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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote


You may be shocked to hear this, but there isn’t a ton of new Office gossip to share this week. As always what I have I will give to you.

The Office Chat
As always, we will be watching tonight’s episode together LIVE on BuddyTV. We usually get started around 8pm EST so I hope you can stop by. We’re looking at 6 weeks until another new episode of The Office (damn you college basketball) so tonight’s chat should be a good one. Please join us. Click here to set a reminder for the Office chat.

Tonight on The Office…
michaljan.jpg“Cocktails” (8:30/7:30 c)
Michael and Jan attend a party at a Dunder Mifflin bigwig’s home, where they finally go public with their heretofore hushed romance. While at the party, Jim meets Karen’s ex. JJ Abrams directed this one so I’m fully expecting Dwight to become a Double Agent (Alias) , Creed to discover a new hatch (Lost), and a lot of angst between Jim/Pam/Karen/Roy (Felicity…but we don’t need JJ for that).

From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Kate Flannery (Meredith Palmer) on The OfficeWhether she knows it or not, Kate Flannery is keeping the spoiler addicts very busy dissecting every last word from her latest TV Guide blog. Check out what she has to say about the bat and that bag over her head last week, what it was like to have JJ Abrams direct, and what is in store for us in tonight’s episode. (Kate’s Blog) For more on Kate and her encounter with the bat check out a little Q&A from

The Spoiler Cocktail …
One part Jan and Michael, add two parts Jim and Karen, add a dash of Dwight and hint of the rest of the office and you get tonight’s spoiler cocktail. Check out scene from tonight’s show. As always I will warn you that it’s just not worth it, but I’ve seen them all so my words are hollow. I’m excited to tell you that for the remainder of the season you won’t have to go to another site to get the Office clips. They will be featured right here on GMMR. But for now check out these sites:

More Office Thursday after the jump
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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

The Office

You know how it KILLS me to have a short edition of The Office Thursday, but until I marry a wealthy man that can make blogging my full time job, sometimes I just have to work. Wah wah 🙁 But small doesn’t mean bad (That’s what she said) and there’s a lot of Office gossip to share so let’s get to it.

The Office Chat
Tonight we will be chatting up before, during and after the show at our weekly Office chat over at I’m going to be stuck out here on the West Coast but we are still having our chat. We usually get started around 8pm/EST so make sure you swing by and say hi. Stop by once and you’ll never be able to watch the show without your online friends again. Click here to set a reminder for the Office chat.

Super-supersized Finale
Jim and Pam, Casino Night has received confirmation that The Office will get a full one hour season finale this year. Greg Daniels and Co. blew our socks off with their 40 minute finale last season, so I can’t imagine what goodies they have in store for us this May. I’m begging you…please don’t leave us with another Jim and Pam cliffhanger! My heart just couldn’t take it again. Besides – been there, done that.

Tonight on The Office…
Michael Scott“Business School” (8:30 EST)
Michael is invited to be a guest speaker at Ryan’s business school. Back at the office, Dwight goes batty trying to catch a bat, and Pam invites her colleagues to her first art exhibit. This is the episode that Joss Whedon directed.

Uh,thank you…SPOILER ALERT …
There are so many clips out there for tonight’s show that I don’t know why some of you even bother to watch the episode. Ha ha, just kidding. Well, I’m patting myself on the back as I’ve remained relatively spoiler free. I did watch the Joss Whedon clips, but other than that I’ve avoided them. You know it hates me to tempt you like this, but it’s what I do. Click on the clips below to watch:
The Office

More Office Thursday after the jump
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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (Updated)


We are gathered here today to witness and to celebrate the joining together of Phyllis Lapin and Robert Vance, Vance Refrigeration in the holy estate of marriage. On this, the most important day in your lives, you have asked that your gratitude be expressed to all those who are here today — your family, friends GMMR readers and most importantly your co-workers. May your love be strong enough to bring others together. Other who have had their heads up their asses and haven’t been able to get out of their own way since May 11, 2006.

Please RSVP…
Throw on your best wedding attire and join me in honoring Phyllis and Bob tonight for our weekly LIVE Office Chat. I will be officiating the ceremonies and I hope you all can make it.
Location: (click here for a reminder)
Time: Cocktail Hour begins at 8pm EST; the ceremony begins at 8:30pm EST (SHARP)

UPDATE: Rashida Jones contracted through end of season but not beyond (WWK) (Related: Rashida Jones cast in new pilot)

UPDATE:  Check out as Mindy, Melora, B.J. and John talk about The Office romances

Tonight on The Office…
weddingseals.jpgYes, it’s the wedding of the year, and it’s going to be DAWESOME! I am BEGGING you…pleading with you. If you haven’t seen clips of tonight’s episode then please don’t watch them now. Go read a book, fly a kite, make some strudel, but just stay away from the clips. There are a lot of them and they are deadly.

If you have no willpower (like someone I know too well) then here are the thinks for you to check them out. But again, there are MAJOR spoilers within…including those featuring James and Pamela. I’m just saying.

