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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (UPDATE)

The Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote

It’s Thursday – need I say more? Don’t forget to check back throughout the day for updates to The Office Thursday at GMMR. If you have any Office gossip you’d like to share…let me know. So let’s get started.


New Jenna Fischer & Rainn Wilson pics! Check out these adorable new pics of Jenna Fischer & Rain Wilson from last night’s Entertainment Weekly party in Hollywood. (Thanks Tori)
Jenna Fischer EW Party (4) Jenna Fischer EW Party (3) Jenna Fischer EW Party (2) Jenna Fischer EW Party (1) Rainn Wilson, EW Party (1) Rainn Wilson, EW Party (2)

A Sneak Peek at “The Coup”…
The Office (The Coup)Can’t wait until tonight to watch the show? is offering a sneak peek of tonight’s episode. Watch two hilarious clips from ‘The Coup’. And I think it goes without saying but, um, spoiler alert?! (Yahoo clips – click on the NBC logo and then The Office)

What’s Meredith Talking About….
Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery)What is our favorite drunken redhead talking about this week? Kate Flannery (Meredith) share a little on what really happens at awards ceremonies (real ones, not the Dundies), and a bit about what her castmates are like when they cameras aren’t rolling. And the coolest part of her TV Guide blog? A well deserved shout out to the two best Office fansites out there – & Yay! I was so excited for Jennie and James. Bravo my friends…bravo! (Meredith’s Blog)

Jenna Fischer is Hot…
Jenna FischerCome on, tell us something we don’t know. Ok then….did you know that US Weekly recently put Jenna on its coveted Hot Hollywood list? Yup, Jenna was one of 15 standouts from TV and film to make the list. Office fans have long been aware of Ms. Fischer and her hotness, but it’s nice ot see others starting to give her the recognition she deserves. Congrats Jenna! (US Weekly)

Jenna & John…Meant for Each Other?
Jenna Fischer & John KrasinskiWell clearly not in real life, but both knew instantly the other was right for the role. Read as our favorite Office couple talk about the delicate pairing of Jim & Pam, and their experiences in the morgue..yup, the morgue. This is a really great Jenna & John interview. (AP Wire)

Interview with Jenna Fischer & John KrasinskiOf course I’m partial to another Jenna & John interview from back in the day…but that’s just me. Have you ever read this one? Ha ha. I’m going to try to have to check in with these crazy kids again this year, because ‘The Booze Cruise’ was sooo Season 2. (GMMR interviews Jenna & John)

Schrute Space Update…
Dwight SchruteDwight K. Schrute…or “D” as some like to call him, has updated ‘Schrute Space’, his blog at “Information is power” and any information we can get into the strange and bizarre world of the Schrute Family the better. And if you ever wondered where Dwight’s cousin Johnny is…well now you know. (Schrute Space)

Stamford is NOT Scranton…
John Krasinski as Jim HalpertJim is living in Stamford, CT now. There’s nothing we can do about it. So why not learn a little more about ‘the city that works’. What can Jim expect from his new home, and how is The Office trying to bring Stamford to life in Van Nuys, CA? Oh, and I don’t know if I read this wrong, but I think the article implies we might see Jim riding his bike to and from work?! Um, all that lankiness on a bike…that could be a sight. (The Stamford Advocate)

Live Office TVj Session TONIGHT…
As we do every Thursday, Dunder Mifflinites will be gathering over at at 8pm (EST) for our weekly LIVE Office TVj session. This is a chat moderated by, well…me. It’s a great way to connect online with other Officianados and watch the show together. I hope you’ll swing by and check it out tonight. Click here to set a reminder about the chat.

Office Gossip You Might Have Missed…

Oscar Martinez Interview: The Kiss Heard ‘Round the World

The Things You Don’t Know…from the Boys of The Office

Check out the GMMR Store for some new merchandise inspired by The Office. We’ve got t-shirts, mugs…everything you need to show the world you are an Officianado

BJ Novak made his first late night talk show appearance this week on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Nice job, BJ!! And once again a shoutout to Newton, MA. Woo hoo!!

[gv data=”qGuveG8nWkY”][/gv]

Photos courtesy of AP Photo and NBC/Universal

LIVE “The Office” Chat TONIGHT

September 28, 2006 by  
Filed under The Office, TV News

As we do every Thursday, Dunder Mifflinites will be gathering over at at 8pm (EST) for our weekly LIVE Office TVj session. This is a chat moderated by, well…me. It’s a great way to connect online with other Officianados and watch the show together. I hope you’ll swing by and check it out tonight. Click here on the link below to set a reminder.


September 21, 2006 by  
Filed under The Office, TV News

Hope to see you all tonight at the first “Office” TVj session of the new season over at The chats have been so much fun and I really love meeting new fans of the show every week. I’m really looking forward to watching the show with all of you. Click on the link below and set a ‘reminder’ for tonight’s chat.

