The Mole Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Who is THE MOLE? Who Won THE MOLE?

August 11, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

The following post reveals spoilers for the season finale of THE MOLE.  Stop reading if you don’t want to know. THE MOLE is probably the only reality game show where the reveal of the winner isn’t the biggest news of the show.  But after weeks of wondering just who was sabotaging the game play of […]

The MOLE…Anyone Still Watching?

August 5, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

Am I the only one still watching THE MOLE?  Talk about a show that didn’t live up to my expectations.  I was so excited for the long awaited return of what was once one of my favorite game/reality shows, but sadly this season was mostly a bust thanks to the casting of some truly obnoxious […]

THE MOLE or a Llama’s Ass?

July 1, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole, TV News

All together now…”We’re Paul free in van #2″! Sing it with me! The contestants on THE MOLE continue to grate me, and with one of my favorite contestants gone it gets more and more difficult to watch the show. At least I still have Craig. But before get to last night’s ousting, let’s talk missions. […]

TV Talk with GMMR and Ducky: Podcast #24 – Summer TV Preview

We promised you a SUMMER TV PREVIEW podcast and here it is! Kath and I run through all of the summer premiere dates for the new and returning shows as well as give you our input on our faves and more importantly the ones we would never watch in a million years! It’s great fun… […]

THE MOLE: Selfish or Selfless?

June 24, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

Another red thumb print appears and with it goes another contestant who is not The Mole. But who is? There are few contestants left so you would think it would be easier to figure it out, right? Nope. Well at least not for me. I’m as confused as ever. Last night’s format was a little […]

THE MOLE: Fruit of the Luge

June 17, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still enjoying THE MOLE, but it’s certainly lost a little something since its last go around a few seasons back.  And more than anyone I blame the producers.  Ultimately it’s the producers decision as to who gets cast, and they knew exactly what they were doing when the cast this […]

Wanna Watch THE MOLE With Me Tonight?

June 9, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

I have the second episode of THE MOLE at my fingertips…just a few clicks away, but I’m not going to watch it. I’d rather wait until tonight’s broadcast and watch it on my nice big HDTV screen rather than on my dinky little computer. Yes, that’s how much I love this show. So if you’re […]

TV Talk with GMMR & Ducky: Podcast #23

Kath and Dan are back to talk the Season 4 finale of LOST. Yes, 2 Idiots Talk Lost is in full effect! We also take viewer questions about the new Sex & the City movie (no major spoilers so don’t worry), Battlestar Galactica, The Mole, Ugly Betty, the premiere of In Plain Sight, plus Kath’s […]

THE MOLE is Back…Are you The Mole? (Updated)

June 2, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

You and me…we have a new show to start watching together tonight. Are you ready? Because THE MOLE is back (ABC at 10/9c) THE MOLE is the kind of reality show that people who hate reality shows usually like. It’s smart and full of crazy adventures. It was well received when it was on a […]

THE MOLE and its Subliminal Messages Return

May 2, 2008 by  
Filed under The Mole

Remember that episode of SAVED BY THE BELL when the students of Bayside High learned about subliminal advertising and then Zack, being the prankster that he is, used the same subliminal techniques to get Kelly Kapowski to go to the dance with him? Yeah? Well then you might have noticed similar methods being employed by […]
