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Prison Break Recap: Sona (Season 2 Finale)

April 3, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

Ladies and gentleman, a round of applause (and by applause I mean comments) for Michelle as she wraps up her recaps for this season of Prison Break. On a personal note I really wanted to take the time to thank Michelle for all she’s done for GMMR this past year. I will be forever amazed at how fast you can pull a recap together…I am humbled by your talent. Thanks so much fo everything!!

Title: “Sona”
Original Airdate: April 2, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

Had this been truly the last episode of the series – which it wasn’t, as it was recently announced that there will certainly be a Season 3 – what a letdown of an ending it would have been. As it was, though, standing as another chapter in the Incredibly Cursed Lives of Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burroughs, it was quite satisfying. Even though Kellerman, my favorite pretend-gay, blueberry-pie-loving paid assassin, was gunned down after testifying on behalf of Sara, it was still a good episode…until the last five or ten minutes, during which I felt like I had accidentally pressed the TiVo remote and was watching an episode of “Lost,” so confused was I by everything that was happening.

First, the “little people”:

KELLERMAN – after testifying at Sara’s trial and revealing all of the truth he knows, he’s led away to prison van. On the way to the Big House, one of the “guards” (yeah, sure) feigns engine trouble and turns off the highway to investigate. In a few seconds, the back of the van opens, and men in black (literally) pump bullets into the back to take care of Kellerman (I love how they leave this open-ended, like they can come back and say “Kellerman didn’t really die” if the “Gray’s Anatomy” spin-off doesn’t work out and the actor comes back to this show. C’mon, now. My Sensi is dead. Accept it and let him go peacefully. I will, eventually).

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Watchlist: Monday, April 2, 2007

April 2, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

MeeVee RecommendsPrison BreakSona (SEASON FINALE)
As the second season concludes, Michael races against the clock to rescue Linc and beat Mahone at his own game. Meanwhile, Sucre risks everything to save Maricruz; T-Bag and Bellick find themselves up a river in Panama.  Watch a scene from tonight’s episode

MeeVee Recommends24 — Day 6: 9:00 PM-10:00 PM
Jack interrogates Gredenko and tries to get him to lead CTU to Fayed, while Vice President Daniels invokes the 25th Amendment and calls for a Cabinet vote on Wayne Palmer’s fitness to be president. Watch a scene from tonight’s episode

MeeVee RecommendsThe Black Donnellys – The Only Sure Thing
As Jimmy tries to protect Sean, Tommy joins forces with Kevin to collect payments. Meanwhile, Jenny supports her ailing father while trying to keep the family business afloat.

Dancing with the StarsDancing Night
Third-round competition includes the jive and the tango. Ten stars remain, and the newly Paulina-free pack puts on their dancing shoes to cut a rug once again. Look for Billy Ray Cyrus to lead the losers, and Joey Fatone to make his boy band proud.

The Bachelor The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman — Season Premiere
Doctor, Navy officer, and complete hottie Andy Baldwin is the latest Bachelor to hunt down his woman on national TV. Tune in to see the lucky ladies and their boy wonder meet for the first time, as Andy celebrates his 30th birthday. Remember when this show first started and it was a dating show? Now it’s turned into a hunt for the freakiest, most unstable women in America who share a common desperation to get married. Will I watch? Honestly, I haven’t decided yet.

What are YOU Watching?
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Prison Break Recap: Fin del Camino

March 27, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

Michelle really outdoes herself with this week’s recap. I was laughing my ass off. Well played. Only one more week until the season finale. Ugh, I really hate this time of year.

Title: “Fin del Camino”
Original Airdate: March 26, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

Would you be impressed if I were able to write the entire recap for this episode all in the form of a series of questions? Isn’t it a rather appropriate tribute for a show that has left us guessing, in a good way, for every episode this season? Do you think I can do it? Will you be too annoyed by the format to read it? Can I allow this negative assumption to get in the way of my creative process?

