WAREHOUSE 13: Around The Bend
August 11, 2010 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
I don’t know about all of you, but after last week’s preview, I was really looking forward to this episode. Warehouse 13 is best when it aligns the artifacts and casework with good character development. As much as these Season Two episodes have made me laugh, there is still that underlying thread that some of […]
WAREHOUSE 13: 13.1
August 4, 2010 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Warehouse 13
Hey Warehouse 13 fans! Two random thoughts to start off this discussion. (1) D you think it might be possible to lock Justin Bieber in the warehouse for a few decades? Not to harm him or anything; just preserve him for, um, OTHER generations to appreciate. We’ve had enough of him…really (2) Wasn’t this a […]
WAREHOUSE 13 Season Preview – Comic Con Panel Reel
July 29, 2010 by Kath Skerry
Filed under Warehouse 13
For those of you who weren’t able to make it, check out WAREHOUSE13 season preview trailer that was shown during Comic Con last weekend. Excited for the rest of the season? In case you missed it… WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Age Before Beauty WAREHOUSE 13 Stars Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly Spill on a Body-Switching Episode […]
WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Age Before Beauty
July 28, 2010 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Warehouse 13
“Age Before Beauty” felt a little darker to me than the other episodes this season, particularly with respect to how the changed ages resulted in death for the victims. Yikes. This week’s case finds Pete and Myka in a little Miss Congeniality-type situation. The fashion world is losing some of its most beautiful models – […]
WAREHOUSE 13 Stars Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly Spill on a Body-Switching Episode
July 27, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
Filed under #1 featured, Comic Con, Comic Con 2010, Warehouse 13
We at GIVE ME MY REMOTE are enjoying WAREHOUSE 13. It’s been pretty fantastic this season, hasn’t it? And based on what I heard from stars Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly over the weekend at Comic-Con, the best is yet to come. “We do a body-switch episode,” Kelly says in the video below. “I have […]
WAREHOUSE 13: Beyond Our Control
July 22, 2010 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Warehouse 13
Eddie McClintock once mentioned that WAREHOUSE 13 is a show that is right for right now. I agree with him. People want to laugh and escape a bit, and I think season two of Warehouse 13 has been perfectly eccentric and fun. In a world where even the local news meshes tragedies with pop culture […]
Warehouse 13 Season Two Premiere Review- Time Will Tell
July 7, 2010 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
Boom goes the dynamite, WAREHOUSE 13 fans! What is UP?! It has been SO long since we’ve had new episodes. I didn’t think this summer season was EVER going to come. But here it is! And wasn’t the premiere great? First of all, I loved that season two picked up immediately where season one left […]
July 6, 2010 by Kath Skerry
Filed under #1 featured, Big Brother, Big Brother 12, Entourage, Friday Night Lights, Party Down, Pretty Little Liars, Rookie Blue, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, The TV Talk Podcast, Top Chef, True Blood, TV Podcast, Warehouse 13, White Collar
Nothing says Summer TV like Vamps, Football, Cooking, Lies, and Big Balls! We’re so happy that TRUE BLOOD is back, our frakkin’ heads are spinning around! Also in this week’s podcast we cover the following shows: TOP CHEF D.C., THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY, WIPEOUT, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, ENTOURAGE, HUGE, ROOKIE […]
WAREHOUSE 13: Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly Talk Romance, Guest Stars and Season 2
July 6, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
Filed under #1 featured, TV News, Warehouse 13
It’s been nearly nine months since WAREHOUSE 13 concluded its first season, so let’s quickly recap where we left off… Artie finally captured MacPherson. But the relief was short-lived because Leena (disguised as Claudia) helped MacPherson escape. Pete got one of his vibes, so he and Myka went to check on Artie, but they were […]
David Anders to Guest on WAREHOUSE 13
June 28, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
Filed under Warehouse 13
His character’s fate on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES may be up in the air — though we know for a fact that he’s heading back down to Georgia to shoot more TVD next month — but David Anders’ (ALIAS, HEROES) feet have landed elsewhere in the meantime. Syfy has announced that Anders will guest star on […]
WAREHOUSE 13 Season Finale: McPherson
September 23, 2009 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
Before I turn things over to Seeleybaby, I wanted to take a moment to thank her for her excellent coverage of Syfy’s WAREHOUSE 13 this summer. This show had a quiet entrance but quickly got the attention of many. I was glad that so many GiveMeMyRemote.com readers took kindly to the show and joined in […]
One-on-One with WAREHOUSE 13’s Eddie McClintock
September 21, 2009 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), TV News, Warehouse 13
Hey GMMR fans. Your old pal Seels recently had the opportunity to chat with the one and only Eddie McClintock, star of SyFy’s original series WAREHOUSE 13. In this GiveMeMyRemote.com exclusive Eddie talked to us about where he’d like to take Pete in Season two, a little about tomorrow night’s season finale, and his hopes […]
WAREHOUSE 13: Nevermore
September 16, 2009 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
I swear on the ashes of the first 12 warehouses that I love this show! And as an added bonus, there were no rats in this episode. I really thought there were going to be rats, especially during the pendulum scene. Yuck. Instead, just deliciously creepy Poe words literally jumping right off of the page! […]
WAREHOUSE 13: Breakdown
September 9, 2009 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
Beggars can’t be choosers, Warehouse 13 watchers, you know? And while I have been waiting all season for a ‘warehouse-centric’ episode, this one was also heavy on the Claudia, which is just not my cup of Leena’s Bed and Breakfast tea. I’m not complaining; I’m just saying that this episode was a like, not love […]
WAREHOUSE 13: Regrets
September 2, 2009 by Sarah Curtis
Filed under #1 featured, Posts by Sarah (Seels), Warehouse 13
Happy September, Warehouse 13 fans! I hope you are doing well. Thanks to all who have been leaving comments these past weeks. Did you like this week’s episode, REGRETS? I have some mixed feelings about it, as I will discuss in detail in a bit, but I also want to know what you think. Was […]