Team GMMR Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 27, 2025

SMASH Recap: Season Premiere

February 7, 2012 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Erik, Smash

When Robert Greenblatt took over as NBC Entertainment Chairman in early 2011, he inherited a tragic kingdom of shrinking viewership and devalued brands. Unable to demonstrate patience in building new programs from the ground up, a luxury of his previous post at Showtime, Greenblatt invested in projects with marquee value and high profile names attached. […]

SUPERNATURAL Recap: Frontierland

April 23, 2011 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

Right off the bat, things were looking very promising with the super cool new SUPERNATURAL opening credits. I recognized the concept, but had to do some research to determine that it was an homage to the old ‘Bonanza’ credits, which I’d never actually seen. I should also point out that apparently this episode was very […]

HOUSE: Family Practice

Sibling rivalries erupt over a litany of factors beyond our control. Basketball tryouts change brothers into playground rivals. The affection of a mutual crush melts the bonds of sisterhood. Professional successes that should be celebrated become bragging rights in the 3-D version of the game of life. Lisa Cuddy’s struggle to find common ground with […]

HOUSE: Carrot or Stick

This week’s HOUSE dealt with tough love, a concept that is irrevocably linked with my new day-to-day responsibilities as a teacher. Students are not homogeneous, and the demands of educating the masses can often leave a chosen few behind. Kids who fear the judgment of their peers, struggle to reach out for help, and shudder […]

HOUSE: Larger Than Life

In 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle took the unusual step of turning a prime time television character into a Presidential Campaign issue. Mr. Quayle attacked the producers of CBS’ MURPHY BROWN for allowing Murphy, played by actress Candice Bergen, to become a single mother, “mocking the importance of fathers, by bearing a child alone, and […]

SUPERNATURAL: Appointment in Samara

December 11, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

Hey SUPERNATURAL fans! Please forgive my absence for the last two episodes, which were great incidentally (Cas kissed a girl!). I’ve said it before but I’m constantly amazing myself this season with how fresh the show still feels and how much I’m enjoying the new directions it’s taking. Well, maybe not so much with Crowley’s […]

SUPERNATURAL: Family Matters

November 6, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

If you read last week’s recap, you will recall that I was a little miffed that the preview for this week’s SUPERNATURAL spilled the beans about Sam’s soul problem; it seemed like the kind of reveal you save for the actual episode. However, after all of the answers we got last night – to most […]


October 30, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Happy Halloween GIVE ME MY REMOTE! What did you think of SMALLVILLE’s “Harvest?” Tonight’s episode was different from what I expected. It was oddly funny at times and very familiar in a lot of ways. I love the way things are going! After arguing with Clark, while they were stranded on the side of the […]

SUPERNATURAL: ‘You Can’t Handle the Truth’

October 30, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

Hey SUPERNATURAL fans! Another pretty great episode last night, right? While you may not have gotten all of the answers you were looking for (what, exactly, is up with Sam?), we did get one very important one (Sam is going through more than a personality change since getting back from hell, and this is a […]

SUPERNATURAL: Live Free or Twihard

October 23, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

It’s hard to imagine an SPN fan out there that didn’t really, really enjoy last night’s installment. In one of my favorite signature SUPERNATURAL moves, the episode started out hilarious and then progressed to scary, creepy and finally, intensely sad. Dean has finally reached the point where he knows with certainty that something is wrong […]

SMALLVILLE 200: Homecoming

October 16, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

Hey SMALLVILLE fans! The 200th episode was by far the best of the season, right? Homecoming was PERFECT. The writers really outdid themselves this time. Between the flashbacks, Clark meeting himself in the future, and Brainiac 5, my eyes were glued while my brain was soaked in those scenes from the past! When Homecoming kicked […]

SUPERNATURAL: Weekend at Bobby’s

October 16, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

This week’s SUPERNATURAL proved that Bobby Singer doesn’t spend his days away from Sam and Dean reading Raymond Chandler novels and making model airplanes, as you might imagine a grumpy older man who lives alone in the middle of nowhere might do. Instead, his house is hopping, with hunters and cops and FBI agents calling […]

TV Chat with Team GMMR – Join Us Every Friday!

Every Friday at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST, Team GMMR will host a LIVE chat to talk all things television. What’s coming up on your favorite shows? What did we think of what went down on TV this past week? It’s your chance to come ask your most dire TV questions. Set a reminder so […]


October 9, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Nicole, Supernatural

Wow – I know that the first two episodes were necessary in order to address last year’s SUPERNATURAL finale and set up season 6, but last night’s episode would have made a great season premiere. Lots of action, mythology, humor and of course, partial nudity. It was easily the strongest episode of the three we’ve […]


October 9, 2010 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah, Smallville

What up Smallville fans! “Wow” is all I can say about Lois in the dominatrix get up, and I am sad that it forced me to put my cookies down! What about this week’s villain, who felt like he was straight from an episode of Supernatural taking over Gordon Godfrey! In addition, Supergirl returned to […]
