Super Bowl Commercials Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Watch the Best Super Bowl 2024 Ads

February 11, 2024 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Watch the best ads from Super Bowl LVIII.

Watch the Best Super Bowl 2022 Ads

February 13, 2022 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Trailers for MOON KNIGHT, Netflix films, and more.

Super Bowl 2015: THE VOICE Coaches Prep for Battle

February 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials, The Voice

There’s a new season of THE VOICE coming this month, and the coaches — Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera, and Pharrell Williams — are prepping for battle. Check out the ad that aired during the Super Bowl! [youtube][/youtube] Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans […]

SUPER BOWL 2015 Ad: Bryan Cranston Revives Walter White

February 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

BREAKING BAD may be over, but fans got a little bit of “Walter White” during the Super Bowl: thanks to Esurance, Bryan Cranston revived his role and was a “sorta” pharmacist. Miss the hilarious ad? Check it out now… Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans […]

Super Bowl 2015 Ad: Is Mindy Kaling Invisible?

February 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

What would you do if you were invisible? Well, if you’re Mindy Kaling (or, at least, the Mindy in this Super Bowl ad), you’d go through a car wash, eat some food…and try to kiss a hot movie star. Miss the ad? Check it out… Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV […]

SUPER BOWL 2014 Ads: The SEINFELD Cast Reunites for a Crackle Promo

February 3, 2014 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

The Super Bowl was host to a mini-SEINFELD reunion, as Jerry Seinfeld and Crackle used their time to promo Seinfeld’s Crackle web series, COMEDIANS IN CARS GETTING COFFEE. (And there’s a longer version of the reunion here.) Miss the spot? Check it out now… What do you think? Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for […]

SUPER BOWL 2014 Ads: THE FOLLOWING Teases What’s to Come

THE FOLLOWING is a couple of episodes into its second season, so that means there are quite a few things that Fox could showcase during its Super Bowl spot. Take a look… Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans on GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s official Facebook […]

SUPER BOWL 2014 Ads: Watch Radio Shack’s ’80s-Inspired Ad

February 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Radio Shack ran a hilarious ad during the Super Bowl which acknowledged it’s been a bit, um, dated lately. So what better way to revamp than to bring a bunch of ’80s icons in to tear things down? Take a look at the hilarious spot… What do you think? Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter […]

SUPER BOWL 2013 Ads: 2 BROKE GIRLS ‘Spectacular’

CBS was touting a big “spectacular” 2 BROKE GIRLS ad during the Super Bowl…and it ended up basically being the girls pole-dancing to Def Leppard “Pour Some Sugar on Me”… [youtube][/youtube] Worth the hype? Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans on GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s […]

SUPER BOWL 2013 Ads: CBS Teases Stephen King’s UNDER THE DOME

The TV adaptation of Stephen King’s UNDER THE DOME isn’t due until summer, but since CBS has the Super Bowl now, they aired a little teaser for the new series… [youtube][/youtube] (Psst — definitely check out Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans on GIVE […]

SUPER BOWL 2013 Ads: GLEE’s Naya Rivera Falls for An M&M

February 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Naya Rivera may be on GLEE a little bit less these days, but it seems she had a good reason — she was busy romancing an M&M! Take a look at the hilarious commercial that aired during today’s Super Bowl… [youtube][/youtube] Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other […]

SUPER BOWL 2013 Ads: Amy Poehler Has Some Questions for Best Buy

February 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Continuing the grand tradition of PARKS AND RECREATION’s Amy Poehler winning at, well, pretty much everything, her Best Buy Super Bowl promos are an early highlight of today’s big game. In case you missed her Super Bowl spot, check it out now, plus be sure to watch the extended promo which has even more insightful […]

Bud Light “Lost” Super Bowl Commercial

February 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Lost, Super Bowl Commercials

Who knew that all the Oceanic survivors needed were a few Bud Lights and all there problems would have disappeared. Ok maybe not disappeared, but they might have been drunk enough not to care about a smoke monster out to kill them. The power of booze.

Betty White – Super Bowl Commercial

February 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Is there anyone cooler than Betty White these days? The answer is no. Check out Betty White and Abe Vigoda in this Snickers ad which first ran during the Super Bowl.

Oprah, Letterman & Leno – Super Bowl Commercial

February 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Super Bowl Commercials

Whoa. Didn’t see this one coming. Late night adversaries, Jay Leno and David Letterman, share a couch with Oprah. Perhaps Dr. Phil would have been a better choice. (Scratch that, Dr. Phil is never a better choice.) Wish Conan was on that couch (sorry, it had to be said). Just how did this surprising threesome […]