Why is T-Bag in Panama? Why won’t Michael’s conscience let him rest so he doesn’t feel the need to leave his boat and his brother on a quest for T-Bag? Doesn’t Lincoln know that if he follows his brother, bad things are bound to happen? When Michael tracks T-Bag to the hotel, how much does he have to pay the little kid to set off the caps in the metal garbage can so he can fake out the “Feds” who are trailing T-Bag and make them reveal their guns when they mistake the exploding cap sounds for gunshots? Does Sucre, who shows up later with Bellick and meets Michael, really believe that his desire to kill Bellick is stronger than his desire to find Maricruz, or that Upstanding Citizen Michael will really help him kill Bellick? What will T-Bag do when he is forced to leave his hotel room after Bellick pulls the fire alarm? When the Feds follow T-Bag, and Michael & Crew follow the feds, and Mahone follows all of them, and then Lincoln follows all of them, why does it remind me of some nursery school song? What is the name of that song, anyway? Why does an angry Lincoln tackle Mahone? Did you forget, like I did, that Mahone killed Lincoln’s dad earlier this season? Is this like “You killed my father, prepare to die,” a la “The Princess Bride”? Is Lincoln’s real last name Montoya? (GMMR: OMG I was thinking the exact same thing during this scene)

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Watchlist: Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

MeeVee RecommendsPrison Break
In Panama, Michael, Bellick and Sucre team up (reluctantly and with different motives) in an attempt to nab T-Bag. Mahone is hot on their trail, and Linc is hot on Mahone’s. In Chicago, Sara goes on trial.  Watch a scene from tonight’s episode

MeeVee Recommends24, Day 6: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM
Gredenko puts his Plan B into action; new evidence about a CTU agent comes to light; and Karen tries to shift the balance of power. Noah Daniels: Powers Boothe. Dmitri Gredenko: Rade Sherbedgia.  Watch a scene from tonight’s episode

MeeVee RecommendsThe Black Donnellys – Run Like Hell
Tommy gets unwillingly drawn into his brothers’ bookmaking action. Meanwhile, the medical condition of Jenny’s father (Kevin Conway) comes to light. Maxwell: John Lavelle. Whitey: Kevin Corrigan.

BergeronDancing with the StarsDancing Night
The 11 stars and their esteemed dancers bust out their latest moves in a bid to avoid being the first to be ousted. Can Billy Ray Cyrus possibly rebound? Will Heather Mills continue her fancy footwork? Tune in Tuesday for the eliminations!

Thp_103abrf The RichesBelieve the Lie
Once an expert at running from the law, Wayne now fakes his way through a job interview at a law firm. Will impersonating Doug Rich really be the ticket to untold wealth and happiness? Perhaps, if the wife can kick that heroine problem before the neighbors really start talking.

20060_mWhat About BrianSeason finale
The second season draws to a close as Dave and Deena attempt to escape their sleepy town to renew their wedding vows. Alas, their plans go a little haywire, season finale style. Brian and Adam volunteer to babysit for the love birds, but of course, that goes horrible wrong too when Natasha shows up with a full-on work emergency. Does anyone smell a cliffhanger?

Prison Break Recap: Panama

March 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap

Title: “Panama”
Original Airdate: March 19, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

And the big moral lesson to be take from tonight’s episode of “Prison Break”: if you’re a prostitute, don’t assume that the John you picked up won’t ask you to dress up and pretend to be Susan Hollander or that he won’t kill you and leave you in a hotel bathroom when he’s done with you. He will likely do both of these things.

Yep, that’s what T-Bag does shortly after paying a dude to pick up his bag of money at the lost baggage claim at the airport. After he gets his cash, Bellick and Sucre, who are working together only so Bellick can get his hands on the cash and Sucre can get his beloved Maricruz back from Bellick’s holding place for her, spot him in the airport. A chase ensues, but T-Bag escapes. He picks up said hooker and when she refuses to continue their role-playing, he kills her and leaves her body to be found in the tub by the hotel maid. T-Bag escapes through the front door and is recognized by authorities only on his way out. He’s not captured, but now they know where he is.