Scrantonicity Rules…
The best Police cover band in all of Scranton, PA lands its biggest gig to date. Catch out a quick scene from tonight’s show at But more importantly, check out the great interview with Brian Baumgartner. (

Send an eCard…
Want to be part of Phyllis and Bob’s special day? Then don’t forget to send an eCard courtesy of (Send an eCard)

After my mini-meltdown last week, I am beyond estatic to tell you that I landed myself a ticket to The Office panel at the Paley Festival in LA. It’s going to be the BEST night and I so grateful for those who made it happen. Thanks to LibberyLady for letting someone know about my need for a ticket. And thanks to “I Know a Roy” for making it happen!! Me…in the same room as the cast of The Office. It’s going to be the best night!!

Sorry for the abbreviated version of The Office Thursday. It’s my last full day of vacation before I start my new job on Monday and there are things I need to get done today in preparation for the big event tonight. Green and organge streamers need to be hung. And who do you think is responsible for tying the cans on the back of Phyllis & Bob’s car?!

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (UPDATED)

The Cast of The Office

For the love of Jim Halpert, it seems like it’s been forever since we’ve have a new episode of The Office. Yeah, I know, it hasn’t been that long, but it feels that way, right? We’ve got a whole bunch of Office gossip today! This took me forever to pull together, but it’s Thursday…and it’s The Office…and it’s done from love. As always, check this post throughout the day as I’ll be updating it with new stuff if it comes my way.

Get Ready for Some Serious Groveling…

beg.jpgAlrighty then, before we get started I have a HUGE request. Give me a minute to get down on my hands and knees to start begging. Depsite being a paying member of the Museum Television and Radio organization, I was shut out of getting tickets to The Office panel at the upcoming Paley Festival. I was planning on meeting Tanster from Office Tally, as well as Officeianados Tori and Wendy in LA just for the event. If for some reason YOU got tickets and are interested in selling them, PLEASE PLEASE let me know. And if you are an Office cast member with some tickets to spare I would love you forever if you felt like giving some away.

(Also looking for tickets to the HEROES panel and the UGLY BETTY panel, but I think you know what my top priority is)

You Have Won a Tiny Dundie…
The Office, SA As I’m sure you all know by now, this past week The Office took home the Dundie SAG award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series. The SAG award might not hold the same prestige as the Emmy, but it’s my favorite as it honors the entire cast. The Office is at its best when all of the cast members get to show their stuff so it was such a thrill to see them all on stage. If you want to relive the night then GMMR has got you covered. (The Office SAG award coverage – pics and video)

Go behind the scenes with John, Jenna, BJ, Rainn and Leslie in a new post-SAG interview on TV Guide. (SPOILER ALERT…and let me just say SQUEE)


Tonight on The Office…
The Office, Ben Franklin“Ben Franklin” (8:30 pm EST)
Todd Packer is back (YAY), and being the fool that he is, he encourages Michael to bring two “adult” performers into the office — a stripper and Ben Franklin — in honor of Phyllis’s wedding shower. Meanwhile Karen confronts Pam about her past with Jim. Rumor has it that the fight gets heated and ends up with Karen and Pam wrestling naked (and that, my friends, was my attempt at trying to bring in more viewers.) Four clips have been released for tonight’s show, and yes, I watched them. I know I said I wasn’t going to anymore, but cut me some slack, it’s been 2 weeks since a new ep and I needed a fix. ( clips)

The Office Chat
How I’ve missed you all. Tonight we will be chatting up before, during and after the show at our weekly Office chat over at We usually get started around 8pm/EST so make sure you swing by and say hi. Stop by once and you’ll never be able to watch the show without your online friends again. Click here to set a reminder for the Office chat.

Dear Pam Beesly…
pam-letter.pngThe Baltimore Sun send a letter to Pam asking her the questions that we all want answers to:

To: Pam Beesly
From: Not Jim Halpert
Subject: NBC’s “The Office”

Here goes.
I’m just going to throw this out there, Pam.
I know your life is complicated. You didn’t marry Roy. You still like Jim. Who doesn’t like Jim? I’m even starting to like Roy. Your ex-fiance has cleaned up his act this season.

Question: Will you go back to him? Or, finally, will you profess your love for Jim? Will Jim finally shed what’s-her-name? What is her name? Karen? The new cookie? (continue reading)

More Office Thursday after the jump…

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

You can’t give me a hard time for serving up a short Office Thursday post, because c’mon, this whole week has been one big Office Thursday, agreed?

Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Office for getting an early pick up from NBC for next season. I don’t think anyone doubted a 4th season, but the early announcement is a sign of respect from NBC. CONGRATS!!!!

On we go…
The onethe only…the ORIGINAL “Office” Chat…
I guess I’ll start off by letting you know that we will in fact we having our weekly LIVE Office chat tonight over at As always, we’ll be gathering around 8pm EST and chat it up throughout the show. I’m looking forward to seeing the regulars tonight, and let’s see if we can’t persuade a few newbies to join us. Click here to set a reminder about tonight’s chat.

