason than more than a few times I found myself yelling at the TV (in a good way…if there is a good way to talk to an inanimate object). But much like Season 1, I felt anxious for the guys to make it out, and when they finally did I may have let a golf clap slip.

I know better than to look for reality in PRISON BREAK, but are we really supposed to buy it that with the cops chasing them closely in the jungle that the guys had enough time to find the cooler in the sand, take off their shoes, have a chit chat, and rebury the cooler before the cops got there.  Come on now.

Unfortunately, the Fox promos ruined any cliffhanger about whether or not the guys ever caught up with Whistler. My guess is that Whistler took off because he thought it was in the best interest of LJ and Sophia. Maybe he went to go find the book. Who knows. But was he planning to escape from the group the whole time? I’m assuming yes since he certainly was faking his ankle issue. Hmm. And I don’t know about you, but I think Linc should spare Mahone. Yeah, he was the guy that hunted him down and played a role in this original mess to begin with, but I think at the heart of it all Mahone’s a good guy. If he were able to get back to his wife and kid, I don’t think he’d even consider jaywalking.

Oh and I really hope that things go well for the basketball kid and his Papa at the road block. He seems like a nice kid…just let him live. Make him get a hair cut, but let him live.

Not sure what’s going to happen in next week’s season finale. I haven’t received an advanced screener yet and I’d be surprised if Fox sends them out. I’m worried that Michael lost himself when Sarah lost her head. Where’s that cute kid with all the tattoos and the heart of gold? I think it’s about time we see Michael Scofield smiling again.

So until next week, I’m going to hope the best for the boys and I’ll be saying my nightly prayers that Sucre makes it out of this mess soon. Damn you T-Bag, you just can’t ever let the boys be.

What to Watch…Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008 by  
Filed under TV News

Finally…finally it seems that Michael is actually breaking out of prison tonight. Who will make it…who won’t (my bet is on the young kid with the basketball and hopefully Bellick). Either way I’m actually excited to see what goes down. I’m equally excited to see David Silver himself – Brian Austin Green – on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles tonight. He was at the show’s premiere in L.A. and when I saw him enter the theater it took all my strength not to yell “Donna Martin Graduates!!” It’s always nice to see an ex-90210er can get work outside of Dancing with the Stars.

Here’s a taste of what’s on tonight. What will YOU be watching?

Prison Break | 8pm on Fox
“Hell or High Water”
The escape attempt succeeds for some, if not all, of the escapees, and those who make it receive assistance on the outside from an unlikely source. But one escapee inadvertently leaves something behind.

Kyle XY | 8pm on ABC Family
Kyle XY“Between a Rack and a Hard Place”
Suspicious of Taylor’s intentions, Adam Baylin returns to urge Kyle to keep an eye on Jessi, but Kyle’s new mission comes between him and Amanda. Meanwhile, Josh struggles with his additional responsibilities at the Rack.

Welcome to the Captain | 8:30pm on CBS
Welcome to the Captain“weekend at Saul’s”
Josh invites Hope to stay with him while her brother uses her apartment for the weekend, but Saul convinces Josh that it’s a bad idea and offers to let the younger man stay at his “weekend retreat,” which turns out to be another apartment in the building. (Note: I’m not actually recommending this show based on last week’s dreadful premiere. But it’s new and it’s on, so I thought I would let you know).

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | 9pm on Fox
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles“Queen’s Gambit”
Sarah’s friend Andy enters his computer into a chess competition. While at the event, Sarah meets a stranger (Brian Austin Green) who shares a similar past. Meanwhile, Cameron undergoes grief counseling at school, and Agent Ellison tries to make sense out of the carnage resulting from a terminator clash.

The New Adventures of Old Christine | 9:30pm on CBS
The New Adventures of Old Christine“Beauty is Only Spanx Deep”
Christine worries that Mr. Harris might dump her for a younger woman after a pretty waitress flirts with him, so she visits a plastic surgeon. Stan: Andy Richter.

Notes from the Underbelly | 9:30pm on ABC
Notes from the Underbelly What to Watch“The List”
Lauren gives Andrew VIP passes to a festival concert, partly to give him a getaway before the baby arrives and partly to get him out of the house. But when Andrew thinks that Lauren may be going into labor, he tries to get home from the concert by any means necessary.

October Road | 10pm on ABC
October Road What to Watch“We Lived Like Giants”
Nick tries to convince Aubrey’s father (Armand Assante) to tell Aubrey why he’s on the run. Meanwhile, the gang heads out on a road trip to find the girl who saved Owen’s life.

