BIG BROTHER Spoilers - Feed Alert - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025

BIG BROTHER Spoilers – Feed Alert

Big Brother 9 spoilers

If you think watching BIG BROTHER on CBS three nights a week gives you a good glimpse into the BIG BROTHER 9 house you’re wrong. If you really want to know what’s going on in the house then you have to get the 24/7 live feeds.

I’m not watching the 24/7 feeds this season, but GMMR reader Kilwiggle has kindly taken on the task this season of providing spoilers from inside the Big Brother house. Kilwiggle is going to be watching the live feeds and sharing some spoilers to let us know what goes on when we aren’t watching…but the cameras are.

The latest BIG BROTHER 9 SPOILERS will be at the top of this page so check back often for new updates.

WARNING! This information contains spoilers…duh.





















If you have access to the live feeds and want to help Kilwiggle and provide GMMR with some scoop, then email me at info(at)givememyremote(dot)com.