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BONES: The Princess and the Pear

February 20, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Bones, Posts by Sarah (Seels)

Chivalry is not dead; it just hurt its back a little, that’s all. Well, there are no more BONES episodes for three more weeks, so we’ve got to make this review count! I want some great comments from all over the world! I know you’re reading, so let me know what you think. And let […]

BONES: The Hero in the Hold

Well, I stand corrected. Booth loves Brennan. I know last time I said I thought maybe he was over her, but…I was wrong. Of course he didn’t tell her (what’s so hard about that?), but didn’t you just have the feeling at the beginning of the episode that it was going to be THE NIGHT!?!? […]

BONES is Back…It’s About Time

Seeleybaby is back and taking care of BONES for us.  Make sure you show her the love as she covered not one but two episodes last night.  First up is “Double Trouble in the Panhandle” and then “Fire in the Ice”. Welcome back Seeleybaby and GMMR’s BONES fans. Double Trouble in the Panhandle It’s good […]
