Sarah Luoma, Author at Give Me My Remote - Page 4 of 4 : Give Me My Remote


February 9, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

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Hey GMMRers! It’s that time again for another recap of our beloved Smallville. Before I plunge into the highlights – the CW has announced a change in their schedule. Smallville will be taking a break and after the episode this past Thursday they won’t be returning until March 5th. Yes another hiatus. So off to this week’s highlights of Smallville’s episode titled Requiem. This week’s storyline featured DC comic’s villain, the Toyman, played by Chris Gauthier. This is also Kristen Kreuk’s last appearance on Smallville.

In this week’s episode the Luthor Corp board all die after Lex recruits the Toyman to do his bidding. Unfortunately for Lex, Tess is on a trip and Oliver manages to walk away. Cutting their bed breaking sessions short Clark and Lana fly in to investigate who’s behind the explosion after Chloe gives them the news.

During their look around what’s left of the boardroom at Luthor Corp Lana learns that she has the capability to absorb Kryptonite. They also discover a chip that belongs to Queen Industries. Oliver is up to something and Clark and Lana plan to uncover what he’s hiding.

Meanwhile The Toyman is plotting another revenge scheme that involves blowing up the Daily Planet now that he has failed to kill his two targets. Oliver has previous interactions with the Toyman who is really Oliver’s former employee that loves to put bombs in toys. Oliver asks Chloe to do some investigating of her own without Clark’s knowledge. Oliver wants to finish off Lex without Clark getting in the way.

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February 2, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Hey GMMRers! Sarah here back with your weekly rundown on Smallville’s latest ep called “Power”. What a great episode! Come on all of you Smallville fans was this week’s episode not the best 60 minutes of the season so far?! I thought so and for several reasons. We got to see Lana Lang become a full fledged ass kicking superhero, her whereabouts last year and the rooftop kiss between her and Clark.

What didn’t have me thrilled was the bittersweet ending of this all. Yes Lana has definitely pulled a 180 since her earlier days on the show. Instead of the meek and naïve girl who fell for Clark she’s now well aware of the real world and Clark’s destiny so much that she knows she must walk away – even if her and Clark are now officially on he same wavelength. Years ago I was pretty cool with that because I wanted to see Clark and Louis together but now I can’t help but feel a glimmer of sadness. The whole storyline just makes me realize how close we are to the end of the Superboy saga, even closer if Tom Welling doesn’t sign up for season 9. Onto to the highlights of Power that by the way was Allison Mack’s directorial debut!

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SMALLVILLE: Bulletproof (Yes, I Said Smallville)

January 26, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Did you know that Sarah’s favorite show is SMALLVILLE?  Well it is, and because of this we are happy to have her now covering SMALLVILLE for GMMR.  I know this isn’t a show we have talked much about around here because I wasn’t watching it.  But if you are a SMALLVILLE fan please stand up and be counted.  Leave a comment and let us know that you are watching!!


Hey GMMR! It’s Sarah and I’m back to recap the latest Smallville episode Bulletproof.

This week’s episode we saw Clark pose as an officer, alias Joe Foreman, in an effort to uncover who exactly on the inside at Metropolis’ 44th precinct shot Detective John Jones, aka Martian Man hunter. After giving up his own powers for Clark early on in the series John makes due with being a normal human and fighting crime the old fashion way.

The episode opens with Jones putting down a suspect wanted for 3 charges of attempted murder. After calling in back up to take the criminal away Jones looks like he might be calling it a night until he’s shot down by an unseen gunman. After hitting the ground we catch a glimpse of the gunman figure, of course not the face, and his Metropolis police badge. He doesn’t know it yet but it looks like Clark will be working double time between figuring out who shot Jones and tracking down the monster who took Chloe.

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Exclusive Interview with DC Comic and SMALLVILLE Scribe Geoff Johns

January 15, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Hey GMMR readers! Sarah here and I wanted to share with you my recent interview with DC comic book writer, Geoff Johns! Geoff, who has been in the biz for years and is quite a superhero himself, penned the script for the Legion episode that will air tonight on Smallville.

He was nothing but nice, and a very down to earth guy! Where he finds the time to work on all of these projects I’ll never know. And because there isn’t enough hours in the day to list all of Geoff’s work you can check them out at Don’t forget the Legion hits the small screen tonight on the CW at 8pm!

How did you end writing the Legion script for Smallville?
Geoff Johns:
I work in comic books most primarily and I worked with Jeff Loeb who was a writer on the show a couple of years back. One day I was talking to him about an idea I had for a Legion episode for Smallville and I thought it would be really cool, why don’t they do it (this was earlier last year) and he said that’s a really good idea. Then he mentioned it to the producers at Smallville who I had already known. They were interested in hearing the idea and they wanted to know more about it, they wanted me to write something for them. So I had lunch with Todd, Darren, Kelly and Brian and we discussed what the Legion would mean to Clark and what it would mean to Clark in Smallville terms. What kind of episode you would get out of it and they really seemed to respond to it. Next thing you know I was in the writer’s room and we were breaking the story.

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