I don’t know how many people are going to show up tonight, but there could be a good crowd.  I have a feel most of the chatting will be happening during the commercial breaks as all of our attention will be on the show. But, in case there’s a crowd, here’s a few tips to make the chat better:

(1) PLEASE PLEASE avoid repeating lines from the show.  We are all watching it…we heard it…we saw it. When 20 people are repeating lines, the chat gets really hard to ready.

(2) Avoid posting comment after comment.  Write what you want and then take a moment to let others respond.

(3) Remember, even if Pam is married to Roy tonight, no punching, kicking, or knife throwing is allowed in the chat!!

One Day Until “The Office” Season 3 Premiere

Cast of The Office

Can you stand it?! You know I can’t. The Office, my favorite show comes back after an excruiating summer of speculation. The spoilers and foilers leaked over the past few weeks have almost been too much to take. I’ll be lucky to make it to 8:30pm tomorrow night.

There’s a lot of Office related activity going on today and tomorrow so I thought I would give you a heads up.

The Office Live Chat…
First off, I hope you ALL will join me tomorrow night for our weekly “Office” TVj session over at The chats have been so much fun and I really love meeting new fans of the show every week. I’m really looking forward to watching the show with all of you. Click on the link below and set a ‘reminder’ for tomorrow night’s chat.

Greg Daniels LIVE Blogging…
Executive Producer Greg Daniels will be LIVE blogging with fans immediately following tomorrow night’s East Coast premiere. I’m going to be talking with my NBC/The Office contact today and I will post all the details ASAP.

Upcoming Appearances…
Our favorite Dunder Mifflinites will be all over the place the next few days…woo hoo! Special thanks to my girl Jennie at for pulling together all the cast appearances.

Wed Sep 20:
Steve Carell on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’

Thu Sep 21:
Rainn Wilson on ‘The Megan Mullally Show’
Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski on ‘The Today Show’.
John Krasinski on ‘Late Night with Conan O’Brien’
I’ll be back tomorrow with some more “Office” gossip!!

“The Office” Thursdays on Give Me My Remote

September 14, 2006 by  
Filed under BJ Novak, The Office, TV News

With one week before the season premiere of The Office, I had big plans for today’s weekly installment of “The Office” Thursday. Unfortunately, my clients at my “real” job had other plans for me today.

I’m going to keep adding to this post throughout the remainder of the day, so make sure you keep checking back, because there more Office gossip is coming including my thoughts on the S2 DVDs and some special Office-related appearances & events we can expect next week.

Jim and Pam, The OfficeCasino Night – Supersized Edition
Don’t forget that tonight’s broadcast of “Casino Night” is the supersized edition. Make sure to set your TiVo’s to start at 9:20pm, and if I were you, I would extend the recording until a little past 10pm. I’m personally holding out for a new promo. Fingers crossed.

The Office TVj Session at – TONIGHT!!

Be there or be Dwight! Tonight is our weekly Office chat over at I really hope you guys will join me tonight starting at 8pm EST for a live “Office” chat over at For those of you who are new to The Office TVj sessions, bascially, it’s a place for Officianados to gather and watch the show together. The more, the merrier. Just click on the link below and be sure to set up a reminder. I’d love to see you guys there tonight so we can watch The Office together and start the office countdown to the Season 3 premiere.

Season 3 Episode Synopsis – SPOILER ALERT (no Jim & Pam spoilers though)
DATE: 9/21/2006
TITLE: Gay Witch Hunt
SYNOPSIS: The third-season opener is set in the wake of casino night, and things get mighty dicey when Michael heedlessly outs a gay Dunder Mifflin employee. Meanwhile, some details about Jim and Pam’s complicated relationship come to light.

DATE: 9/28/2006
TITLE:- The Convention
With Dwight in tow, Michael heads to Philadelphia for an important office-supply convention. After meeting with Jan, Michael plans to spread brotherly love by having a party in his room for fellow conventioneers. Meanwhile, Ryan goes out on a double date – with none other than gabby Kelly.

Dunder Mifflinite World Tour
The cast will be out in full swing to promote the Season 3 premiere. Here are the events I know about right now. Check out throughout the week as Jennie will be sure to let us know about all cast appearances.

Rainn Wilson will be a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on 9/19

Jenna Fischer & John Krasinki on The Today Show on 9/21 (probably around the 8am hour, but we don’t know for sure. Jenna may update her blog and let us know)

Jenna Fischer & John Krasinski will be doing a brief in-person DVD signing on 9/21 from 9-9:30am at the NBC Experience Store. If you are planning on being in NYC click here for more info.
John Krasinski will chat it up with Conan O’Brien on 9/21

Executive Producer Greg Daniels will be live blogging during the Season Premiere. Immediately after the East Coast viewing of the show, fans will be able to interact and ask questions. I’m working on getting more info on this, and I PROMISE to update you all early next week.

