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So You Think You Can Dance Finale – Work in Progress

August 16, 2006 by  
Filed under So You Think You Can Dance

Ducky, my friend Jess and I are sitting in my apartment watching the So You Think You Can Dance finale. So first….NO ONE tell us what happens. Don’t leave a comment, and don’t email us. We are watching it on TiVo. I can’t wait!!!!! Oh and did y’all catch Cousin Heidi’s boobage hanging out after […]

So You Think You Can Dance Tour…I’m Going

August 11, 2006 by  
Filed under So You Think You Can Dance, TV News

Yipee!! Yay!!! I just got an email from DuckyxDale comfirming that he bought out tickets to the So You Think You Can Dance tour. There’s a small part of me that wants to videotape our entire experience, just because I think it’s going to be an absolutely hysterical night. Me, Ducky, (out friends J & […]

So You Think You Can Dance Final Performance

I am very very very lazy.  Yes, I could have taken the time last night or early this morning to write up a review of the So You Think You Can Dance final performances, but you know what?  I knew Ducky was going to post his assessment this morning, and let’s face it…the boy is […]

GMMR & MeeVee Watchlist: Wednesday, August 9th

Hmm, doesn’t today’s Watchlist look eeirly similar to yesterday’s Watchlist? Yeah..I screwed up a bit and listed Wednesday’s shows for most of the day. Sorry about that. We are back on track though. Do you have any shows that should be added to the Watchlist? Last Comic Standing – Season Finale In the fourth-season finale, […]

SYTYCD Says Goodbye to Two More Dancers

Sigh…it happened.  He’s gone.  I didn’t cry because I knew it was coming, but I’m certaintly sad.  I keep comfort with the thoughts that I will see him live and in person in just a few short months.  Oh, and don’t think Ducky and I aren’t trying to land some interviews.  Speaking of the Duckster, […]

So You Think You Can Dance is Going to Be Sad Tonight

I have resigned myself to the fact that during tonight’s result show, I am going to have to say goodbye to Jailbait Ivan. This kid is adorable in an “I want to scoop you up and put you in my pocket kind of way” and I’m going to miss him. I’m pretty sure we are […]

Reality Shows Make Me Cry – So You Think You Can Dance Results Show

July 27, 2006 by  
Filed under So You Think You Can Dance

The following contains spoilers for the So You Think You Can Dance results show. Stop reading if you’ve TiVo’d the show. What’s wrong with me? I am an emotional wreck because someone got kicked off a reality show? Seriously…seriously? Yup, I am. I guess this is what is going to be like from now on, […]

Damn You Sleep…I Missed SYTYCD

Yup, you heard me. I fell asleep CRAZY early last night and I missed So You Think You Can Dance. I scoured and for last night’s performances but no luck. I am so bummed. Well, I do have the show waiting for me at home on TiVo, but still…that’s not good enough. Especially […]

SYTYCD…and Then There Were 8

Tonight we had to say goodbye to two more fab dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. One was a given, and the other a little more shocking. As predicted we said goodbye to Martha. Yeah, she was over and just couldn’t hold her own up against the other talents. But in the suprise […]

So You Think You Can Dance Wore Me Out

I am drained today. Two hours of So You Think You Can Dance can do that to a girl. It seriously was the longest two hours of my life. With new partners, two routines, and a solo dance, the contestants maybe have bid a tad more tired than me, but they worked it out. Well […]