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Prison Break Recap: Sweet Caroline

Prison Break Recaps

Title: “Sweet Caroline”
Original Airdate: March 5, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

The name of this episode is “Sweet Caroline.” I guarantee that once you see the episode, you’ll never again sing the Neil Diamond song with such sweet abandon as you did only a few hours beforehand. Trust me.

C-Note is saved from his hanging attempt when guards find him dangling in his cell. He still wants to die, because he believes Mahone will carry out his threat to have his wife re-arrested and that treatment for his daughter will stop. C-Note calls Mahone at his office, but Agent Wheeler takes the call. When C-Note leaves the message, “Don’t hurt them” for Mahone, Wheeler, who has been suspicious of Mahone, starts putting the pieces together. He talks to C-Note and asks him to rat out Mahone and what he’s been doing. I’m thinking that this will be C-Notes ticket out of this mess: he’ll bargain dirt on Mahone for his own freedom, and that’s how he’ll escape having to return to Fox River.

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Watchlist: Monday, March 5, 2007

March 5, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

In case you couldn’t tell by my lack of updates, I’m still in California. I’ll be here throughout the week. I am still in desperate need of a Slingbox since I seem to be missing some amazing television. Yeah, an HUGE episode of Battelstar Galactica last night…and I missed it (Jo’s recap coming shortly). Soon enough I’ll be settled with this whole bi-coastal thang.

E010966aPrison Break Sweet Caroline
In Chicago, Michael has an encounter with President Reynolds (Patricia Wettig), and Sara has one with Mahone while C-Note performs his part of the bargain with Mahone. At the Mexico City airport, Bellick spots T-Bag.

Nathan meets Linderman in person just before the election; Hiro goes for the sword again with dire consequences; Suresh makes a breakthrough on “the list”; another person with powers, Candice Wilmer (Missy Peregrym), shows up.

E010966a24Day 6: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
An attempted coup d’état rattles the Palmer administration, and Jack warily accepts an offer of help from former president Logan (Gregory Itzin). Noah Daniels: Powers Boothe. Yuri Suvarov: Nick Jameson. (Watch a scene from tonight’s episode).

The Black DonnellysThe Black DonnellysA Stone of the Heart
Sean’s fate becomes clear to the Donnelly siblings; an antsy Jimmy stews in a holding cell; an unsettled Tommy finds comfort in Jenny; Nicky grasps control of the Italian mob.

Let’s Talk about The Black Donnellys… 

So since I’ve been traveling we haven’t had much time to chat about The Black Donnellys. Sadly I missed the premiere episode last Monday night, but I was able to catch the encore episode later in the week and I was really impressed. That’s saying a lot considering I wasn’t even enjoying it the first 30 minutes. Like most premiere episodes, I thought they tried to force too much plot and background on us. I wasn’t buying the neighborhood and I couldn’t keep track of the Donnelly boys. But…oh yes, there is a but – the ending was SO good that I personally can’t wait to watch tonight’s episode. Since a recap isn’t possible without a TiVo, I’ll try to take some notes so we can talk about it tomorrow morning.

So did you all watch The Black Donnellys? What did you think about it? If you didn’t watch it last week, click here to watch the premiere episode for free on

Don’t let The Black Donnellys be the show you WISH you watched from the beginning. I think this might turn out to be a great out.

Prison Break Recap: Wash

February 27, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, Prison Break Recap, TV News


Prison Break Episode Recap

Title: “Wash”
Original Airdate: Feb, 26, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

Quick and dirty, like they like it in prison. Let’s do a roll call by character and see what’s up with the associates of Fox River:

Michael, Lincoln and Sara
Linc calls LJ, who is being cared for by Jane Phillips, the blond co-worker of his dad. The phone call isn’t full of warm fuzzies, though, as LJ tells his dad that he just wants to stay where he is, continue going to school, and have a normal life (I feel bad for Linc, but can you blame the kid? I mean, consider his life thus far).

Michael, Sara, and a pretty despondent Lincoln listen to the USB recording, and in a really cheap shot, they hear what’s on it but WE don’t hear what’s on it. They decide collectively that they need to get THIS MYSTERY INFORMATION into the hands of someone in the government. Linc is obviously less than thrilled about handing over the one piece of real evidence that might exonerate him, but they have no choice.