Tonight on The Office and BREAKING NEWS…
Oscar Nunez “The Return”: Oscar returns after his 3-month company-paid vacation but is he already reconsidering his future at the office? Meanwhile, the new Devil of Dunder Mifflin, Andy, exploits recent events to inch closer to Michael. Not dawesome, not dawesome at all. On the other side of the office, Jim colludes with Pam and Karen to trick someone in the office—but the target’s not Dwight. And I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we are going to have yet another episode where Jim and Pam don’t talk to each other about what’s going on between them. Prove me wrong Greg Daniels…prove me wrong.

BREAKING NEWS: According to a producer’s cut of the episode will be airing after the episode. YES!! Expect it to be online shortly after the end of the West Coast airing of the show (so around 12:00 AM EST/9:00 PM PST) (thanks to Tori for the tip)

Much more Office Thursday after the jump

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

NBC's The Office

Screw TGIF…it’s more like TGIT!! Yes, thank god it’s Thursday. My favorite night of television brings forth my very favorite show, The Office.

This week the cast is back at work after an 8 week hiatus. It gives me the warm fuzzies to know that the cast is back together and creating new episodes. All is right with the world again. Welcome back Office-peeps…we missed you!

I’m not sure there’s a ton of new Office gossip this week, but what I have it yours. Now, on to The Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote.

Tonight on The Office…
The Office, Traveling Salesman“Traveling Salesman”
Michael pushes his desk jockeys to pair up and hit the road for sales-call duty. Meanwhile, Angela misses a crucial deadline, so her secret boyfriend, Dwight, tries to cover for her; and surprising news comes Karen’s way. (8:30/7:30c on NBC)

The episode description has been causing major speculation online this week. What ‘crucial deadline’ could Angela possibly miss? Is is THAT deadline? What a storyline that would be. And what of Karen’s “surprising” news? Many of us are hoping that she find out either about Jim and Pam’s past or even Pam and Roy’s history. Let’s just hope whatever the news is, it will help to move forward the JAM storyline. Because seriously, I can NOT take Pam Beesly crying this week. My heart hasn’t fully recovered from last week. And Jenna just mentioned in her MySpace blog today that there is a cliffhanger…so YAY!! What’s your take on what’s happening tonight?

The Office ClipsTerrorists invaded my home and forced me to watch the preview clips from tonight’s episode on Yahoo. Damn you terrorists. For those of you who haven’t seen the online clips DO NO WATCH THEM. Come on, the show is just hours away, you can hold out. Be strong. That being said, the clips were hysterical and I think “Traveling Salesman” is going to be a riot. (Watch Yahoo! clips)

From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Kate Flannery is back with her first blog of the new year. Kate gives us the inside scoop on what she did during her break and some of the fans she met during her time off. Also, what will Kate be wearing to the Golden Globes on Monday? We’ll have to wait and see (because she honestly hasn’t figured it out yet). And the cutest part? How about Kate squeeing like the rest of us when she saw co-star John Krasinski on the big screen in Dreamgirls. And this from a woman who is legally allowed to see him everyday. Lucky girl. (Kate’s TV Guide Blog)

More Office Thursday after the jump.

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

It’s Thursday, so once again…whatever…you know how we do it around here on Thursdays. You’ll have to forgive the short post today. Just like Dunder Mifflin, my company is also having our Christmas party tonight, and well…the booze is already flowing. So as much as I love Jim, Pam, and the rest of the crew, I also love my Captain Morgan.

LIVE “Office” Chat TONIGHT…
First things first…Yes, Virgina there is a Santa Claus. Yes, friends there WILL be a LIVE Office chat tonight at BuddyTV. Now I can’t guarantee I will be sober, but I will be there to make sure you can all chat away throughout the episode. Since The Office stars at 8/7c tonight, our live chat will start earlier too. So head over to at 7:30 EST and chat it up. This is definitely an episode you want to watch with your online Office friends. (Click here to set a reminder for The Office chat at

Tonight on The Office…
Merry Christmas. Ho Ho Ho…Pimp. Christmas might still be a few weeks away, but the folks at Dunder Mifflin are celebrating tonight. Many of you have already read my review of “A Benihana Christmas”, but I know some are avoiding spoilers (more power to you). Tonight’s episode is not to be missed. It’s my personal favorite episode of Season 3. Don’t forget that it starts at 8/7c and it’s a full hour long, so make sure your TiVos are set.

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

It’s been two weeks since we last saw our favorite Office workers. Remind me again how we got through the summer? The countdown has begun to an all new episode of The Office…just hours to go. As always,GMMR is here with all the Office gossip. A Thursday just isn’t a Thursday without Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote.
As always, check back for updates throughout the day. On we go….

