Sarah Curtis, Author at Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

TED LASSO Season Finale Review: ‘The Hope that Kills You’

October 2, 2020 by  
Filed under Ted Lasso

TED LASSO Season Finale Review: 'The Hope that Kills You'

Credit: Apple TV+

Hello, TED LASSO fans!

It’s been a pleasure to write about this show over the past few episodes (especially knowing there will be a season 2). Last week I mentioned how season finales are often used to set up plots or conflicts for the next season, and the writers did a nice job of that here with the finale, “The Hope that Kills You.”

I really liked that title and how it was applied to several characters. Last week’s episode was about taking a look in the mirror and being true to reality: Rebecca came clean with Ted and Higgins, Roy accepted his position on the bench squad, and Ted acknowledged that wanting to win (and save the team from relegation) isn’t the worst thing in the world. How did it end up? Well, read on! Read more

TED LASSO Review: ‘All Apologies’

September 25, 2020 by  
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TED LASSO Review: 'All Apologies'

Jason Sudeikis and Brett Goldstein in “Ted Lasso,” now streaming on Apple TV+.​ (Credit: Apple TV+)

Hello, TED LASSO fans!

Those of us who love and watch serial TV shows know that the penultimate episode is often the one to wrap up many storylines of any given season. It’s meant to allow a season finale to set up the next season or series with good cliffhangers or open questions.

This episode, “All Apologies,” was no different, and the writers took the time to deftly bring several storylines forward and to close with enough room to continue growing toward next season. Rupert drives Rebecca to a breaking point in her inner conflict of personal morals against desire for revenge. Roy starts coming to terms with an end to his starting spot on the team, and Ted learns that as much as he wants to focus on building character in his players, it’s important to respect the investment they & the coaches have made and focus on winning.

Bonus—any episode that name-drops Willie Nelson, praises Alfonso Ribeiro/The Carlton and disses the Westboro Baptist Church is a hit in my book.

Let’s talk it over! Read more

TED LASSO Review: ‘Diamond Dogs’

September 18, 2020 by  
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TED LASSO Review: 'Diamond Dogs'

Anthony Head and Jason Sudeikis in “Ted Lasso,” now streaming on Apple TV+.​

Hello, TED LASSO fans!

Do you think I could make an appointment with the Diamond Dogs to go over my personal life? I mean this sincerely…round these guys up for advice-giving & confidence boosting! I’m in!

As an English major, I’m also loving all of the literary references thrown in. From “A Wrinkle in Time” to Walt Whitman in this episode, the show continues to assume intelligence from the audience in that way. So, congrats to those of us in the cross section of lit majors who stan British accents, fans of comedy, and lovers of great character development!

The theme of this episode is that to win in life, you must be true to yourself and be willing to take a chance, whether in romance, friendship, or work. It moved storylines forward for many characters, and I felt personally inspired along the way. Can’t ask for much more in a 30-minute episode. Read more

TED LASSO: Cristo Fernández on the Joys of Playing Dani Rojas

September 17, 2020 by  
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TED LASSO Cristo Fernández

Cristo Fernandez in “Ted Lasso,” now streaming on Apple TV+.​ (Credit: Apple TV+)

When a character, like TED LASSO’S Dani Rojas, is a pleasure to watch, there’s always a hope that the actor portraying them is just as interesting. I’m happy to report that Cristo Fernández is even more thoughtful and joyous than his character. It was a pleasure to sit down with him and talk through how Dani Rojas is a good stereotype, how his sports and acting past have come together for the role, and what he’d like to see for Dani in season 2. And he also shares some encouragement & advice for young people whose acting or sports programs have been delayed.

Read on! Read more

TED LASSO Review: ‘Make Rebecca Great Again’

September 11, 2020 by  
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TED LASSO Review: 'Make Rebecca Great Again'

Jason Sudeikis in “Ted Lasso,” now streaming on Apple TV+.​ (Credit: Apple TV+)

Hello, TED LASSO fans! In my season 1 quick overview, I mentioned this show has a lot of heart and that each character has room to grow. This episode, “Make Rebecca Great Again,” was no exception. As characters made moves and came to realizations, the show took care to make sure no one is all bad or all good. Like most of us, the characters make decisions either out of pain or peace, and there are always consequences either way. And, oh yeah, there was some football. Read more

TED LASSO: What to Know (and Why) to Watch

September 10, 2020 by  
Filed under Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso review

Jason Sudeikis in “Ted Lasso,” now streaming on Apple TV+.​ (Credit: Apple TV+)

Hello all! It’s been a few years since I stretched my recapping muscles for GMMR, and I’ve missed it! For me, writing about TV is all about being inspired by a show and enjoying the discourse among fans.

Imagine my surprise when the writing & analysis muse hit full force while watching the Jason Sudeikis-led TED LASSO on Apple TV+ this summer. I think the show is worth talking about! In addition to episode recaps, I wanted to provide a quick primer for anyone considering an season 1 binge to catch up. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Resurrection in the Remains’

October 29, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones, TV News

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Hello BONES (and possibly SLEEPY HOLLOW) fans! This episode, “The Resurrection in the Remains,” was part of a two-part crossover special with SLEEPY HOLLOW, and we saw Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) and Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) guest star. There were tricks and treats to be had in the Halloween-themed ep, so let’s get to discussing! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Carpal in the Coy-Wolves’

October 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

“When things get boring, that’s when you start killing characters.” HAHAHAHA, BONES! Can a show troll itself? Yes it can! Either way, I loved that line from guest star Betty White (as Dr. Beth Mayer) in this week’s episode, “The Carpal in the Coy-Wolves.” What did you think of this episode? There is a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Brother in the Basement’

October 8, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hello, BONES fans! It’s time to discuss this week’s episode, “The Brother in the Basement.” It’s a continuation of last week’s season premiere, and there’s a lot to discuss, so let’s begin!