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Prison Break Recap: Chicago

Prison Break Episode Recaps

Title: “Chicago”
Original Airdate: February 5, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

Once again, this show provides some of the most quotable lines on television. Plus, I’m going through the five stages of grief with Kellerman (even though he’s not dying), and we get some hot and heavy locomotive action with Michael and Sara. Yep, this episode was a winner.

In Evansville, Indiana, Kellerman, Linc and Michael meet up with Sara. Michael and Sara exchange a long, lingering (but non-sexual) hug. Sara and Kellerman meet up for the first time since their unfortunate drowning-you-in-the-tub incident. Apparently at some point Sara tells Michael about this whole ordeal, since Michael slams Kellerman against the wall in defense of his True Love (yep – and it’s capitalized, too). Kellerman reminds Michael, though, that they need Kellerman to solve the mystery of the “key” Sara found on her dead dad’s body, and the quartet is off. Apparently the key is to a humidor at a private cigar club in Chicago, which is, not coincidentally, where the President is set to make an appearance. The comparisons to “The Wizard of Oz” here are freaky and inevitable– they started with two on a quest, then three, now four, and they’re off to meet The Wizard – aka President Reynolds – to have their wishes fulfilled, and their journey is filled with mystery and trepidation…you can fill in the rest. I’m waiting for the creepy flying monkeys to make an appearance anytime now.

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Prison Break Recap: “The Message”

Prison Break Episode Recaps

Title” “The Message”
Original Airdate: January 29, 2007

GMMR Recapper: Michelle 

This show has some of the most quotable lines on TV. Some teaser quotes from tonight’s episode of “Prison Break”:

– “My dad used to drink.”
– “Find a storage unit full of Arabs! I don’t care!”
– “Hope is for people who do not already live in grace.”
– “Reality’s kickin’ faith’s ass, man.”

Who spoke the words? Read on, my friends, and find out. This was a fast-paced episode with lots of storylines and lots of juicy stuff (alas, no Michael and Sara action this week…fingers crossed for next week), so let’s get moving…

FOX NEWS UPDATE: Lincoln is on Fox News giving a statement (I love how FOX uses its own real-life broadcasters to deliver “fake” news on its shows – first “24,” now this. Do you think the newscasters get sick of being used like that? I know they must be making good money and all, but they must know it damages their credibility somewhat. Editorial end). How did he get on TV, you ask? Let me tell you…

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Prison Break Recap” John Doe”

I have to admit, I was a little bummed when I read the Entertainment Weekly write-up of “Prison Break” this past week. Bummed because the magazine said that this season is not as tense or as good as last season, what with our boys on the run and not confined behind the walls of Fox River, and I agree with that assessment. But then Saturday night (don’t judge me) I watched that half-hour “’Prison Break’ up to this point” special that was on, and Sarah Wayne Callies, who plays Sara, said that everything we’ve been wanting to see and waiting to see will happen in the second half of season two. So you know, ladies and gentlemen, that can only really mean one thing: MICHAEL AND SARA WILL EVENTUALLY GET NAKED TOGETHER BEFORE THE MAY FINALE. I can’t guarantee this, obviously, but that’s what I’m interpreting her comment to mean, and it gives me a renewed interest in the show.

[cue deep and sexy Wentworth Miller voice] “Previously, on ‘Prison Break’”: Kellerman just shot Mahone, and Michael and Linc (who had just escaped from police custody for at least the third time since the beginning of the first season) decided to join forces with him in order to expose the President and, in the words of Kellerman, “take that bitch down.” C-Note’s wife was in jail after trying to get a prescription filled for her daughter and being caught by police. T-Bag had tracked down Susan Hollander, the woman who originally turned him in to police, and was on her front doorstep, as promised. Bellick was back at Fox River, this time as a prisoner, after inexplicably taking a plea bargain regarding Roy’s murder.

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Prison Break is Back (GMMR Sneak Peek)

January 22, 2007 by  
Filed under Prison Break, TV News, Wentworth Miller

Prison Break

This post contains minor spoilers for tonight’s episode of Prison Break…you have been warned.

