Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Goodbye STUDIO 60

A few brief words on the passing of STUDIO 60. I was one of the few people that truly enjoyed STUDIO 60 right from the start. I remember reading the pilot script the summer before it aired and I thought it was brilliant. I waited, I watched, I got involved in the show and then […]

STUDIO 60 Uneven Ep Ends in Brilliance

Partly out of allegiance to Aaron Sorkin and partly because there wasn’t much else on, I tuned in last night to STUDIO 60. I watched most of the episode without much enthusiasm. The lawyer lady throwing herself at Matt while trying to conduct important legal matters close to midnight on a Friday was as ridiculous […]

Why STUDIO 60…Why?

Last night STUDIO 60 returned to NBC with the first of its six remaining new episodes.  I was pretty vocal about my appreciation for STUDIO 60 early on in the season.  I enjoyed the glimpse behind the curtain of a major network TV show.  At times the show was a bit heavy handed and the […]

STUDIO 60 is Coming Back to NBC

April 28, 2007 by  
Filed under Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Just when you thought all hope was lost…. NBC is bringing back STUDIO 60! The remaining episodes of the season (and come on let’s face it…series) will begin airing on May 24th at 10pm, coincidentally the day after May sweeps ends. Yes, another schedule change, but oddly enough Thursdays nights is where NBC wanted STUDIO […]

Gage Whitney Shout Out

February 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Just a throw back or something more? I’m watching Studio 60 and there is an attorney working on a law suit, and she just happens to be from the law offices of Gage Whitney. If I recall, Sam Seaborn was with Gage Whitney before joining the Bartlett campaign. Just a nod to us West Wing […]

Monday Night TV Redux

Monday night is becoming like a second third job. There were so many quality shows on last night. We had the winter premieres of Heroes, Prison Break and Studio 60 as well as 24 and How I Met Your Mother. We’ve got full on recaps coming your way for most of shows so if you […]

NBC Gives a Little for the Holidays

Thanks to the Chicago Tribune’s Maureen Ryan for alerting me to a little Christmas joy coming via First, NBC has announced that every episode of their critically acclaimed hit Friday Night Lights will be available for free on  I had to take FNL out of my weekly viewing schedule when I decided that […]

Studio 60/The Office Star Lucy Davis Weds a Niner

It looks like Dawn finally found her Tim. Or rather Lucy finally found her Owain. Lucy Davis, who I have adored since her role as Dawn Tinsley on the UK version of The Office, and now love as Lucy, a newbie writer on Studio 60, just married Owain Yeoman who many on you may recognize […]

Watchlist: Monday, November 27, 2006

How I Met Your Mother – Single Stamina Barney’s black, gay brother, James (Wayne Brady), visits and Robin, the only one in the group who’s never met him, is surprised. But James has a surprise for Barney that he finds hard to accept. The Bachelor: Rome Lorenzo has one rose left to bestow in the […]

Halloween Costumes for TV Addicts (III)

Looking to be the funniest guy/gal at the party, then check out these NBC-comedy inspried costume ideas. See GMMR’s previous “Halloween Costumes for TV Addicts”: Betty Suarez (Ugly Betty) Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother) Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars) Dr. Gregory House (House, MD) The Lostaways (Lost) The Others (Lost) A special thanks toe […]

Send in Your Tater Top Nominations

UPDATE: The nominations have been announced.  For a full list of the noms click here.  And make sure you head over to E! Online to vote NOW!!! E! Online is now accepting nominations for its 2006 Tater Top Awards. What are the Tater Tops? — this is “the only TV kudofest where the winners are […]

NBC Greenlights Sorkin’s SNL-Based Drama

File this one under “no brainer”. NBC announced on Thursday that they have picked up Aaron Sorkin’s hour-long drama Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip for its 2006-07 schedule. Studio 60, created by West Wing alums Aaron Sorkin and Thomas Schlamme, will tell the tale of a “fictional” late night sketch comedy show which just […]