Paradise Hotel 2 | 9pm on My TV
Paradise Hotel 2Alliances are beginning to form. Allegiances are being strained. And tempers will flare as one of our guests may be checking out! And I will be going straight to hell for watching this.

Be my Friend? It might win you a TiVo….

MeeVee - Interactive TV Guide
So this is where I ask you to add ‘GMMR’ as one of your MeeVee friends. But now there is added incentive. MeeVee is having a weekly TiVo HD DVR open to all new registrants of that week. Just head over to MeeVee and register and you might win this week’s TiVo giveaway.

Once you register, go to the ‘People‘ section and add me as your new friend (username: GMMR).

What to Watch…Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4, 2008 by  
Filed under TV News

A dreary Monday after last night’s game, but at least we have some good TV to look forward to tonight. And for those you interested in the latest with the WGA strike, know that I’ll be checking all the relevant sites all day. If there’s any news I’ll be sure to pass it along.

Get your own widget.

= scroll through to watch a scene from tonight’s episode

Prison Break | 8pm on Fox
“Under & Out”
Michael begins a new effort to tunnel out of Sona, joined by Lechero, Whistler, Mahone, Bellick and T-Bag. They are a team in name only. Then the weather causes a change in plans, requiring some last-minute assistance from Linc and Sucre.

Kyle XY | 8pm on ABC Family
Kyle XY“Grounded”
The Tragers get a visit from a social worker. (Note: I have never seen an episode of KYLE XY but it seems more than a few of you are into it. Talk to me…is it a good show?)

Welcome to the Captain | 8:30pm on CBS | Series Premiere
Welcome to the CaptainDebut: A Hollywood wunderkind (Fran Kranz) in a career slump is, in the opener, persuaded by his friend (Chris Klein) to move into his famous Tinseltown apartment building with an eclectic group of tenants that includes a beautiful acupuncturist.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | 9pm on Fox
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles“Heavy Metal”
John becomes separated from his mother and Cameron while the trio search for stolen cargo. Amid the chaos, he discovers the future may be bleaker than he imagined. Meanwhile, Agent Ellison’s murder investigation turns up a new lead.

The New Adventures of Old Christine | 9:30pm on CBS | Season Premiere
The New Adventures of Old Christine“The Big Bang”
As the third season begins, Christine gets overly nervous about sleeping with Mr. Harris (Blair Underwood) for the first time and Matthew announces he is quitting medical school after he is assigned a cadaver and it turns out to be a neighbor.

Notes from the Underbelly | 9:30pm on ABC
Notes from the Underbelly What to Watch“My Baby’s Doctor”
Lauren and Julie question the closeness of their friendship after having a spat over pediatricians. Meanwhile, Danny reveals that Andrew was purposely excluded from participating in a pickup basketball league.

October Road | 10pm on ABC
October Road What to Watch“We Lived Like Giants”
Nick tries to convince Aubrey’s father (Armand Assante) to tell Aubrey why he’s on the run. Meanwhile, the gang heads out on a road trip to find the girl who saved Owen’s life.

Paradise Hotel 2 | 9pm on My TV & 1am EST on Fox Reality Channel | Season Premiere
Paradise Hotel 2Debut: The second installment of the reality series finds 11 sexy singles checking into a secluded resort, where alliances determine who stays and who goes. First up: The contestants arrive and size up the competition before choosing roommates. (Note: I know that I’m going straight to hell for watching this, but I the first season was sick and twisted and I loved every minute of it.)

Be my Friend? It might win you a TiVo….

MeeVee and TiVo

So this is where I ask you to add ‘GMMR’ as one of your MeeVee friends. But now there is added incentive. MeeVee is having a weekly TiVo HD DVR open to all new registrants of that week. Just head over to MeeVee and register and you might win this week’s TiVo giveaway.

Once you register, go to the ‘People‘ section and add me as your new friend (username: GMMR).

What to Watch…Monday, January 21, 2008 (Sneak Peeks)

January 21, 2008 by  
Filed under TV News

Wanna sneak peak at some of the shows airing tonight? Well I here to serve you my fellow GMMRers. Just scroll through the MeeVee “What I’m Watching” TV below not only to find out what shows will be on my TiVo tonight (and over the next few days), but more importantly to watch scenes from tonight’s episodes.

