Sarah Luoma, Author at Give Me My Remote - Page 3 of 4 : Give Me My Remote


November 22, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Was Chloe great in this week’s Smallville or what?! Seeing Lois and Clark decide to date also marked this episode as one of my favorites. To bad it all stops here until January 23rd.

The writers did however deliver a cliffhanger for fans that have been waiting for Lois’ flash backs to finally be pieced together. The view into the future didn’t hold a happy ending for most of Smallville residents. Chloe and Tess both die. I almost felt bad for Tess when she explained that her only intentions were to safe the earth, and just how insensitive Chloe was about shooting an arrow right into her stomach was surprising. Who knew she would turn into this hard core warrior princess that was no longer friends with Clark or that she could mistrust him so much after all they have been through.

Oliver was still around in the future as well to save the day. Chloe and Oliver’s union to fight evil was interesting. The most symbolic moment was when Oliver was on the floor crying over Tess after Chloe shot her. Talk about the tables being turned. Oliver was right where Clark had once been with him. This brings me to the scene where we see Clark and Lois together in the heat of the moment.

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November 14, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Lois is finally onto Clark, or maybe not! But before I jump into the highlights of last night’s episode with the Wonder twins, entitled Idol, I have a bunch of news regarding Smallville you may not have heard yet!

First up, Geoff Johns, who I interviewed last year (Thanks to Kath!) has written a two episode Justice Society of American movie that will air on the CW on January 29th! The movie will center on Clark and feature the likes of superheroes Stargirl, Hawkman, and Dr. Fate!

Second, we finally heard a little bit on why are own super human hero Chloe hasn’t received much screen time this season. Executive producer Brian Peterson of the series has divulged to EW that Chloe’s storyline will be coming into focus in the second half of season 9. Although she is busy keeping Clark on track and running the watchtower, Ms. Sullivan is currently in the midst of creating what will be the “fledgling group that will eventually become the Justice League!”

And last, Tom Welling is moving forward with his new project. Welling, with producers Kevin Murphy and A.J. Marcantonio, is working on the movie adaption of Cheer: Inside the Secret World of College Cheerleaders.

Now on to the latest episode! Finally the light switches on and Lois is starting to question if she in fact knows the real Clark Kent. After turning to a shrink for help with her dreams, she begins to examine just how much she knows about Smallville. I have to say Lois does take her euphony regarding CK’s alter ego quite well. Instead of disappearing or interrogating him like a source for her latest piece, she accepts that he has a big decision and lets him move at his own pace. Not normally how we’ve seen Lois in the past.

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November 7, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

On last night’s episode of Smallville we finally got to meet Clark’s biological father Jor-El! Appearance wise he wasn’t what I expected, or Clark’s freak out on Tess, but the story was still great. Talk about quick though. Chloe meets Jor-El first while Clark ends up reuniting with his father in the last few minutes of the episode before he dies.

And while Clark spends most of his time trying to track down symbols in the desert with Oliver, Tess has her own agenda with the Krptonians. She is using Jor-El as bait to expose Clark’s real identity and surprisingly it works! Where the writers will go from here is going to be pretty interesting. Now that Tess knows, what exactly is she going to do with all this information? Will Lex be coming back? It’s definitely a change for Smallville fans.

For years one of the main plots of the show was watching Clark try to keep who he really is from the super villains, Lex and now Tess. Usually something miraculous happened and no one knew the wiser but now with Tess in the circle I’m sure things won’t stay on the hush hush for long.

With Tess and Zod pairing up (when it’s convenient), Tess’ knowledge of the Clark/Krptonians and Zod’s mission to get Clark, the whole show seems to be shifting gears. I have a feeling Oliver and Chloe (who will have to put things aside) will be stepping up to the plate and we’ll be seeing some of CK’s superhero counterparts paying a visit to Metropolis. By the way, did anyone hear about a possible spin-off of Smallville titled Metropolis? Could be just a rumor but I would still give it a try if it did come to the small screen.

And with all this going on Clark can’t even catch a break with Lois. After kissing her last week she ends up leaving town to deal with her intimacy issues. I have a feeling when she returns the writers will back track the Lois/Clark storyline a few steps, zeroing in on the Zod/Clark plot. Just another way to yank our chains! The suspense is killing me. I’m in such a rush to see how all these conflicts hash out especially since where running out of time!

Alright Smallville fans, tell me where you think we are going from here? Are you still watching or have you given up? Next week we’ll see Zan and Jayna help Clark with a little Metropolis crime!

Sarah is from Massachusetts and currently writes for several TV and music websites. She loves Smallville, Heroes, Everwood, and of course Californication.


