Heroes Recaps Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025

HEROES Recap: Dying of the Light

October 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

I keep singing the title of this episode to the tune of Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light”. I am glad to be singing because I certainly thought this episode elevated this season. Parkman & Daphne finally met in the airport, with Parkman’s tortoise in tow. Do you think that this love connection is going […]

HEREOS: Angels and Monsters

October 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

After a week of technical difficulties, I’m back and ready to talk Heroes. Right off the bat I must say it – I am not loving this season. In fact, it was almost hard to get through the whole episode last night. I don’t know if I’m expecting more from the show but this episode […]

HEROES Recap: One of Us, One of Them

September 30, 2008 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

It’s Randi, back again to dish some Heroes. This week was more focused than the premiere and focused on some core players with a side of Tracy Strauss. It opened on Angela Petrelli and Sylar exactly where we left them and Angela came bearing gifts for her baby boy. I knew that Mrs. Petrelli had […]

HEROES Recap: “The Second Coming” of “The Butterfly Effect”

September 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, TV News

HEROES is back! I know for some of our GMMR readers this is the one show they’ve been waiting a long, long time to have back in their homes. It’s an exciting time for our Heroes and our Villains. And it’s exciting time for GMMR as we welcome Randi, our new HEROES resident expert, Randi. […]

HEROES Redux: Truth & Consequences

November 27, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, Heroes Spoilers

Warning! This post contains spoilers for last night’s episode of HEROES. The comments may contain speculation based on spoilers for next week’s winter finale. Read at your own risk. Was it just me or did last night’s episode of HEROES feel slow? I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it, because I did, but it seemed […]

So Say We All: How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Journeyman

November 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, How I Met Your Mother

It’s been a while since we’ve had a ‘so say we all’. Why? Because I’m a very inconsistent blogger who starts these little things and then forgets all about them. Well, there was a lot of TV happening last night, and rather than rant about all of it, here’s my two cents on what I […]

HEROES: Losing My Patience

October 23, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

I didn’t know how strongly I felt about last night’s HEROES until I put my fingers to the keyboard.  Forgive my babbling, but when I’m fired up, I’m fired up. So last night was the long anticipated debut of Kristen Bell as Elle on HEROES. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel Veronica […]


October 9, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Not quite sure what’s going on with HEROES this season. I found last night’s episode to be uneven at best and laugh out loud funny at other times (and that would be me laughing at the show, not with them). What is going on?  I mean, really? To start with the good – I am […]

HEROES Recap: Landslide

May 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Now that I’ve caught up on HEROES and became a huge fan of the show, I hate when I miss an episode. But that’s just what happened last night, and as a result I can’t read Julie sure-to-be-fantastic recap.  I need to get caught up on some MAJOR television viewing tomorrow night.  But feel free […]

HEROES Recap: The Hard Way

May 8, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Title: “The Hard Way” Original Air Date: 5/7/2007 GMMR Recapper: Julie  After a couple interesting, twisty-turny episodes, we get a pretty uneventful one, that feels like it’s just gearing up for the season finale. Just two more eps to go, people! Back from the future, comic book in hand, Hiro and Ando head to Isaac’s, […]

HEROES Recap: String Theory

May 1, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Title: “String Theory” (according to my Tivo) or “Five Years Gone” (according to the credits) Original Air Date: 4/30/2007 GMMR Recapper: Julie (TV and Sympathy) “What if they can’t stop the bomb? What if New York is destroyed? What if they can’t save the world?” That’s what this episode intends to explore. Let’s hope it’s […]

Heroes Recap: .07%

April 24, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Heroes – “.07%” Original Air Date: 4/23/2007 GMMR Recapper: Julie Linderman gets a voiceover as we get a recap of where we last left our heroes. I’ll be honest, I never pay attention to these opening and closing voiceovers. They’re pretty interchangeable, as far as I’m concerned. Mr. Bennett, jailed at Primatech Paper, has a […]

Heroes at the Paley Festival…Kinda

March 13, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Let me first start off by saying, that I wasn’t lucky enough to attend the Heroes panel at the Paley Festival. Heroes was one of the first events to sell out, I sadly wasn’t able to snag any tickets, but that didn’t stop me from seeing the cast up close. While the rest of the […]

Heroes Recap: Unexpected

February 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

Title: “Chapter 16: Unexpected” Original Airdate: February 19, 2007 GMMR Recapper: Jo Somewhere in the Nevada desert, Radioactive Ted gets an IM from “Wireless”. Except there’s no wifi for miles. Wireless, really named Hana, stands behind him and she knows what happened to them by HRG and Primatech. She wants to team up with Ted […]

Heroes Recap: Run!

February 13, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps

While our regular Heroes recapper, Julie, is out traveling the globe (she’s so fancy), our Battlestar Galactica recapper Jo has stepped up to be our hero and provide this week’s recap. Thanks so much Jo!! Remember…comments are currency. Title: “Chapter 15: Run!” Original Airdate: February 12, 2007 GMMR Recapper: Jo Nathan talks to the previously […]