Tonight’s Episode – “The Convict”…
 The Office: US Meets the UK in There’s an ex-con in the office and Michael’s determined to be supportive – once he discovers their identity. Meanwhile, Andy makes a move on Pam with a little help from Jim. Prepare yourself for some super cringeworthy moments, after all it was written by original UK Office creators Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. I was lucky enough to see an advanced screener, so make sure you check out my review of The Office: The Convict (warning, minor spoilers)

From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Kate Flannery has penned another great blog for Check out her thoughts on working with Gervais/Merchant and find out which one of her co-stars she thinks is a “genius”. As always, please make sure you leave Kate some love on her blog by leaving a comment. If you have nothing to say, then just let her know that everyone at loves her! (Read Kate’s blog)

This week, USA Today’s Pop Candy interviewed Kate about her role as Meredith, how she got the part and her comedy act The Lampshades. You can listen to the interview online right now, just click here.

Michael Scott’s Words of Wisdom?….
Michael Scott's Words of Wisdom?Business 2.0 magazine knows who to turn to for sage business advice – Michael Scott. Michael talks to the magazine about the finer points of employee motivation. Here’s an example of the genius of this man: “The three keys to motivating your staff are love (positive reinforcement), fear (negative enforcement) and chocolate (chocolate reinforcement)” (Read the fully story at The Office LJ Community)

As an added bonus, check out this great video of Paul Lieberstein (Toby) as he talks about Michael’s business philosophies while taking us on the tour of Dunder Mifflin.

MORE Office Thursday after the jump!

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The Office: US Meets the UK in “The Convict”

The Office: US Meets the UK in

You know who I think might be the most intriguing woman in all of television? It’s going to be hard to guess, because she’s never actually been on TV. But I’ll tell ya….it’s Michael Scott’s mother. I am consumed with curiosity about the woman who raised the bewildering and befuddled man that is Michael Gary Scott. Don’t tell me you aren’t the least bit curious.

In this week’s episode of The Office, Michael Scott outdoes even Michael Scott when he learns that one of his employees once spent time in prison. Under the always present guise of good intentions, Michael outs the man’s criminal past to the entire office, who in turn have a lot of question about prison life.

When one of the employees likens prison to the office, Michael sets out to prove to everyone how good they truly have it there at Dunder Mifflin. As you might expect, Michael’s tactics are just a little bit left of center, and no one is amused.

Thursday’s episode, entitled “The Convict”, was written by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant who were of course the creators of the original UK version of The Office. Although Gervais and Merchant have both said that they wrote the episode specific to the American version of the show, fans of the UK version may feel a sense of familiarity. Although you won’t be hearing Dwight Schrute saying “cheers” as he leaves the office, or Ryan inviting Kelly out for bangers and mash, the uncomfortable, unbearably awkward moments that the UK version perfected are definitely present throughout the episode.

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Give Me My Remote is Thankful for…

November 23, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Happy Thanksgiving from

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we are most thankful for. Of course there are our families, friends, health, yada…yada…yada. But here’s a few other things that I’m thankful for this year. The list is short and in random order (do you really think I’m MORE thankful for McDreamy’s hair than hugging Jason Dohring?…come on now). I’m hoping that you all will leave a comment and add to GMMR’s Thanksgiving

…ok the list could go on and on. But I’d rather hear from you!!


Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (UPDATED)

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

This whole week has been one big Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote. There’s been so much Office news swirling around, and I’ve been trying to keep it all in check for Office Thursday, but it’s been tough. But as always, here’s the lastest happening in the word of Dunder Mifflin.

Check back throughout the day as more news trickles in.
The Office, The Merger

Supersize me Baby…
Tonight we get another supsersized episode of The Office. And much like the last time we supersized, the writers don’t disappoint. So by now I think most of you know what’s going down on “The Merger”. The Stamford employees are merging with the Scranton branch, and they get their first taste of Michael Scott. Jim and Pam lay eyes on each other for the first time since Casino Night, and well…it’s great to see these two in the same office again.

Clips from tonight’s show are available at Yahoo! TV and But I think you should summon all your strength and try to hold out for a few more hours. I know, I know, it’s tough, but just think…it will make watching the show that much more fun.

I was lucky enough to get an advanced screener this week, so click here for my take on “The Merger”.

LIVE “Office” Chat TONIGHT…
Give Me My Remote As always, I will be hosting a LIVE Office chat over at for those of us on the East Coast. Log on and watch the show with other Officianados. Believe me, it’s so much more fun to watch the show with other Office addicts. And when we are done watching the show, we’re all going to head over to to hang with Jenna Fischer! (Schedule BuddyTV chat reminder)

Blogging with Jenna Fischer…

Jenna Fischer, The Office Jenna Fischer knows how to blog. She does it all the time on MySpace. But tonight she’s going to change it up a bit and live blog over at right after the East Coast airing of The Office. Make sure you jump online around 9:20/8:20c (that’s 6:20pm for you left coast kids) and chat with Fancy New Beesly. The NBC live blogging events tend to be a little crazy, so be patient with Jenna as I’m sure she is going to get to as many questions as she can. (The Office at
And now a word from Kate Flannery…
Kate Flannery, The Office Our favorite drunken red-head is back with another installment of her weekly Office blog. Get the inside scoop on The Merger, and find out which famous star was awestruck meeting Kate? (Kate’s Blog)