November 3, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Smallville’s Crossfire episode was one of the best 60 minutes of the series this season. Not only did we finally get to see Lois and Clark kiss, and on purpose, we also witnessed Oliver finally picking up the pieces while Chloe met her match. And did Tess do one heck of a number on Zod or what? Onto the details of last night’s Crossfire.

Lois puts the heat on Clark, making him co-host for a morning Metroplis TV show. Clark of course does it in hopes of winning a second date with Lois after standing her up. These two have really come full circle. Lois is openly interested while Clark is actually putting himself out there.

Their blind date project for the morning show really brought feelings of jealousy to the surface for both of them. Especially Clark, who was ready to give up Lois Lane to the Green Arrow out of pity and what I’m sure, was cold feet. His attempt at staying away from humans and the civilized world sure did end fast, thankfully! The fact that Chloe doesn’t seem too fond of Clark’s interest in Lois is still obvious. Although she does tell him he needs to do what makes him happy at the end of the episode.

The good news is Chloe may have met her new partner in crime who is sure to keep her mind off of things. Tess’ IT assistant really throws Chloe for a loop while she attempts to crack all of the firewalls Tess has in place. Smallville’s villain is apparently establishing her own Area 51 while she and Zod play cat and mouse. In the end Tess wins after she demolishes his bodyguard sent to her to find out who the Blur is. Trouble for Clark is definetley brewing. With all if the Kandorains on the loose and Zod joining the ranks with Tess there is sure to be quite a blow out in the episodes to come.

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October 17, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

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I have to say I honestly didn’t enjoy last night’s episode of Smallville’s Echo all that much. I am not a fan of the Toyman and the supposed date between Clark and Lois ended quickly. I really thought the writers would give us a little more to go on but instead they pulled the plug before the night even began. Disappointing, but the mind reading throughout the episode was pretty funny along with her desire to go to the Monster Truck rally! Hearing Lois’ thoughts (about wearing the right underwear and Clark’s handsome stature) was interesting. She comes off so tough but really has a softer side this season.

Definitely a good way to ease fans into the Clark/Lois love storyline. Otherwise I don’t think they could have pulled it off with Lois’ normal pit bull attitude. They should make her a tad more suspicious though. Lois isn’t dumb but they make her completely blind to Clark’s super lightning speed arrivals and the fact that he seems to disappear all the time. Yes, she does question some of his actions but not enough in my opinion. Instead she’s reading him all wrong and misinterpreting his true feelings by thinking he is only out to get the scoop on a story before her. The opposite of the historical Lois Lane who is not only beautiful but brainy.

One of the highlights of Echo that redeemed itself for me was the Oliver/Tess twist. Tess actually showed a caring side before quickly snapping back into her evil self. Out to collect Oliver for an appearance in front of the shareholders, Tess rescues the drunken Green Arrow in a Spanish bar after he insults someone’s wife. The guy is really down on himself lately after the death of Jimmy. He’s also feeling pretty bad for himself when it comes to the death of his parents and who he has become. The Queen name and money is the only thing he has going for himself and after one of his companies is blown u by the Toyman he doesn’t even bat an eye. Instead he takes off in an effort to drink himself into a fog before Tess comes to his rescue. I have a feeling that Clark will be saving the Green Arrow a lot this season.

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October 10, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Is it me or is Smallville slightly more violent this season and loaded with graphic scenes? It’s strange I didn’t pick up on it until tonight when I saw Tess killing off zombies with a sword or Zod finishing off the doctor in the end of the episode. I’m not complaining or anything but the series has definitely matured and is darker than the season’s before. Lois’s daydreams even seem more risqué and vivid for Smallville! I guess this change is just proof that the characters have really left the innocent Clark Kent farm days behind.

Rabid was a great episode either way! The gang somewhat pulled it together to save the human race from the airborne virus floating through the atmosphere with Clark’s blood as an anecdote. Chloe and Dr. Hamilton seem to be the new team in Smallville as well as Lois and Clark. There was a lot of chemistry between the pair in this episode. I wasn’t really loving Erica Durance and Tom Welling on screen together in the beginning. When they would argue back and forth it seemed natural but when things began to heat up between them it just didn’t seem to click for me.

Now after a couple of seasons they seem to have a smoother interaction on screen with a believable scenario. The extra long gazes and Lois’ face when Clark picked her up tonight to bring her to safety after she was bitten by a crazy zombie really seemed to pop out and show their feelings for one another. Lois actually has a softer side and admits that she doesn’t want to be alone anymore now that she has shared so much with the Blur. And while where on the topic of confessions. The whole Oliver/Lois pining storyline I didn’t seem coming. It was surprising to hear Oliver confess his love to Lois. Luckily she was passed out on the floor becoming a full fledged zombie right in front of him while he continued to pop pills.