Prison Break | 8pm on Fox | New
“Dirt Nap”
Michael receives a visit from a mysterious woman before heading back to shore up the escape tunnel. And T-Bag enlists Bellick to display his gladiatorial skills once again, as the battle between Lechero and Sammy for control of Sona comes to a head.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | 9pm on Fox | New
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles“The Turk”
Sarah contacts Terissa Dyson in an effort to track down Skynet’s creators. The search leads her to a computer programmer named Andy Goode (Brendan Hines). Meanwhile, John and Cameron try to fit in at a new school.

Notes from the Underbelly | 9:30pm on ABC | New
Notes from the Underbelly What to Watch“If the Shoe Fits”
Lauren grows increasingly self-conscious about her weight despite the best efforts of Cooper, Julie and Andrew. Meanwhile, Danny wants to use baby Perry to help him meet women.

Medium | 10pm on NBC| New
Medium, NBC “To Have and to Hold”
As a jobless Joe continues seeking employment, Allison delves into a case involving the vanishing of a soon-to-be married woman, who just happens to be the daughter of Joe’s prospective employer.

October Road | 10pm on ABC | New
October Road What to Watch“Dancing Days are Here Again”
Nick learns that Aubrey is in contact with her estranged father, and Ray pressures Hannah about adopting Sam. Meanwhile, Alison and Owen begin dating other people, and the Commander is diagnosed with a health problem.

And as I ask everyday…what will YOU be watching tonight?Be my Friend? As always, GMMR’s daily “What to Watch” is powered by MeeVee’s interactive TV listings. I’ve just registered over at MeeVee but I don’t have a lot of friends to talk TV with over there. And with all of MeeVee’s TV content, there’s a LOT to talk about!! Will you register and add me as your friend? (username: GMMR). Thanks!!!

Also I’d love some feedback on the new “What I’m Watching” TV above. Is this something you’d like for me to continue posting on GMMR? Any thoughts (good or bad) would be helpful.

PRISON BREAK Recap: Boxed In

January 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

Original Airdate: January 14, 2008
Title: “Boxed In”

Did you hear the one about the guy trying to break out of prison who ended up in a chicken coop?  I guess that’s not really a joke but it has all the elements of one, and believe it or not it’s the punchline to how the second half of this season of PRISON BREAK started off last night. Yes, PRISON BREAK is back…it’s been a long time.  It’s also been a long time since I’ve written a recap of this show, and I’m a little rusty, so please bear with me as I embark on this self indulgent rant.

When we last saw Michael Scofield, he was being led out of the prison after the General realized that he was most likely behind the two recent botched escape attempts at Sona. Whistler, T-Bag, Lechero all looked on as Michael was led to a new kind solitary confinement – Panama style – aka a chicken coop covered in saran wrap baking in the hot sun. Can we talk about this chicken coop please?  Was it supposed to be intimidating or something?  I don’t really get it?  Did the saran wrap make it hotter?  It wasn’t like it was enclosed or anything.  I mean Michael could just stand up and breath in that fresh, cool Panamania air when he needed.  Inside the prison walls of Sona, the guys spent the majority of their time outside anyway, so what’s the biggie?

Well whatever it is, it worked because Michael soon flew the coop and started squawking (see how I kept the chicken reference going…I’m good like that).  Did anyone else find it odd that after all Michael has been through (I mean this guy got his toe cut off with lawn equipment) that he would break down and talk after just a day in that thing?  For some reason, Michael seemed to put all his faith in this Panamanian General, because you know, all the Panamanian officials he’s encountered so far have been on the up and up. Geesh.  Michael tells the whole story about Linc’s framing, his placement in Sona, the kidnapping of L.J., the beheading of Sara, breaking Whistler out, his first sexual experience, the time he stole gum from the drug store – everything. And while the General didn’t buy his story at first, he at least took the time to look into it and found there were elements of the truth.

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PRISON BREAK Recap: Good Fences

October 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

WARNING! The following post contains MAJOR spoilers for tonight’s episode of Prison Break. Read at your own risk!

Title: “Good Fences”
Original Airdate: October 8, 2007

No!! No, no, no no!! Prison Break how can you do this to me? I’ve been defending you for so long and this is how you repay me? I can’t. I just can’t. But I guess I have to because I’m in it for the long haul now and I don’t know if I have the power to stay away – damn you Wentworth Miller and your smoldering looks.

Continue reading after the jump (I don’t want to spoil anyone so I’m being extra cautious)

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What to Watch…Monday, October 8, 2007

October 8, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

Today is a weird day. I’ve always considered Columbus Day a holiday, but I guess it’s not for some (including those at my real job). Is it a holiday for you?