The Men of The Office are Taking on The World…
BJ Novak and Rainn Wilson, The Office And I for one am not complaining. Seems at the Scranton boys are everywhere these days. In case you missed it, check it out: The Men of The Office in GQ; John Krasinski in People Magazine, Rainn Wilson on the cover of Geek Magazine, John Krasinski and The Shins in Filter Magazine. Our boys are blowing up big time! But let’s face it…as much as we love John, BJ and Rainn where are our other men? Roy, Kevin, Stanley, Creed, Toby…come on – we are equal opportunity Dunder Mifflinites!

John Krasinski in NYC Tonight…
John Krasinski, The Office JKras will be taking part in a Jest Fest 06, a celebration of the 10th Anniversary of David Foster Wallace’s INFINITE JEST at the Used Book Cafe in NYC tonight. Krasinski will be joined by Todd Hanson (The Onion), Lev Grossman (Time Magazine), and Laura Miller (Salon) in reading from and talking about the book. Audience participation strongly encouraged! And ladies, try to keep your inner fangirls in control tonight. Oh, and if you are going and want to take pics for GMMR I’d love it!

Mindy & Angela Chit Chat…
Mindy Kaling and Angela Kinsey, The OfficeMindy Kaling and Angela Kinsey were out working hard to promote the show this week. The spent last Tuesday doing a bunch of interviews for NBC. Check out this clip from an interview they did with an NBC affiliate in Dallas. And can I just say that I am always floored at how different these ladies look in real life?! Smokin’ ladies…smokin’. And on that note, I also find it interesting how they alter their voices so much to fit with their character. Mindy Kaling certaintly doesn’t have the Kelly Kappor shrill that we are used to, and Angela’s Texas accent just wouldn’t work for Ms. Martin.
Jenna and James on LoveLine…
Jenna Fischer (The Office) and James Gunn (SLiTHER)Jenna Fischer and her red hot, red hat wearing husband James Gunn were guest on last night’s Loveline. Did anyone catch it? I’m sure it was some pretty funny stuff. Hopefully the show will be posted on the Loveline website over the next few days. Make sure to check back in a few days to see listen.

Brian Baumgartner, The OfficeUPDATE: GMMR’s friends over at TV with MeeVee scored a short interview with Brian Baumgartner!! Yay…you know how I love Kevin!! Brian gives mad love to the websites that are dedicated to the show – he definitely appreciates the fans, and we appreciate him.
Show Your Office Love…
A few new Office-inspired t-shirts and more have been added to the GMMR Store. By popular demand I’ve added not one by TWO “Here Comes Treble” designs for all you Andy lovers out there. And give Mr. Halpert a lending hand by letting him you know who he should give his heart too…are you on Team Karen or Team Pam (and I threw in a Team Beesly one in there too). Me? I’m on Team Halpert (but I think you know where my loyalties lie)

The Office t-shirts, GMMR Store

Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

The Office Thursdays on

So I know it’s Thursday and you all have been waiting patiently for the Office Thursday at Give Me My Remote update. Unfortunately I am traveling on business today and tomorrow and haven’t had much time to spend on my computer. And it’s a beautiful day here in NYC so you’ll forgive me if I want to get outside while I can 🙂

So here’s the miniest of all mini Office Thursdays.

Tonight’s episode (8:30/7:30c on NBC)….
Branch Closing”

When Jan tells Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael strives to keep his staff’s spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone privately begins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath. Both Brian Baumgartner and Jenna Fischer has said this is the best episode yet! I guess we’ll see in just a few hours. (Yahoo Clips)

Producer’s Cut of “Branch Closing”…
nbc_thoffice.gif As a special treat to us all, will be streaming a producer’s cut version of tonight’s episode starting at 9pm PT (so that’s midnight to us here on the East Coast). The longer version will show the scenes that didn’t make it into the regular 30 minute broadcast ep. Looks like it’s going to be a late night for GMMR. (
From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery) Kate Flannery is the resident Office blogger at TV Guide. In this week’s installment we get a little info on some of the perks that come with being on a hit TV show. From the dresses, to the awards, to hearing Katie Holmes speak? Anyway, make sure you check out her new blog update and leave a comment to show her the love. (Read Kate’s Blog)

Post-ep Blogging with Greg Daniels…
office_100x100.gif Executive producer Greg Daniels will be live blogging after the East Coast airing of the show over at Last time he blogged after the show it was for the season premiere, so I’m expecting big things tonight! You can head over there now and leave a question for Greg. (

Speaking of LIVE chatting…
buddytv_100x100.gif I’m looking forward to watching tonight’s episode with all of you over at As always, we will be chatting away starting at 8pm EST and throughout the show. Click here to set a reminder!