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September 26, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

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Hey GMMR SMALLVILLE fans! It feels good to be back. I loved summer but Fall TV is my favorite! Smallville has returned for what will be its last season and on a new night. Hopefully you loyal fans tuned in to last night’s premiere and what remains of the Super boy tales.

Overall I thought it was great start to a new season. There a few new faces added into the mix, the writers even gave Tess a new sidekick super villain played by Callum Blue. The actor will be playing General Zod this season. Brian Austin Green also made an appearance and is said to be returning for one more episode. The former 90210 star is portraying John Corbin, a Daily Planet reporter and closet cyborg out to kill Clark. I did like Lois and John together. There’s a bit of a spark there between the two. It was sad to see him sit in Clark’s chair at the planet though! I haven’t read anything about what the plans are for season 9. I don’t even know if Clark will be returning to the Daily Planet as a reporter or if he has officially checked out from all humanity. I’m going with the latter. But who really knows after last night’s episode. His lack of self control with Lois was evident and sweet. Not so much to Chloe’s liking though!

We also found out bit by bit where the rest of the Smallville resident’s have been since last season’s end. Lois has been missing for three weeks and didn’t even realize it until John Corbin told her. She had traveled to the future and didn’t return alone. The fight seen on the mono rail was pretty cool. While Oliver had his own as well in an underground fight club. He is still in despair over the events that happened weeks ago. Lois with her rough edges pretty much put him in check. Tess is still in the same place but with a slew of new visitors! Badly beat up, she’s already back to manipulating the soldiers with General Zod.

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SMALLVILLE Season Finale

May 15, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Once again please let me take a moment to thank another member of Team GMMR that has brought so much to the site this year.  Sarah first joined the team taking on weekly reviews of CALIFORNICATION. When she offered to take on one of her personal favorites, SMALLVILLE, I was so happy.  As I’ve said before, I’m thrilled when new people join the team that can cover shows not previously talked about here on the site.  So the Sarah and to all of the members of the GMMR community who contributed to her reviews, I say thanks!

– Kath/GMMR


Surprised anyone? I knew that we were in for a clever twist (per the Cassidy Freeman interview) but I didn’t guess we would witness the death of three characters on Smallville! The easy prediction was Davis Bloome but not Jimmy Olsen. He is such a key figure in the Superman storyline. Who would have thought the show runners would kill him off?!

Although it was sad to see him go they did send him off in style. Jimmy finally got the confirmation from Clark himself that he is in fact the red blue blur. He made amends with Chloe, finally gave her his wedding present and saved her life from Davis Bloome.

When it comes to Davis Bloome dying, well that was inevitable. We knew from the start that Doomsday wouldn’t last and neither could Davis but the death of Clark Kent as well? After shunning his kryptonian side for so long and embracing the human part of him, Clark has decided that putting the race up on a pedestal is where he went wrong. Initially I thought this was part of the twist minus Jimmy dying but I had it all wrong! On to the highlights of last night’s episode.

In the opening of this week’s episode Clark must make q choice for all of mankind. Told by Rokk that by saving Chloe he has also in turn saved Doomsday, Clark contemplates his destiny. Rokk explains that tomorrow is the day he dies. He decides with the help of Black Canary and Bart they can put Doomsday deep within the earth’s crust, splitting him into two. The plan doesn’t include Oliver since his confession of killing Lex.

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SMALLVILLE’s Cassidy Freeman Talks Tess

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Cassidy Freeman Interview

by Sarah

What’s up GMMRers? I had the honor of interviewing Cassidy Freeman, aka bad ass Tess Mercer. And I have to say she’s pretty bad ass herself! She was not only a pleasure to talk to but nice, genuine, and down to earth. At one point I forgot I was doing an interview and found myself talking about her brother, Clark, also an actor, and her supportive parents.

We also discussed her first time on set with Erica Durance, Lois Lane, in a French made costume! A little nervous (who wouldn’t be) Cassidy says after 20 minutes she was fine.

She enjoys working with a terrific crew that feels like family. She also explained that the best actors are those that can make a fool out of themselves. “Everyone messes up once and a while and you have to be able to laugh it off.”

Truly the opposite of her alter ego, Cassidy’s infectious laugh and carefree spirit only makes you appreciate her skills and talent as an actress even more. Check out the interview where Cassidy fills me in on her role as Tess and the Smallville season 8 finale as much as she can!

Coming on as Lex Luthor’s replacement is a difficult task that I think you did quite seamlessly. Going into this what was your mindset and goals?