GMMR Tackles The Office Season 2 DVD
Last Tuesday was like Christmas for diehard Office fans. The arrival of the Season 2 DVDs allowed us to take a brief, but albeit necessary break from speculating on the state of Jim & Pam’s relationship and let us focus on NEW goodies from our favorite show. And man, did these DVDs deliver!!! The 4-disc set is JAM (I couldn’t resist) packed with deleted scenes, commentaries, PSAs, the webisodes, a fab blooper reel…yeah, just about everything an Office-addict could need.

Read more

“The Office” Thursday on Give Me My Remote

Two weeks from today is the Season 3 premiere of The Office. Can you believe it? Two weeks seems so close yet so far away. 14 days and we will know, once and for all the aftermath of ‘the confession’ and ‘the kiss’. What a night that will be. I’m nervous already. There’s NO WAY that the show can go the way I want it to…I just know it.

Season 2 DVDs Released on Tuesday….
The Office Season 2 DVD At least we have the Season 2 DVDs coming out “officially” on Tuesday, September 12th. I say “officially” because some select stores already have them on their shelves. But of course NONE of the stores near me. I keep getting emails from people saying they already have their copies in hand, and it’s KILLING me!!!!

I pre-ordered by DVDs on Amazon months ago, and I think they are set to arrive around the 17th or 18th. Yeah, I’m not going to be able to wait that long. As of now, it looks like I will be buying 3 DVD sets. The one from Amazon (already purchased), the Target version (with the extra ‘Booze Cruise’ video blog) and the Best Buy Severance package (S1 & S2 with Dunder Mifflin accessories included). I’m thinking one will be my “borrowing” copy – the one I lend to friends. Another might be one that I send to the cast to autograph (fingers crossed), and the third is the one I will keep in my sole posession…in a glass case above my bed. TMI? Yeah, thought so.

Anyway, on to your weekly installment of The Office Thursday on – KEEP CHECKING BACK AS I WILL BE ADDING MORE TO THIS POST THROUGHOUT THE DAY!!!!

Football replaces The Office tonight on NBC. So sad. To that end, I’m sorry to report that there will NOT be an Office TVj session tonight. We will be back chatting over at next week at 8/7c. But be sure to click over there now and set a reminder for yourself, so you watch and chat along with us.

Farewell to the webisodes…

The Office WebisodesThe 10th and final webisode is live on I’m going to miss our little summer mystery…and yes, the money has been found and the culprit discovered. We get a little visit from Mr. Poop in this one. Yay!!! (click here to watch)

Kevin’s Blog – “Nice”…

Brian BaumgartnerBrian Baumgartner, who plays the fantastic Kevin Malone has updated his TV Guide Blog. I love Kevin, and love that he has been featured in more of the Office related features (webisodes, NBC fall preview, etc). He’s great!!

The Beard (formerly known as Roy)…

David DenmanRock 107 (Scranton, PA) talked to David Denman (Roy Anderson) about the upcoming season. Don’t get too excited, he doesn’t give anything away, but it’s still a good listen for all Office fans. (click here and enjoy)

The “Boss” Lady Sings the Blues….

Melora HardinDid you know that Jan Levinson (not so much ‘Gould’) is a sexy, saultry singer? Ok, maybe not Jan, but Melora Hardin is. Seriously, the writers must find a way to work her amazing talent into the show. How about another go at karaoke? Or perhaps we could see our favorite office couple “sway” to her beautiful and fitting song, “Heaven and Earth“. Check out for more on the other side of Lan Jevinson.

Talking to the Boys….

John Krasinski & Rainn WilsonNo new news on my upcoming interviews with Rainn Wilson and John Krasinski. Both are happening, but I’m just not sure about the timing. Their reps have been great, but both actors are crazy busy prepping for the start of Season 3. I’m pretty sure I’ll be talking to Rainn prior to the season premiere, and John hopefully a little later in the season (when he can spill a bit more). I’m more nervous to talk to John than Rainn only because if J. Kras ever been to this site, I’m sure he thinks I’m a 15 year old pyscho fangirl. John, I PROMISE it’s all an act. Hell, I don’t even find you the least bit attractive. (Do you think I convinced him…nah)

I think I have another interview in the works too. I’m working with awesome peeps at NBC to make it happen. When I know, you will know.

The Ballad of Jim and Pam….

Jenna Fischer and John KrasinskiA buddy of mine over at jumped on The Office train not too long ago, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming as obsessed as the rest of us. Check out his new article on Beesly and Halpert. I love getting a guys take on the office romance.