Jenna on Letterman Tonight….
Jenna_flower_100x100.jpg Don’t forget to check out Jenna Fischer on David Letterman tonight!! She’s going to be on with Keifer Sutherland. Maybe they can figure out a 24/Office crossover. Jenna also taped her appearance on The Rachel Ray Show this morning, and I was there. Check back a little later and I’ll share all the fun details!!

John Krasinski is EVERYWHERE….
John Krasinski as Jim Halpert Well, I guess he’s not everywhere, because I look around and it’s just me in this big old hotel room. But, John seems to be popping up in pics all over this great internet of ours. I’m not going to post the pics here because they aren’t mind to share, but I’ll certainly tell you where to go to see them.

First up – there were some ‘razi’esque photos taken of John and Rashida Jones strolling down the streets of Beverly Hills. Not sure when they were taken, but they did mention something about an “early morning stroll”. Let’s just hope it wasn’t too early if you know what I mean. And based on his clenched fists, I don’t think John was too pleased about being photographed. (Check out the pics)

MEAN Magazine has posted what I believe to be the HOTTEST John Krasinski photos I have EVER seen. MEAN Magazine is on stands now (althought I can’t find it anywhere in NYC). Make sure you check it out. Or just click here to see the pics of John.

Rumor has it that John will appear on tomorrow’s episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. I guess Ellen is doing a karaoke based show and John will be singing his little heart out. I heard he dedicates a song to me, aw he’s so cute.

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (Updated)

The Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote

Since last week we were faced with our first repeat of the season, I thought I could sneak by without an ‘Office Thursday’ post. Yeah, I was wrong. Based on the number of emails I received, I will try to never miss an OT again. So back my popular demand, I give you this week’s installment of ‘Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote’. And since I skipped last week I present you Office Thursday – Supersized!!! (and as always, check back throughout the day for updates)
LIVE ‘Office’ chat tonight at…

The Office Chat LIVEBefore we get started, just a reminder that we will be having our weekly Office chat at tonight. It’s sooo much fun watching the show with all of you each week. If you are watching the East Coast airing of the show, and want to join us, make sure you click the following link to set a reminder. We are usually there around 8pm EST. GiveMeMyRemote’s LIVE Office Chat at

Tonight on A Very Special Episode of The Office…
“Diwali”: Michael suggests that his desk jockeys support Kelly by taking in Indian culture and flavors at the Hindu Festival of Lights celebration. Meanwhile, work becomes a drinking game at the Stamford branch. (GMMR note: Uh oh…that’s all I’m going to say…uh oh)
The Office - DiwaliIf you have any will power at all you will avoid Yahoo TV. They have seven, yes, seven clips from tonight’s show. Per usual, I swore that I wouldn’t watch the clips, be I’ll be damned if I made it about 4 minutes before I was watching (and wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes). Oh this is going to be a good one. (Yahoo TV Clips)

Angela and Kevin - The OfficeTV Guide also has a clip from tonight’s show. It’s VERY similar to one of the Yahoo clips, so if you watch all of those first, you probably don’t need to check this one out. I feel guilty passing these along. If you didn’t know they were there, you wouldn’t be tempted. Sorry. (TV Guide Clip)

Pink the color, pink the person, basically anything that is Mindy Kaling…
Mindy Kaling of The OfficeGuess what? Tonight IS Kelly Kapoor Story Hour! Well, technically it’s only a half hour, but ugh, you know what just, shuutt it. Mindy Kaling (Kelly) wrote this script at the urging of Greg Daniels after he attended a Diwali party Mindy threw for the cast and crew last year. And Office nepotism strikes again when Mindy’s parents show up as Mr. & Mrs. Kapoor – gotta love it! For those of you who have been reading the spoilers, you know there is lot going down in tonight’s episode. TV Guide gets Minday talking about tonight’s ep, and the teases are just plain cruel. Is it 8:30pm yet? (Q&A with Mindy Kaling)

Meredith Sobers up enough to write…
Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery)Kate Flannery (Meredith) is back with the 7th installment of her weekly TV Guide blog. Is Meredith giving up the booze? Why do Office fans scare Kate? And find out where you can see Kate perform with The Lampshades this week!! Leave her comments and show the love.

Lights, Camera, Action…..
Harold RamisRight before the start of the season, I got an anonymous email from someone claiming to have inside scoop on S3 of The Office. Among the supposed spoilers was the news that Harold Ramis, Robby Benson and JJ Abrams would be directing episodes this season. I saw Abrams name and thought, “nah”, these must be foilers. But then, a few weeks later, it was announced that Ramis would indeed be directing this year’s ONE HOUR Christmas episode (yes, I said ONE HOUR), and my mind wandered back to that email. But I still thought…lucky guess?