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BONES Season 11 Premiere Recap: ‘The Loyalty in the Lie’

October 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones, TV News

Credit:  Patrick McElhenney/FOX

Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

Hello BONES fans! Season 11 is finally here, and it started off with a doozy. With a title such as “The Loyalty in the Lie,” how could it not? But who is being loyal—and who is lying (and to whom?). Some questions are answered, and some remain, but there is enough to discuss, so let’s get to it! Read more

BONES: Emily Deschanel on Kim Raver’s Character and Defending Booth

October 1, 2015 by  
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Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

As reported earlier in August, Kim Raver is part of a 2-episode arc on BONES this year—and the arc happens to be the first two episodes of the year. The show is treating the two episodes as a two-part premiere. The first episode airs tonight on Fox at 8 PM and the second next Thursday night.

There are other teaser posts about the premiere, and after the episode, we’ll have a post-mortem with co-showrunner Michael Peterson and my episode recap, so I won’t say too much more here, except to say that I really loved Raver’s turn as Agent Grace Miller.

Her character does butt heads with several other characters we know and love, but that is what I enjoyed about it. I think BONES does a great job integrating new characters (Aubrey being a good example), but for the most part, the new characters quickly come into alignment with the existing themes/characterizations that exist in the BONES-universe. Agent Miller challenges the audience’s perspective of Booth.

On paper, it’s true—he is a bit of a mess, he has suffered tremendous trauma, he can be dangerous, and he presents a risk. But for those characters who know him (and us in the audience), Booth’s track record doesn’t speak to his entire character. I came away from the first two episodes liking the idea that the real Booth is somewhere in the middle—not the guy in an FBI dossier against him, but also not as perfect or pure as some of the characters (and again us in the audience) make him out to be either.

On a recent conference call, I asked BONES star Emily Deschanel (Brennan) what it was like to work with Raver and what it was like to interact with a character who didn’t know Booth quite so well… Read more

ROSEWOOD: Morris Chestnut and Todd Harthan Discuss the New Fox Medical Series

September 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Rosewood

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Credit: Justin Stephens/FOX.

Credit: Justin Stephens/FOX.

It’s time once again for new TV shows to gain your loyal viewership, and if you enjoy the bright lights and hot storylines of Miami, ROSEWOOD (starring Morris Chestnut) might just be for you!

The show follows private pathologist Dr. Beaumont Rosewood Jr. (Chestnut) as he helps the Miami police solve crimes. Sometimes they come to “Rosie’s” lab first, and other times he inserts himself into official police cases. He pairs up with Detective Villa (played by Jaina Lee Ortiz) to solve the cases. But they both have secrets and motivations lurking underneath their professional profiles.

Recently, Chestnut joined showrunner Todd Harthan to answer some questions for the press. Read on to find out why you should watch, why Rosewood professionally pursues Villa, what they think of sharing a night with EMPIRE…and who has the best wardrobe — Morris or Rosewood. Read more

BONES Season 10 Finale Recap: ‘The Next in the Last’

June 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Hey BONES fans! Here we are at the end of season 10! What did you think of this episode, “The Next in the Last” (also sometimes referred to as “The End in the End”)? I would have previously said I didn’t have some internal list of wants/needs for a BONES finale, but now that I’ve seen what COULD have been the series finale, I realize I had/have some expectations. This episode was an exercise in relief and frustration for me; moments I disliked had more weight as I thought “THIS IS HOW THEY WERE GOING TO END THE SERIES?!” but ultimately brought relief because there is another season. (Yay!) What I *did* like was tinged with frustration because what would have been terrific endings now seem hard to top…and so on!

Have you seen the older Adam Sandler movie, BIG DADDY? In it, a surprise party is planned for someone but the wrong people show up first and get the “SURPRISE” yell. The guest of honor shows up a bit later and the reaction is subdued, and the party planner yells to Sandler’s character, “WE WASTED THE GOOD SURPRISE ON YOU!” I loved so many moments in this episode (like the Booth/Caroline scenes), and in last week’s episode (like Brennan and Angela’s conversation) that I couldn’t help feeling, if somehow all of these characters are around next season again, that WE WASTED THE GOOD GOODBYES ON YOU! about these episodes, haha. But of course, if the show HAD ended for good and not done any of this stuff, I would have led the parade to set the internet on fire or whatever. So yes, haha, conflicting emotions.  More on this later. For now, let’s discuss the case.

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BONES Recap: ‘The Life in the Light’

June 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Hello, BONES fans! What did you think of this episode, “The Life in the Light”? Historically, the show has had really great penultimate episodes, and I think this one is no different. Read on to discuss the case, the Hodgins and Angela storylines, and why I feel that the gambling storyline, while exquisitely performed, has a few flaws in its resolution. Let’s do this thing! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Woman in the Whirlpool’

May 28, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones, TV News

Hello BONES fans! We’re in the final stretch of season 10, and this episode, “The Woman in the Whirlpool,” did a nice job moving several storylines forward. I liked so much of this (writer and producer) Kathy Reichs and Kerry Reichs-written episode; it had great dialogue, a sensitive & meaningful case, and good moments between characters. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it! Read more

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