First I want to say that I really appreciate you saying that. That’s awesome. And two my goal was to pay really great homage to this character. No one knows if Lex Luthor is going to show up again. I know it was kind of a blow to the series to have him gone and so I wanted to come in and really support that for him and not pretend that Lex is out and Tess is in. So I wanted to do that because Lex is a great character and Michael Rosenbaum is a great actor. And I wanted to make Tess her own because I think it’s important to be her, not necessarily as a replacement, but as someone who comes from the same place but is a different character but that has the same journey. So I hope that was done well.

What would you say are the differences between Lex and Tess?

I think they are really different. Lex has this destiny and he also has this very story driven life And he has this father that has this big influence on him and he has a lot of baggage as a child. I don’t think he was bad to begin with I think life kind of made him that way. Where Tess has also came from a rough background. But it was a very different one and is wasn’t quite as epic and has big and grandiose but she sort of found herself in that world and was wowed by it and then it betrayed her, Lex betrayed her. She realized that the only person she could count on was herself. I think she is starting to use that power but in a different way. I think Lex sort of always felt powerless even though he had everything at his fingertips, and he felt like that one thing he wanted he could never have. And I think Tess is willing to throw caution to the wind to get it

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May 1, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Hey GMMR! What a turn of events! Chloe is displaying the ultimate show of friendship and love for Clark when she leaves Smallville on a road trip with Davis Bloom. Oliver is making Clark question his Superhero code of honor and Jimmy might just make it through his battle with pain killers. Where’s Lois in all this mess? No idea but last nights ep definitely showcased a good mix of emotion, drama and action.

Chloe is still trying to keep Davis in the cellar of the Talon so that he doesn’t kill anyone. Nightmares and fear seem to be taking a toll on her. At first I was seriously questioning her sanity? Is she harboring a serial killer because she’s in love or is she honestly trying to save the world? The next day Clark comes to the Talon with a newspaper that has Davis on the front page. Tess wants the world to know that he’s a serial killer. Clark begins to tell Chloe that Davis must be alive and in Chloe style she explains to Clark that the only thing alive is his fear. Davis is definitely dead and he has nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile Jimmy interrupts Oliver during a business meeting to score some cash for his next drug fix. He has apparently lost his job and has no money. The only thing that Oliver is offering is friendship and that’s not really Jimmy wants. At the same time Chloe is trying to find a cure for Davis’ situation with the help of a Doctor. After leaving her meeting she discovers Davis outside.

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April 24, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

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[Note from GMMR: Hey Smallville fans – Poor Sarah had TV issues last night and had to watch most of the episode without sound. And being the dedicated soul that she is, she still managed to write up a review – even if it took a little lip reading to do it. A round of applause for Sarah!]


Hey GMMR! After yet another brief hiatus we finally got to see Smallville back on the small screen last night. The episode, titled Stiletto, showcased the pushy and persistent Lois Lane as Metropolis’ new superhero. I do have to say though before I get into last night’s action that I spent most of the time trying to read lips! Something was going on with my connection and I wasn’t getting any sound. So forgive me if I get something wrong! Onto the highlights.

The episode opened with Lois getting denied at a social event. After several attempts to get in the door the lady just can’t find her on the list. Soon after Chloe shows up and Lois decides to give up. Walking back the car Chloe ends up falling victim to a mugger. Dressed up in a black evening dress and stilettos Lois saves the day and comes up with a story that will kick her career into high gear.

After the incident Chloe ends up at the hospital where she runs into Clark and asks for his help getting her laptop back. The computer was in her car that was stolen by one f the criminals running off to avoid the wrath of Lois. Meanwhile Lois has left her there to chase after a big wig at the Daily Planet to show off her story. Without photos of Stiletto though she’s not making headlines.

At this point there is a good amount of action but not enough Lois and Clark. The chemistry just isn’t entertaining enough. When they finally do meet up at the Daily Planet and argue about Clark trying to find Stiletto they come off flat and mundane.

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April 3, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Hey GMMR! Its Sarah back with a Smallville recap, and there’s a lot to go over! The episode, titled Eternal, was full of twists and turns and a visit back to the day Clark came to Earth. The flashbacks of the first episode of Smallville were great. Oh how I miss Jonathan and Martha. What I didn’t suspect was that there was another boy on that very same day, Davis Bloom, who is immortal and wreaks the benefits of the meteor rocks by growing stronger. And the only thing that seems to control his killer instincts is Chloe. Another nail in her coffin?! Not that I want to see her go by any means but it is after all part of the big picture, including our missing Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane Why is she always missing? So before I start complaining lets get down to business. By the way my TV went into freeze mode and I missed the first 5-10 minutes so if someone could fill me in that would be great!