Anyway, a bit behind this morning but here’s a look at what’s on the ol’ TV tonight. Lots to watch, so double check the TiVos to make everything is set up to go. And if you don’t have a TiVo, how do you choose which show to watch?

How I Met Your Mother | 8pm on CBS
“Third Wheel”
Two beautiful women are attracted to Ted and rather than choose, he begins, with the urging of his friends, to see a new daring possibility. Trudy: Danica McKellar. Rachel: Busy Philipps.

The Big Bang Theory | 8:30pm on CBS
“The Fuzzy Boots Corollary”
With the encouragement of his friends, Leonard gathers his courage and asks a woman out on a date. Leslie: Sara Gilbert. Doug: Allen Nabors.

So I wasn’t all that impressed with the pilot episode of “The Big Bang Theory”. It didn’t strike me as all that funny. But more than a few of you have checked it out over the past few week’s and have used the “So Say We All” forum to tell me (and others) just how much you’ve been laughing. Since I trust your opinion, I am going to give this show another watch tonight. I’m always looking for a good laugh and maybe I rushed to judgment a little too quickly on this one.

Chuck | 8pm on NBC
Chuck (NBC)“Chuck Versus the Tango”
It’s the revenge of the nerd when Chuck delves into his very first undercover spy mission: He tries to take down a mysterious, elusive arms dealer named La Ciudad. Elsewhere, in his real life, he sets out to become assistant store manager.

Can I just say that if you haven’t fallen head over heels for Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski) yet, tonight may be the night. I got an early look at tonight’s episode and I really loved it. I think this show is at its best when it brings out the funny and it does just that tonight. Chuck isn’t landing helicopters like he was last week, but he tackles something far more complicated…the tango, with the one person that can show him how it’s done – Captain Awesome.

Prison Break | 8pm on Fox
“Good Fences”
After failing to rescue LJ and Sara, Linc receives an ominous warning from the Company; Michael plans an electrifying escape from Sona; a face from the past haunts Mahone; T-Bag crawls up the ladder while Bellick lands in hot water with Lechero.

Heroes | 9pm on NBC
Suresh fears for a friend after unearthing a painting by Isaac that foretells death. Ando returns to Japan and makes a happy discovery; while in the past, Hiro is surprised by his childhood hero, Kensei. And two familiar faces return unexpectedly.

Journeyman | 10pm on NBC
Journeyman (NBC)“Game Three”
Dan is transported back 18 years to warn San Francisco of a looming disaster and prevent a man from entering a life of addiction. In the present, Katie learns Dan has been in contact with Livia, despite his claims to the contrary.

Also playing…

  • Dancing with the Stars | 8pm on ABC
  • Two and a Half Men | 9pm on CBS
  • Rules of Engagement | 9:30pm on CBS
  • K-Ville | 9pm on Fox
  • CSI: Miami| 10pm on CBS

Mondays…they aren’t for TV amateurs! What will you be watching tonight?

PRISON BREAK Recap: Season Premiere – “Orientacion”

Prison Break Recaps, Season 3

Title: “Orientacion”
Original Airdate: 9/19/2007

Tonight we welcomed Michael Socfield and his band of merry men back for the third season premiere of PRISON BREAK. And what an episode it was! I know I gave you a sneak peek earlier, but here’s the full recap. Don’t get used to these. We aren’t going to be doing lengthy PRISON BREAK recaps this season…more like small reviews. But since it’s the first episode of the season (and it’s the only show I have to recap tonight) I figured I could indulged just this once. Let’s dish on what went down.

Picking up where we left off last season, we find Michael Scofield locked up in Sona, a Panamania prison where the worst of the worst criminals are sent when other jails won’t take them. Sona is nasty, and not in that Paris Hilton kind of way – I mean really nasty and dirty. I felt like I needed a shower after watching tonight’s episode just to get the stink and the grime off of me. (Ok, so I guess it is the same kind of nasty that is Paris Hilton after all.)

During his first few days of imprisonment, Michael is doing his best to keep to himself and the attention off of him. He looks on in horror as he takes in his new surroundings. There’s very little water, food, and the inmates are killing each other for what almost passes as sport. It’s hot as hell, but since Michael is covered in tattoos (that are no longer relevant to the to the storyline…and Wentworth Miller doesn’t want to sit in the makeup chair everyday putting the fake tats on) he has to always sport a long sleeved tee or sweatshirt despite the other inmates sweating in their tees and shorts.

