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BONES Recap: ‘The Carpal in the Coy-Wolves’

October 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

“When things get boring, that’s when you start killing characters.” HAHAHAHA, BONES! Can a show troll itself? Yes it can! Either way, I loved that line from guest star Betty White (as Dr. Beth Mayer) in this week’s episode, “The Carpal in the Coy-Wolves.” What did you think of this episode? There is a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Brother in the Basement’

October 8, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hello, BONES fans! It’s time to discuss this week’s episode, “The Brother in the Basement.” It’s a continuation of last week’s season premiere, and there’s a lot to discuss, so let’s begin!

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BONES Season 10 Finale Recap: ‘The Next in the Last’

June 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Hey BONES fans! Here we are at the end of season 10! What did you think of this episode, “The Next in the Last” (also sometimes referred to as “The End in the End”)? I would have previously said I didn’t have some internal list of wants/needs for a BONES finale, but now that I’ve seen what COULD have been the series finale, I realize I had/have some expectations. This episode was an exercise in relief and frustration for me; moments I disliked had more weight as I thought “THIS IS HOW THEY WERE GOING TO END THE SERIES?!” but ultimately brought relief because there is another season. (Yay!) What I *did* like was tinged with frustration because what would have been terrific endings now seem hard to top…and so on!

Have you seen the older Adam Sandler movie, BIG DADDY? In it, a surprise party is planned for someone but the wrong people show up first and get the “SURPRISE” yell. The guest of honor shows up a bit later and the reaction is subdued, and the party planner yells to Sandler’s character, “WE WASTED THE GOOD SURPRISE ON YOU!” I loved so many moments in this episode (like the Booth/Caroline scenes), and in last week’s episode (like Brennan and Angela’s conversation) that I couldn’t help feeling, if somehow all of these characters are around next season again, that WE WASTED THE GOOD GOODBYES ON YOU! about these episodes, haha. But of course, if the show HAD ended for good and not done any of this stuff, I would have led the parade to set the internet on fire or whatever. So yes, haha, conflicting emotions.  More on this later. For now, let’s discuss the case.

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BONES Recap: ‘The Life in the Light’

June 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Hello, BONES fans! What did you think of this episode, “The Life in the Light”? Historically, the show has had really great penultimate episodes, and I think this one is no different. Read on to discuss the case, the Hodgins and Angela storylines, and why I feel that the gambling storyline, while exquisitely performed, has a few flaws in its resolution. Let’s do this thing! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Woman in the Whirlpool’

May 28, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones, TV News

Hello BONES fans! We’re in the final stretch of season 10, and this episode, “The Woman in the Whirlpool,” did a nice job moving several storylines forward. I liked so much of this (writer and producer) Kathy Reichs and Kerry Reichs-written episode; it had great dialogue, a sensitive & meaningful case, and good moments between characters. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Murder in the Middle East’

May 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

bones logo featured

Hello BONES fans! I really liked this episode, “The Murder in the Middle East.” How about you? I’m not saying every moment made me happy of course, but I think in some episodes (and some entire episodes) there can be moments of fluff or unnecessary parts. This episode didn’t waste a second or minute and was strong throughout. Plus, one of Aubrey’s lines is now one of my all time favorite BONES lines ever! For this, and more—read on! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Verdict in the Victims’

May 7, 2015 by  
Filed under TV News

Hello, hello! What did you think of this BONES episode, “The Verdict in the Victims”? I thought it was pretty good. I think in theory, it was great, but the episode suffered some internal and external timing issues. It’s a shame the serial killer storyline was wrapped up so quickly, because I think there was a lot crammed into this episode that could have been explored. And because Booth and Brennan and team were the ones who have been working this case all along, all errors in previous work are on their conscience, which was a bummer.

Normally when they are racing against the clock, it’s to overturn shoddy work or a deceitful coroner’s report. That every clue in this case came at the expense of some error they’d made before was a stretch. And explaining away SUCH a quick timeframe from Alex Rockwell’s trial to his execution was also a stretch. (It’s been seven months AND he requested an early death?)

I am not sure if this episode suffered from a need to wrap up storylines before the end of the season (and possibly series) or not, but I think it was somewhat rushed. So the team was up against the clock, and the episode itself seemed rushed by the very nature of the show’s status on Fox’s schedule for 2015-2016. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Lost in the Found’

May 7, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hey BONES fans! What did you think of this episode, “The Lost in the Found”? I have to say that I felt pretty strongly about it; it was an episode where what I loved, I loved — but what I didn’t like, I really, really didn’t like. The case was excellent, sad, and meaningful. The Brennan-in-denial about her pregnancy (and every person mockingly commenting on it) was just awful. The worst. More analysis later, for now let’s discuss the case. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Big Beef at the Royal Diner’

April 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Yo yo yo BONES fans! It’s time to celebrate, as with this 206th all-time episode,  “The Big Beef at the Royal Diner,” BONES is the “Longest-Running One-Hour Drama for Producing Studio 20th Century Fox”! Congratulations to all involved! We’ve been celebrating here all week with a look at what has helped get the show to 206 episodes.

I thought this episode was funny and pretty cute. I figured it would be from the promos, and I was sort of dreading that the show was going to temporarily backburner some other more serious plots they have created in the past few episodes. I am the first to admit that I jumped to conclusions; this episode did a nice job at least keeping tabs on the current ongoing storylines. There is a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Eye in the Sky’

April 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones, TV News

Hello BONES fans — how are you doing after this episode, “The Eye in the Sky”? I have to admit that, for me, it was — to use a BONES-phrase — heart-crushing. It’s been a while since that has happened to me! I liked the opening scene about a new B&B baby, but by the time I’d finished watching this episode, I was just tremendously sad. I’m still processing it actually. And somehow, the fact that David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel (and others) played the whole thing so perfectly makes it both ache more and less at the same time. I’m not sure how, haha! More on this later, but for now let’s discuss the rest of the episode. Starting with… Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Putter in the Rough’

April 17, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hey BONES fans! What did you think of this episode, “The Putter in the Rough”? I thought there were some funny moments as well as some sweet ones. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get to it. Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Baker in the Bits’

April 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hello BONES fans! It’s not often that we get to see an episode’s victim face his or her death, but that is just what happened in this episode, “The Baker in the Bits.” And those events led to others that (I think/hope) signal the beginning of a new serial killer type-arc on the show. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Teacher in the Books’

April 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hey BONES fans! Hashtag hello! What did you think of this episode, “The Teacher in the Books”? And if you’re on Twitter, are you following @DrBrennan ? I have to admit that when I first heard the premise (Brennan gets Twitter!), I was skeptical, but I really liked this episode a lot. It was funny, and there were good character interactions with a lot of heart throughout. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get right to it! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Psychic in the Soup’

March 26, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Hey, BONES fans! Welcome back! The show has returned with its 201st episode, “The Psychic in the Soup.” If you’re reading this, you survived the hiatus, and that’s great because there is a lot to discuss — so let’s get to it! Read more

BONES Recap: ‘The Puzzler in the Pit’

November 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Bones


Hey BONES pals! This episode, “The Puzzler in the Pit,” was one of the final three of 2014 (find out more about a BONES hiatus here) — what did you think about it? There was a death, a doula (played by Mindy Cohn), and a delivery room…and a lot more, so let’s discuss.

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