bones season 10 finale Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: Michaela Conlin on Angela’s Big Decision, Season 11’s Possible Changes

June 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

[This post contains spoilers for BONES‘ season 10 finale episode. Please do not read this interview until you’ve seen the hour.]

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BONES Season 10 Finale Recap: ‘The Next in the Last’

June 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Hey BONES fans! Here we are at the end of season 10! What did you think of this episode, “The Next in the Last” (also sometimes referred to as “The End in the End”)? I would have previously said I didn’t have some internal list of wants/needs for a BONES finale, but now that I’ve seen what COULD have been the series finale, I realize I had/have some expectations. This episode was an exercise in relief and frustration for me; moments I disliked had more weight as I thought “THIS IS HOW THEY WERE GOING TO END THE SERIES?!” but ultimately brought relief because there is another season. (Yay!) What I *did* like was tinged with frustration because what would have been terrific endings now seem hard to top…and so on!

Have you seen the older Adam Sandler movie, BIG DADDY? In it, a surprise party is planned for someone but the wrong people show up first and get the “SURPRISE” yell. The guest of honor shows up a bit later and the reaction is subdued, and the party planner yells to Sandler’s character, “WE WASTED THE GOOD SURPRISE ON YOU!” I loved so many moments in this episode (like the Booth/Caroline scenes), and in last week’s episode (like Brennan and Angela’s conversation) that I couldn’t help feeling, if somehow all of these characters are around next season again, that WE WASTED THE GOOD GOODBYES ON YOU! about these episodes, haha. But of course, if the show HAD ended for good and not done any of this stuff, I would have led the parade to set the internet on fire or whatever. So yes, haha, conflicting emotions.  More on this later. For now, let’s discuss the case.

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BONES Season 10 Finale Post-Mortem: Stephen Nathan on the Show’s Big Moves and Alternate Plan

June 11, 2015 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Bones

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

This post contains spoilers for BONES‘ season 10 finale episode. Please do not read this interview until you’ve seen the hour.] Read more

BONES Season 10 Finale Photos: ‘The End in the End’

May 27, 2015 by  
Filed under Bones

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BONES is ending its season a little bit later this year. And while we have to wait until June 11th to see the final hour — which was filmed before the show was officially renewed for season 11 — the photos from “The End in the End” are here!

Check them out…


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BONES: Brennan (Emily Deschanel, second from L) and Booth (David Boreanaz, L) weigh their options outside of the Jeffersonian and the FBD in the Season Finale "The End in the End" episode of BONES airing Thursday, June 11 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Also pictured: Michaela Conlin, R and TJ Thyne, second from R. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Jordin Althaus/FOX