Heroes Recap: “The Fix”
January 30, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
Title: “The Fix” Original Air Date: 1/29/07 GMMR Recapper: Julie Peter follows Mr. Invisible, who pushes him up against a light pole. How can Peter see him? Well, he’s got powers. “Fantastic. One of those.” Hee. Fantastic! Mr. Invisible claims he’s no one. Now’s not he time to be getting all Emily Dickinson on us, […]
Heroes Recap:”Godsend”
January 23, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, TV News
Title: “Godsend” Original Air Date: 1/22/2007 Two weeks later, Peter is still dreaming of his exploding self in a Manhattan hospital, his family around. Niki’s in prison. From the way the guards are treating her, looks like she’s been acting up. Claire’s watching the news of Jackie’s death and the school’s reopening. She worries to […]
NBC Gives a Little for the Holidays
December 20, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes Recaps, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, TV News
Thanks to the Chicago Tribune’s Maureen Ryan for alerting me to a little Christmas joy coming via NBC.com. First, NBC has announced that every episode of their critically acclaimed hit Friday Night Lights will be available for free on NBC.com. I had to take FNL out of my weekly viewing schedule when I decided that […]
Heroes Recap: “Fallout”
December 5, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, TV News
I might be the only person reading this that is HAPPY, no THRILLED that Heroes is on a short hiatus until the new year. I’ve fallen completely behind in my Hiro worship, and have to work hard to remain unspoiled until I have the chance to catch up. No promos, no message boards, no awesome […]
Heroes Recap: “Six Months Ago”
November 28, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, TV News
“Six Months Ago” Original Air Date: 11/27/2006 Hiro’s right where we left him, in the diner in Midland Texas, six months ago. Charlie comes by with the coffee, and he jumps on the opportunity to tell her “My name is Hiro Nakamura. I’m here to save your life.” Unfortunately, his message from the future is […]
Heroes Recap: “Homecoming”
November 21, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
I have something to confess. I am WEEKS behind with Heroes. I had planned on catching up this weekend, but I just didn’t have the time. A few episodes were accidentally deleted from my TiVo when it ran out of space, so I’ve been waiting for the right time to catch up via iTunes but […]
Heroes Recap: “Seven Minutes to Midnight”
November 14, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
Title: “Seven Minutes to Midnight” Original Air Date: November 13, 2006 Mohinder chants back in India as he puts his father’s ashes to rest in the ocean. Isaac wakes feverishly with Eden pressing a cold cloth to his forehead. She says he’s had a rough couple of days, but he’ll be clean in no time, […]
Heroes Recap: “Nothing to Hide”
November 7, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
Title: “Nothing to Hide” Original Air Date: 11/6/2006 Peter reads the paper to Charles, Simone’s father. He makes a bad, morbid joke, but somehow it inspires a sweet reaction from the dying man. “In the end all that matters is love. I love you, Peter.” When Peter reciprocates, Charles says Peter can tell him anything. […]
Heroes Recap: Better Halves
October 31, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
Title: “Better Halves” Original Airdate: 10/30/2006 Peter and Hiro play telephone. What message did Peter have for Hiro? “Save the cheerleader, save the world.” Hiro’s intrigued, but confused. Join the club, buddy. When Peter mentions he spoke to Future-Hiro, who had a sword, current-Hiro is sold. He’ll come to New York, and Peter will explain […]
Heroes Recap: Hiro’s
October 24, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
I need a Hiro…holding out for a Hiro til the end of the night. I am lovin me some Hiro and some Heroes. I think this show gets better and better with each week. Are you guys loving it? Well Julie better be, or else it sucks for her to have to write a recap […]
Heroes Recap: Collision
October 17, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
So I’ve been a little on the fence about Heroes since its debut. I liked the idea of the show, but I wasn’t down with the pacing, and I was getting a little frustrated. Well, I am happy to report that I have jumped off the fence and on the proverbial bandwagon. I thought last […]
Heroes Recap – Chapter III: One Giant Leap
October 10, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
By the time i fell asleep last night I was superhero’d out. I fell a week behind in my ‘Hero’ worship, so I had not one, but two hours of Heroes to catch up on. I couldn’t go another week with NOT reading Julie’s weekly recap, so I’m glad I am up to speed. And […]
HEROES Recap – Chapter II: Don’t Look Back
October 3, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps
It kills me NOT to read Julie’s recap of last night’s episode of Heroes. But alas I fell a bit behind on my TV watching last night and haven’t seen it yet. Ok, ok, I give myself until 10am until I break down and read her recap, but I’ll try my best to hold out […]
HEROES Recap: Series Premiere
September 26, 2006 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Recaps, TV News
So did you guys catch Heroes last night? NBC was marketing the show so aggresively, I half expected someone to storm into my house last night and force me down while I watched the show. But alas, no one did, but I watched it all the same. You know who else watched it? The fabulous […]