Michael Scofield and his band of merry men (well at least those still kickin’) are back tonight on Prison Break (8/7c on Fox) after a too long mini-hiatus. I was lucky enough to catch a sneak peek of tonight’s episode, and let me tell ya…it is good!

Prison Break, Mahone, Scofield, Burrows and KellermanWhen we last saw Michael and Linc they had been captured by Mahone and were set-up to be executed in an elaborate tunnel raid that everyone and their mother seemed to be in on. Or at least that’s what Mahone and Creepy Billy Kim thought. Just as Michael and Linc were cornered, guns pointing at them from both sides by Mahone and Kellerman, Kellerman shocked us all when he pulled the trigger and shot Mahone. Oh snap!

Tonight’s episode picks up just as we left off, still in the tunnel and Linc and Michael with those ‘WTF just happened’ faces still in tact. As expected they’re a bit hesitant to follow Kellerman’s lead as they don’t know who the hell he is (which I kind of forgot), but the po’lice are just seconds away and they have no choice but to go with the man that just saved their lives. And that my friends, is the set-up for tonight’s action packed episode. The ep follows Kellerman, Burrows and Scofield in the hours after their first in-tunnel encounter. I loved watching these three interact on screen. Paul Adelstein’s portrayal of Kellerman is so damn good I found myself pulling for him despite the asshatic (yes, that’s my new word) things he has done in the name of The Company.

Checking in with the other Fox River escapees…

C-Note’s wife was arrested while picking up medication for her daughter. As it turns out, she was denied bail and she is going to jail for aiding and abetting a convict. C-Note offers to turn himself in, but she says no as their daughter DeeDee would be left parentless. Something tell me this woman has listened to Tammy Wynette’s ‘Stand by Your Man’ one too many times.

T-Bag finally found Mrs. Hollander, the woman who he was involved with before he was sent to Fox River. Remember her…she was the woman who spat in his face while he was in jail, and he vowed to find her when he got out. Well, T-Bag is a man of his word. He has found Mrs. Hollander, and her kids (who still think he’s fun old Uncle Teddy). T-Bag is beyond creepy as he tries to settle back into the lives of the Hollander family. It’s sad and desperate and I had chills every time he went near one of the kids. But the Cleavers they are not, and things soon turn even darker for the bunch.

Back over at Fox River, Bellick isn’t making any new friends in the pen. And let’s just say that you NEED friends in there. Uh oh, Brad. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?!

I want you all to watch the show, so I purposely didn’t want to spill too much. But know this – tonight is a VERY important episode. Questions are answered but even more are raised. And something BIG goes down in the last few minutes…something that has a major impact on the lives of Linc and Michael. Ruh Roh!!

Here are a few pics from tonight’s episode:

Prison Break, John Doe, 3 Prison Break, John Doe, 4
Prison Break, John Doe, 2 Prison Break, John Doe, 1

Prison Break Recap: “The Killing Box”

Title: “The Killing Box”
Original Airdate: 11/28/2006

Felt weird to watch the “Fall Finale” of “Prison Break” right in front of my Christmas tree, but I’ll take Michael Scofield and company any way I can get ‘em. Even if in front of a fake pine tree.

So, after the intentional car crash, Mahone has Lincoln and Michael on their knees and tells them to turn around; apparently he wants to kill them on the spot.

“If you’re gonna murder us, Alex, you’re gonna have to look us in the eyes while you do it,” Michael tells him.

And Mahone can’t do that. He tells them he just wants is own life back, and Michael asks him if he’s willing to murder two innocent people to do it. He obviously fails to see the irony in his own question; let’s not forget that Michael has been willing to let literally dozens of innocent people be murdered and otherwise wronged in his quest to give his brother back his life. Mahone, God bless ‘em, lets this fact slide. And then border patrol shows up and makes all of the men, including Mahone, surrender. His chance to kill the brothers has been lost. Border patrol takes everyone into custody.