JJ Abrams/The OfficeThen, just this week, it was revealed that one of my personal TV heroes, JJ Abrams, would in be directing an episode of The Office later this season. JJ Abrams?! The man who brought us Felicity, Alias and Lost is going to be behind the camera on my favorite show?! Amazing!! I’m so excited. All I know is that JJ better have some good Jim/Pam scenes to direct because this guy knows a thing or two about TV super couples. JJ is the guy behind Ben/Felicity/Noel (played by Scott Foley – just a little tidbit that might interest SOME of you), and Sydney/Vaughn. And if we thought Jim and Pam were up against some tough odds, try falling in love while being chased by international terrorists. Roy, Karen and Stamford are a walk in the park in comparison. And the most important aspect of JJ Abrams directing? A guaranteed cameo by Greg Grunberg!!

I don’t want to take credit for JJ’s decision to direct an episode, but let’s face it, we know THIS had to have some impact, right?

Cast of The Office on Lost

Kevin Bacon/The OfficeOh and back to the anonymous email I received. In case there is some truth to it, let it be known that GMMR is the FIRST to break the news that Kevin Bacon will be guest starring and keep your eyes peeled for an Office/House crossover. I know, I know…but the director stuff was real, so you never know.
The Ladies of The Office get glam…
The Ladies of The OfficeThe gorgeous women of Dunder Mifflin were out on the town last night attending the ’06 Women’s Image Network Honors Awards. Check out these smokin’ pics of Jenna, Angela, Kate and Melora. (Images courtesy of Wireimage and Getty Images)

Angela Kinsey (Click to Enlarge) Angela Kinsey plays Angela Martin (Click to Enlarge) Jenna Fischer (Click to Enlarge) Jenna Fischer /Pam Beesly (Click to Enlarge) Kate Flannery (Click to enlarge) Melora Hardin (Click to enlarge) The Office Ladies

Rainn Wilson on life, in Life…
Rainn WilsonRainn Wilson was recently interview by Life Magazine. Check out this mini Q&A and get to learn a little more about the man behind Dwight Schurte.

* Weekends are for: – “Lovin”
* Stay in or go out? – “I’m content to be home and watch really good things that TiVo recorded for me. For some reason, it thinks I want to watch Spanish soap operas.
* Favorite outfit? – “Jeans, man sandals, and glasses. I’m too lazy to put in my contacts.”
* Typical workout: – “I can’t answer that because ‘typical’ doesn’t go with ‘workout’ i
you’re talking about me.”
* Brunch item: “Nirvana’s Incesticide, Oh, you said brunch item. I heard grunge item.
A nice fruit bowl made of fruit like you see at cheesy weddings.”
* Music for a Sunday drive: “God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols.”
* Dinner party conversation: “The crazy stuff I can get my 2 year old kid to do. I
love to wield my fahterly influence for comedy’s sake.”

And Ode to Jim & Pam…
Jim and Pam, The OfficeThe first ever JAM-inspired song has been released. Click here to listen to Prospect Mali’s “Silence”. The first time I heard this song I had NO IDEA that it was inspired by Jim and Pam, and I thought MY GOD I need to send to Jenna Fischer NOW!! But of course, she already knew about it because, well, she’s Jenna Fischer.

SLiTHER on DVD It’s been an Office-filled Halloween week. So why not cap it off with a hella-scary movie, SLiTHER. SLiTHER was written and directed by James Gunn, who many of you know is Jenna Fischer’s husband. Click here to buy SLiTHER on DVD, but prepared to be freaked out – it was scary. Funny…but scary!!

Brian Baumgartner – metrosexual…
I usually like to include a new fanvid near the end of ever Office Thursday post, but today I thought I would server up a little something extra.  Check out this awesome pic of Brian Baumgartner (Kevin) getting a mani while prepping for the Emmys.  How on Earth I hadn’t found this pic is beyond me!  You know I love Kevin (and Brian seems pretty damn cool too).  I love this picture so much because it’s so ANTI-Kevin Malone, although Kev does like the occasional footbath.

Brian Baumgartner, The Office

Show your Dunder Mifflin Pride…
NBC recently released a bunch of NEW Office T-shirts. Click here to head over to to check ’em out. I’m thinking a shirt with JKras’s face on the front might be a bit too much for me (this coming from a girl who is wearing a Flonkerton hoodie to her office today).

And as always, you can find a bunch of “The Office” related tees, mugs, sweatshirts, and more at the Give Me My Remote Online Store

BuddyTV Chat for “The Office” TONIGHT

October 26, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

The Office Chat LIVEI’ve had a few emails asking me about our weekly Office chat over at  I figured there wouldn’t be a big crowd since it’s a reairing of Gay Witch Hunt, but I’m getting some emails asking about it.  So yeah, I’m going to be over at tonight at 8pm.  So swing by if you’d like to join us and chat.

Click here to join us as at 8pm EST

“The Office” Thursdays on Give Me My Remote (UPDATE)

The Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote

It’s Thursday, and don’t let anyone convince you it’s Friday…it’s not. Lots of “Office” gossip to share so let’s get into it. As always, check back throughout the day for updates.