The Ballad of Jim and Pam

There is not one show on network TV that makes me laugh like The Office. Adapted from the British show of the same name, its subtle humor has a style and uniqueness previously unseen on American TV. The pacing and plotting of The Office is far more relaxed than a typical show, which allows for the actors to manipulate comedic beats in ways sitcoms won’t allow.

The Office is unique in it’s presentation: single camera, presented in widescreen, filmed on a practical set in a faux-documentary style, and shown on NBC without a laugh track. The actors are all well-versed in improvisation, and a large portion of each episode shown is unscripted. However, the one aspect that I find to be both unique and completely refreshing on The Office is the relationship between salesman Jim Halpert and receptionist Pam Beesley.

Continue reading “The Ballad of Jim & Pam”

Other Office Tidbits…

Want to know when your favorite Dunder Mifflinites will be on TV? tells you how to make sure you never the cast in their other TV appearances (talks shows, guest stars, movies, etc). (click here) & have announced their grand prize winner of The Office Ipod giveaway. What a great contest. Congrats to the winner and runners-up. Click here to read all about the contest and the winners.

The original Office creators, and all around comedic geniuses, Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant worked with Microsoft to create some hilarious training videos. Word is Gervais & Merchant didn’t expect these videos to hit the streets, but they are all over the place already so what the hell. I love Michael Scott, but damn David Brent is amazing. Click over to DuckyxDale to watch the videos.

Dunder Mifflin is Having Casual Friday….

Michael Scott was not joking when he expressed his concern for Pam Beesly and her ‘ticking time bags’.  Just to show how serious he is, Dunder Mifflin will be wearing jeans on October 6th to support Lee’s National Denim Day.  Check out the video to learn more.

[gv data=”UC71pS62dk0″][/gv]

Images courtesy of NBC Universal, Universal Home Entertainment, Stuff Magazine

The End of The Office Thursday

The Office Cast in People Magazine

Thanks to all who participated in tonight’s Office TVj session.  It was a blast to talk with all of you about our favorite show.  Next week it’s football so The Office won’t be on. Check back in with GMMR next week and I’ll let you know if we will be chatting anyway.

So I have little tiny bit of fun news to share.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to post it or not, because I didn’t want to be cocky (hence why I keep my Dundies hidden), but I was SO excited I had to share it with my GMMR friends.   I found out this morning, that was given a shout out by none other than Rainn Wilson during the Office S2 DVD commentaries.  How cool is that?  Love it!!!  My friends over at and were also mentioned.  I can’t wait for the DVDs to come out….2 weeks baby!!!

Ok, ok truth be told…I just wanted an excuse to post this awesome pic of the cast post-Emmys from People Magazine.  May this not be the only time we see Jim on bended knee. Thanks to theofficetemp for the pic.

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

I suppose this whole week has been like ong giant Office Thursday here at GMMR, hasn’t it? But there’s always more to share about the EMMY AWARD WINNING show, so here we go.

The Webisodes…

The newest webisode is live over at Are Angela, Oscar & Kevin any closer to finding who stole the $3,000? Maybe.

The Office Webisodes

From the desk of…

Jenna Fischer (Pam), Angela Kinsey (Angela) and Kate Flannery (Meredith) have all recently updated their MySpace blogs. Check out their thoughts on the big win, as well as some exclusive pics of the night.

The Office Season 2 DVDs…

The Office Season 2 on DVDWe here at GMMR are hearing nothing but good things from those lucky enough to already have their hands on the Season 2 DVDs. Check out the review to see what you can expect on September 12th when the DVDs are released. If you haven’t yet done so click here to buy The Office Season 2 DVD, get on it!!! (Thanks to for the link)

Next time on The Office…

We’ve got an Office marathon tonight. Well most of us do. I’m hearing that in some cities, The Office is being pre-empted for various sporting events. You guys should just move…honestly. Make sure you click here to check your local listings. So what are we watching tonight?

Jim & Pam, The Office8:30pm: The Dundies
On employee awards night, Michael writes and emcees the show and picks the winners—but doesn’t pick up the tab.

9:00pm: Take Your Daugter to Work Day
It’s Take Your Daughter to Work Day, and Michael becomes a surprise hit with staffers’ kids. He tries to impress them with video of him as a child on a local kids’ show. Meanwhile, Pam just wants one child to like her.

9:30pm: Conflict Resolution
Michael’s highfalutin attempts to resolve conflicts in the office only serve to stir up petty differences and forgotten arguments among his employees, causing bedlam and tumult at Dunder Mifflin. Also, the workers get their ID photos taken.

The Office TVj Sessions at…
I really hope you guys will join me tonight starting at 8pm EST for a live “Office” chat over at For those of you who are new to The Office TVj sessions, bascially, it’s a place for Officianados to gather and watch the show together. The more, the merrier. Just click on the link below and set up a reminder. I’d love to see you guys there tonight so we can watch The Office together and bask about the Emmy win.


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