Sona is a scary place to be, and I’m glad that the director’s explored that. It’s easy to forget with all his badass scheming that Michael Scofield is not a hardened criminal. He’s just a guy that has found himself in some pretty sucky circumstances after trying to help his brother. Michael’s is truly frightened to be stuck in Sona but he knows that showing his fear inside the prison means certain death.

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PRISON BREAK Season 3 Premieres Tonight (Spoilers & Pics)

Prison Break Cast Season 3

The following contains spoilers for tonight’s season premiere of PRISON BREAK.

It’s time to break out of prison again…quick, does anyone know a good tattoo parlor inside a Panamanian jail? PRISON BREAK returns for its third season tonight at 8/7c on Fox and once again Michael Scofield finds himself behind bars – but this time around the jail makes Fox River look like a day spa (you know the ones with aromatherapy and the comfy robes…and murders & rapists).

I’ve seen the first two episodes of the season and let me tell you they are intense. Remember back in Season One when you would watch Prison Break holding your breath because you were never sure what was going to happen next? And remember Season Two when you never had that feeling because the show was wildly uneven and predictable? Yeah, well get prepared for some serious breath holding again because Prison Break is back and it’s recaptured the edge of your seat drama of Season One. Thank God, because I was nervous there for a while.

If I’m being honest, the idea of the third season landing Michael back in prison seemed a bit absurd. I know the name of the show is Prison Break, but just how many prisons can this one guy break out of in a few months? But after watching the first two eps, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself excited about the circumstances that are keeping Michael in jail, and even more so, the circumstances that landed him in Sona in the first place. If the writers and directors do this right, I think we are going to once again experience the same type of mutli-layered puzzle that they so effectively laid out in Season One.

Looking back and ahead…
I want to be careful not to give too much away of tonight’s episode, because I don’t want to completely spoil it for you, but it can’t hurt to take a quick look back at the end of Season Two and a glimpse at tonight’s episode. There are spoilers for plot points for the season so if you don’t want to be spoiled, you should probably stop reading about now.

The last time we saw Michael Scofield he had been locked up in Sona, a Panamanian prison known to be one of the toughest prisons in existence. An inmate led riot forced the guards to flee to the perimeters and Sona has since been run by the prisoners inside, namely a man who goes by Lechero (Robert Wisdom, “The Wire”). It’s do or die…kill or be killed in one of the most vile places on Earth.

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What to Watch…Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to MY BOYS tonight. Who will PJ bring to Rome? Am I wrong to still hope that it’s Brendan? As for other TV, with the new shows starting next week many shows are rerunning their season finales as a refresher. I’ll keep you in the loop as we get prepared for next week. Exciting!!

What are you watching tonight?

My BoysMy Boys
“110 Perfect Solutions”
PJ’s date (Michael Landes) joins the gang’s poker festivities, but he ends up feeling completely neglected. Elsewhere, Andy decides to buy a boat, but there might be nasty ripple effects when he fails to inform his wife about the purchase.

“Rome, if You Want To”
In the season finale, PJ and Stephanie’s trip to Italy draws nearer, as a dateless PJ mulls over which man she’ll ask to join her—botanist Evan (Michael Landes), roving reporter Thorn (Jeremy Sisto) or baseball player Matt (Travis Schuldt).

Seat42F recently got a chance to talk to Kellee Stewart who plays P.J.’s best friend, Stephanie. Check out this great interview. 

MeeVee RecommendsGreek
“Black & White and Read All Over”
In the first-season finale, the sororities and fraternities are reeling after a shocking exposé of the Greek system is published in the school newspaper.
Rerun Central

Prison Break
“Fin del Camin”
In Panama, Michael, Bellick and Sucre team up (reluctantly and with different motives) in an attempt to nab T-Bag. Mahone is hot on their trail, and Linc is hot on Mahone’s. In Chicago, Sara goes on trial.

Michael races against the clock to rescue Linc and beat Mahone at his own game. Meanwhile, Sucre risks everything to save Maricruz; T-Bag and Bellick find themselves up a river in Panama; and in Chicago, Kellerman testifies in Sara’s trial.

How I Met Your Mother
“Something Borrowed”
Marshall and Lily’s wedding is plagued by problems, but Barney, of all people, saves the day

Nathan meets Linderman in person just before the election; Hiro goes for the sword again with dire consequences; Suresh makes a breakthrough on “the list”; another person with powers, Candice Wilmer (Missy Peregrym), shows up.

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