Sneak Peek at ‘Grief Counseling’…
The Office, Grief CounselingIf you’re looking for a quick Office-fix, then head over to YahooTV and check out three clips from tonight’s episode. Something tells me this one is going to be a classic. And if you can manage to hold out until 8:30/7:30c, then more power to you. (Yahoo clips – click on the NBC logo and then The Office)

From the Desk of Meredith Palmer…
Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery)Kate Flannery, who plays the office drunk Meredith Palmer, is back with a new TV Guide blog. This week she gives us the behind-the-scenes scoop on tonight’s episode. But more importantly, she teaches us the important difference between Meredith from Meredith…in case you get confused. And did you know that you can leave Kate a comment on her blog? Yup, and I have it on good authority that Kate is reading all of them. (Meredith’s Blog)

Yeah, Why Did You Hook up with Michael…
Melora HardinDunder Mifflin Corporate’s own Jan Levinson (not Gould) seems to be at constant odds when it comes to her romantic feelings for Michael Scott. Melora Hardin recently sat down with TV Guide and shared some insight on what’s really going on with Jan and Michael, and is there a spark between Jim and Jan? Ugh – that boy’s plate is full enough. (Q&A with Melora Hardin)

The Office LIVE Chat Tonight – IT’S ON…
The Office Chat LIVEFor those of you who missed the LIVE Office chat over at last Thursday, well let’s just say you missed a GREAT time. It was definitely the Best.Chat.Ever!! We will once again be back at 8pm EST to watch the show together online. Sadly, I’m not going to be able to make it tonight BUT I have someone to fill in for me so the chat is on. (Set a reminder for The Office Chat)

Office Love on The Hot List….
Jim, Pam, RoyTV Guide Magazine just published its “Hot List” which features TV’s Hottest people and shows. And guess who has the hottest love traingle on TV? Move over McDreamy, Meredith & McVet – it’s all about Jam & Ram (TWSS). But technically the triangle has become a square now that Karen is in the mix. Wouldn’t Karen & Roy make a great couple?! Anyway, here’s what the mag had to say”

Why Them? You didn’t expect Pam (Jenna Fischer) to just ditch fiance Roy (David Denman) and live happily ever after with Jim (John Krasinski), did you? After all, the NBC comedy is only in its second full season. “Jim needed to figure out who he is, and Pam needed to do to same,” Fischer says. While Jim’s transferred to Dunder Mifflin’s Stamford office, Roy is fighting to win back Pam. He’s dropped weight, and looks great. What’s his secret? Must be those frozen chicken-or-fish wedding meals he eats for lunch every day.

Officianados Love Their TiVos…
The Office Thursdays on Give Me My RemoteDid you know that Nielsen is starting to measure playback on DVRs? Yup, and counting these “delayed views” is good news for some shows. According to USA Today, “NBC’s The Office had the biggest percentage of delayed viewers” (I promise they aren’t insulting our intelligence). “The show’s ratings spiked nearly 7% when viewing later Thursday night is counted, and more than 11% from viewing up to a week later.” Too bad the show ratings didn’t increase with each time it was watched over and over again on TiVo. I average at least 4 viewings of every episode. (USA Today)

John Krasinski on Ellen DeGeneres…
John Krasinski as Jim HalpertSpeaking of TiVos, don’t forget to set yours for Wednesday, October 18th as J. Kras is scheduled to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to remind you a million times before then.

The Office Staff has Downtime….
boaz.jpgOne of my favorite all time Office videos is an interview conducted for “Clip & Quips”. It features John, Rainn, BJ and Jenna playing around while trying to promote the show. The video was made a long time ago (J. Kras is sporting his ‘Jarhead’ hair, so that tells ya right there), but it’s pretty funny.

[gv data=”yO76IGXZKCs”][/gv] But Wait, There’s More…
Tanster over at recently brought our attention to a scene that didn’t quite make the cut from the original “Clips & Quips” video. Boaz, the guys conducting the interview auditions for a role as Phil the intern, the newest employee of the Scranton branch. You will see why you aren’t familar with a character named Phil. Oh and don’t think I didn’t love the 3 seconds of Krasinski singing.

Psst…let the video load so you can fast forward through the interview with Jordana Brewster and just watch the Dunder Mifflinites.

[gv data=”vkRhDnMi7kA “][/gv]

Get a Call from Dwight & Deleted Scenes…
Dwight SchruteThanks to GMMR reader for reminding me that YOU can get a call from Dwight Schrute. As part of a S2 DVD promotion, Dwight Schrute will give you (or your friends) a call and bitch you out (because that’s what Dwight does). Click here to check it out. Also, enter “dwightrules” into the field at the bottom of the page to access deleted scenes available on the S2 DVD.

Show your love for “The Office”
The Office MerchandiseHead over to the GMMR Store and check out the latest t-shirts, mugs, mousepads and more inspired by The Office. These have been selling like crazy lately, so make sure you snag yours up fast. (GMMR Store)

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