Desperate Housewives Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


September 29, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Desperate Housewives, Posts by Tricia

Hey everyone! Sorry this review is so late; I’ve had a nasty stomach bug for the last few days. No worries though; I feely almost completely better and I’m here to talk about Sunday’s episode of Desperate Housewives. Before I do, though, let me say that I hope you all had a fantastic summer. I […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Season Finale: Everbody Says Don’t

A round of applause for Tricia who has so kindly taken on the task of reviewing DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES every week for us.  I am so thankful for her contributions and I’m happy that she’ll be covering the show for us next year too.  And thanks to all of you that were part of the DH […]


Tonight was the penultimate episode of Desperate Housewives fifth season. Usually most of a penultimate episode would be spent building up to the finale, but tonight felt like a regular episode. I’m not saying this is a bad thing; it’s just surprising. Gabby was confronted with a former friend who is now homeless. It turns […]


One of the best things about Desperate Housewives is that it’s able to seamlessly balance ordinary, everyday stories with melodramatic, over-the- top ones. Tonight, Gabby was trying to show Juanita that beauty is on the inside, not the out, while, at the same time, Susan is dangerously close to being ensnared by Dave. After being […]


After saying goodbye to Edie last week, Desperate Housewives was back tonight to deal with the aftermath of her death. Everyone’s pretty shaken up, but no one more so than Dave. After nearly strangling Edie to death and then causing her to hit a pole while she fled in terror Dave is understandably feeling a […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: Look Into Their Eyes and You Will See What They Know

Hey everyone! Desperate Housewives was back tonight with a tribute episode to Edie, who, after several brushes with death, finally bit the dust. Each of the housewives took time to reminiscence about some of their more positive experiences with Edie throughout the years. Each scenario had a common theme; Edie using her unique personality to […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: A Spark To Pierce the Dark

Hi guys! It’s Tricia here to recap what appears to be Edie’s swan song on Desperate Housewives. Although, I have to say, that woman has as many lives as a cat. First she escaped being strangled by Dave, only to jump in the car and swerve into a pole. No worries though; she was able […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: The Story of Lucy and Jessie

Hey Everyone! So tonight was the big “ I kissed a girl” episode of Desperate Housewives and I have to say, I’m impressed with the way it was handled. After hearing that Susan was going to share a kiss with a woman and then seeing the previews I was afraid this was going to be […]


Hey everyone! I hope you’ve had a great couple of weeks. Desperate Housewives is back this week after a short winter break and some major developments are getting set into motion. Katherine and Susan are trying to remain friends even though Katherine has just moved in with Mike. All goes well until Susan spots a […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: In a World Where the Kings Are Employers

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Desperate Housewives was new again last night and it looks like we’re setting up for a major confrontation between Dave and Mike. Not much else happened in this episode though. I liked but thought it was uneventful overall. Susan is angry at how much time […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: Mama Spent Money When She Had None

Desperate Housewives is back this week and the ladies have money on the brain. Carlos has managed to pay off the credit card debt that he and Gabby have rung up over the years and to celebrate he wants to take Gabby out to a fancy dinner. She wants to wear the red dress she […]

Desperate Housewives: The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened

Let me just start with this: I think that this might have been the best Desperate Housewives episode ever. Really. The writing was fantastic and it the perfect 100th episode. Can you believe that it’s been 100 episodes? It feels like just yesterday that I was watching the premiere and loving it. The concept of […]


Tonight’s Desperate Housewives was all new and full of ungrateful and disrespecting children. Or at least it seemed that way to me. We also saw the conclusion of the Porter storyline, some out of character moments, and Edie and Dave reconciling. All this is leading up to next week’s one-hundredth episode. Carlos has gone back […]


Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday and New Year’s. And what better way is there to usher in 2009 than the return of all our favorite shows? So without further ado, here’s the first Desperate Housewives review of 2009. This episode was full of major plot developments. Chief among them was […]

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Recap: A Vision’s Just a Vision

December 8, 2008 by  
Filed under Desperate Housewives

Tonight’s episode is the last episode of 2008, and it was a great one; there were some laughs and a big reveal. Katherine and Mike’s relationship is starting to take off and Katherine wants to spend more time with MJ. MJ, however, has something else in mind: he wants his parents to get back together. […]