Sucre is in his plane, headed toward the Mexican border. Suddenly, his plane is being pursued by another – the pilot says border patrol, but I could have sworn I heard the other guy identify himself as DEA, so who knows? – and Sucre and his pilot prepare to jump. “Pull the cord and pray,” his pilot tells Sucre, before he assures him that he certainly WILL land – it’s just a matter of how hard he’ll land. Sucre takes a big swig of liquor (atta boy) and jumps into the middle of the desert. We find out later he landed safely and he literally walks into the sunset. I hope that’s not the last time we see him.

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Prison Break Recap: “Disconnect”

Poor Michelle had a little hiccup with her power last night and wasn’t able to record, and therefore recap last night’s episode of Prison Break. By the time I found out, I had already deleted it from my Tivo. But I know you need your Prison Break fix, so I’m gonna do this one from memory. If I missed something here or there, please forgive me. But I have to say, I’m relatively pleased with myself for remembering so much.

Title: “Disconnect”
Original Airdate: 11/20/06

Michael, Linc, Surce and Michael/Linc’s father (Aldo), are running to catch the plane to bring them to Panama. But first Michael and his Pops have a little unfinished business. As you may recall from last week’s episode, Michael wasn’t too thrilled to see his Daddy, but did claim to have seen him before – which was news to Lincoln.As it turns out, after their mother died, Lincoln spent some time in juvy and a young Michael was put into the foster care system. Unfortunately he was placed with an abusive man who locked Michael in a closet 24/7 and only let him out when he felt like kicking the crap out of him. Aw, poor little Mikey. One day the closet door opened and instead of getting hit, Michael was getting helped…by his real father. But all wasn’t hugs and kisses as a young Michael was ushered out past his brutally murdered foster father. Michael still has some unresolved issues with his real father and about being exposed to death that early in life. Yeah, we knew Michael had some issues…and many more we have yet to find out about.

The family reunion is cut short when Mahone catches up with the guys in the middle of the desert (yeah, right). They run for the car, and in the process Dear Old Dad gets shot and is killed. He managed to hang on long enough to make amends to his boys and to illicit some tears from Michael – not that it takes much these days to get Scofield crying. I don’t know if it’s PMS or what, but the boy won’t stop boo hoo’ing. I found it endearing at first, but now I just want to smack him upside the head and yell “Man up dude”!

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Prison Break Recap: “Bolshoi Booze”

Title: “Bloshoi Booze”
Original Air Date: 10/13/2006

When we last saw our favorite convicts, T-Bag was about to get re-captured by the cops, Sara was facing Kellerman’s gun, and we found out that there’s a mole in Linc’s dad’s gang of anti-government Robin Hoods. How will everyone wiggle out of these situations? (you have no doubt that they WILL escape, so the question is just HOW…)

THE COPS ARE CLOSING IN ON T-BAG! He’s cuffed to the radiator, his gross hand just begging to be ripped off and left behind. The cops bust through the door…and T-Bag is gone. Where is he? Well, you know that weird smell coming from your radiator when you first turn on the heat in the fall? Next time, better double check it, because you might just find…T-Bag’s rotting hand resting between the radiator and the wall. Yup, he managed to disconnect his hand from his body to save himself from going back to prison. Can’t say I blame him. In fact, I kind of admire him – in fact, I admire both T-Bag and that mountain climber who cut off his own limb to get out of the rock canyon alive. I’m pretty sure I would not be willing (or able) to amputate a body part to save myself.

Michael is in a hardware store buying a case of fishing reel oil in small vials, along with a GPS system. When he realizes he can’t pay for everything with the amount of cash he has, he decides to just buy the oil…and then steals the GPS system. When the store owner tries to stop him, Michael pushes him down and as the man begs for Michael not to hurt him, he runs from the store. Just when I’m thinking that our Fox River Golden Boy is turning bad, Michael has a crisis of conscience and begins thinking of all the people who have been wronged as the result of his escape plan…Sara, the people in the bank he “robbed,” his mail-order bride, Warden Pope. It’s all getting to be too much for him. He sees a church across the street and decides to take refuge and confess his sins.

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