With Jimmy gone Chloe seems to be reaching for a little human contact and that appears to be with Davis and Clark isn’t digging that! Chloe’s heart is causing her to ignore all the urgent signs that she’s spending time with a serial killer, not the Brainiac that where used to. Since Jimmy has pushed her away she’s not really herself. But sure enough during dinner together the slip of a knife that should have cut Davis resurrects the old Chloe. Along with Clark’s presence. After Davis takes off Clark enlightens Chloe on Davis’ missing childhood records and the fact that he’s always s the first on the gruesome murder scene. Their talk is interrupted by Chloe’s discovery that Davis’ car has been burnt to a crisp in the same field that Clark appeared in episode 1.

Apparently Davis has been burying the bodies of his prey in the cornfield while Tees has been researching his history. She shows up right as he’s about to leave. After blowing up his car she brings his injured body back to the Luthor mansion, where we find out he has stayed once before. A book that Tess has managed to retrieve from the Luthor’s gives us his entire story.

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March 27, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Chloe’s back! How good did the end of tonight’s Smallville episode feel when everything clicked back into place! This season has been great but there was still a few things missing, for me anyways. Now with Chloe back to her old computer whiz tricks and Lois and Clark back on the road to lover’s lane things are starting to heat up! And it’s all thanks to Zatanna and her magic tricks. It seems her visit to Metropolis to collect a family heirloom has left the Smallville gang with some clarity. Love stories are my favorite but when most of the characters are sitting comfortable in their relationship and there is no solo drama I get bored. Yes, Lois and Clark aren’t an official couple but they seem to be stuck in this back and forth rut and this series needs some action, besides the flying and heat vision.

Lets face it they needed something to wake them up especially when they all decide to ditch a newly single Chloe on her birthday. With Clark on a mission, Lois on her way to Mexico and Oliver running for the door, Chloe is definitely thinking the grass is greener on the other side. She wants what Lois has; a press pass and a life in the fast lane as a Daily Planet reporter. Now with Jimmy gone she feels like a failure and unknowingly is granted a wish by the sexy, fishnet wearing Zatanna. The next day when she wakes up she’s Lois. After checking in with the real Lois, Chloe decides to go to the Daily Planet where she researches Zatanna. Clark is there and has no idea that his sidekick is actually Chloe. The two discuss Chloe and Jimmy’s break-up.

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SMALLVILLE: Turbulence

March 22, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Was Smallville just like last week – a little mediocre? It pains me to say this but this ep was lackluster. I’ve been dying to see how Clark experiments with his identity but there seems to be some kind of delay. Instead this past episode was all Tess time with a whole lot of Jimmy and Chloe drama and an absent Lois Lane.

The episode titled Turbulence kicked off with Davis Bloom in confessional. Apparently Doomsday has been limiting his violent and deadly outbursts for those he feels deserves it, the street scum of Metropolis. During his confession he reveals that killing the bad guys is a way for him to feel human.

Meanwhile Clark has been busy showing off his less than human side with a little red-blue blur action around the city. Slowing down for traffic cams and making record saves, Clark has been practicing his lightening speed switch from office attire to his normal wear. Chloe doesn’t think this is a good idea with the chance that Clark could expose his true identity. Clark just wants Chloe to focus on Jimmy. And that she should. Jimmy is getting a little crazy with the morphine since he’s been stuck in a hospital bed. He’s also on edge with the thought that the beast could return. Chloe reassures him that the red eyed killer is most likely long gone.

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March 14, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

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Hey GMMRers it’s been awhile but finally after a few weeks on hiatus Smallville has returned along with some juicy news as well! While on a long break word around the web is that two of our show’s stars will be killed off by the end of the season. So I thought today I would hit the highlights of last night’s episode and see who you guys are putting your money on? Now on to the latest happenings on Smallville with a guest appearance by the devious Linda Lake played by Tori Spelling.

The episode entitled Infamous brought Clark to the realization that the world isn’t quit ready to find out who the red-blue blur is after all. Forced into exposing himself by Linda Lake, Clark’s whole world becomes affected by the announcement as well as the lives of Chloe, Jimmy and Lois. The H2O queen shows up right after Lois arrives back to Metropolis. Lake wants Clark to give him the inside scoop on all the city’s happenings and if he doesn’t she’ll publish the truth behind Clark Kent. Beating her to the punch Clark decides to reveal his true identity to the world and gives the exclusive story to Lois to publish! After Lois laughs at Clark he tells her all about his true identity after lifting up a desk then catching her in his arms. The storyline was definitely an unexpected surprise.

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