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BONES: Michael Peterson Previews Betty White’s Guest Spot

October 21, 2015 by  
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Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Betty White is making her BONES debut in the October 22nd hour, “The Carpals in the Coy-Wolves,” and the writers found themselves with a teeny tiny problem when it came time to penning the hour.

“You can’t write an episode with Betty White in it, and not let every single actor be in a scene with her,” BONES co-showrunner Michael Peterson laughed. “You would have had mutiny on your hands. So it was very carefully crafted. We had to make sure, where’s Booth with her? Where’s Brennan? Where’s Angela? Cam, Hodgins, everybody, to give them that moment.”

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BONES Post-Mortem: Michael Peterson on That Breakup, Reunion, and More

October 8, 2015 by  
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Credit: FOX

Credit: FOX

[Warning: this post contains spoilers for the BONES episode, “The Brother in the Basement.” Please watch that hour before you read this post.] Read more

BONES Season 11 Premiere Post-Mortem: Michael Peterson on Those Heartbreaking Deaths and the Beautiful Montage

October 1, 2015 by  
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Credit: FOX

Credit: FOX

[Warning: this post contains spoilers for the BONES season 11 premiere. Please do not read this article until you’ve watched the episode.]

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BONES: Emily Deschanel on Kim Raver’s Character and Defending Booth

October 1, 2015 by  
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Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

As reported earlier in August, Kim Raver is part of a 2-episode arc on BONES this year—and the arc happens to be the first two episodes of the year. The show is treating the two episodes as a two-part premiere. The first episode airs tonight on Fox at 8 PM and the second next Thursday night.

There are other teaser posts about the premiere, and after the episode, we’ll have a post-mortem with co-showrunner Michael Peterson and my episode recap, so I won’t say too much more here, except to say that I really loved Raver’s turn as Agent Grace Miller.

Her character does butt heads with several other characters we know and love, but that is what I enjoyed about it. I think BONES does a great job integrating new characters (Aubrey being a good example), but for the most part, the new characters quickly come into alignment with the existing themes/characterizations that exist in the BONES-universe. Agent Miller challenges the audience’s perspective of Booth.

On paper, it’s true—he is a bit of a mess, he has suffered tremendous trauma, he can be dangerous, and he presents a risk. But for those characters who know him (and us in the audience), Booth’s track record doesn’t speak to his entire character. I came away from the first two episodes liking the idea that the real Booth is somewhere in the middle—not the guy in an FBI dossier against him, but also not as perfect or pure as some of the characters (and again us in the audience) make him out to be either.

On a recent conference call, I asked BONES star Emily Deschanel (Brennan) what it was like to work with Raver and what it was like to interact with a character who didn’t know Booth quite so well… Read more

BONES: ‘The Donor in the Drink’ Photos

September 28, 2015 by  
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It’s no secret that BONES star David Boreanaz (Booth) is a full-time cast member for the show’s 11th season, so it’s with only the very slightest of spoiler warnings that I give you photos from the third episode of the season.

As you may know, the first two episodes of BONES’ newest season focus on the search for a MIA Booth. But by episode 3, things are (seemingly) back to normal, with Booth and Brennan investigating a case.

Check out some photos from “The Donor in the Drink”…


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BONES: L-R: John Boyd and David Boreanaz in the "The Donor in the Drink" episode of BONES airing Thursday, Oct. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

BONES: ‘The Brother in the Basement’ Photos

September 24, 2015 by  
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In the second part of the BONES season premiere (airing October 8th), Booth is still MIA, so Brennan and company have some questions for Kim Raver’s Agent Miller about some information she may have.

Check out some photos from “The Brother in the Basement”…


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BONES: L-R: Guest star Kim Raver and Emily Deschanel in the "The Brother in the Basement" episode of BONES airing Thursday, Oct. 8 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw/FOX

BONES returns Thursday, October 1st at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES Season 11 Premiere: ‘The Loyalty in the Lie’ You Ask, I Answer
BONES: Season 11 Cast Photos
BONES Season 11 Premiere Photos: ‘The Loyalty in the Lie’
BONES’ Tamara Taylor Teases Booth’s Premiere Disappearance: ‘It’s Not Looking Good’
BONES: Betty White to Guest Star
Fox Teases BONES, SLEEPY HOLLOW Crossover

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BONES’ Tamara Taylor Teases Booth’s Premiere Disappearance: ‘It’s Not Looking Good’

August 27, 2015 by  
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Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

When BONES returns for its eleventh season premiere in five weeks, one key member of the team will be MIA: Booth — who, along with Brennan, left DC to get a fresh start at the end of season 10 — has completely vanished.

“The season opener hits pretty hard; [Booth]’s disappeared,” BONES star Tamara Taylor (Cam) teased. “The entire gang is besides themselves. Needless to say Dr. Brennan is a mess. It’s all about finding out what happened to him, where he is, and what he’s into. It’s not looking good.”

Complicating matters is the fact that Booth had a gambling relapse before he left DC.

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BONES: Kim Raver Lands Pivotal Two-Episode Arc

August 5, 2015 by  
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Courtesy of Fox

Courtesy of Fox

The mystery of how BONES is going to work Booth and Brennan back to the Jeffersonian/FBI has taken an intriguing twist: 24 star Kim Raver has been cast as FBI Special Agent Grace Miller — who is involved in “the investigation surrounding the disappearance of FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.” Raver will appear in the first two episodes of the season.

It seems Booth and Brennan’s life away from DC has taken a twist. The duo left their home at the end of season 10 for a fresh start (of sorts), with a new baby on the way, and newly reconciled after Booth’s gambling addiction relapse.

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BONES Post-Mortem: Michaela Conlin on Angela’s Real Name, the Emotional Brennan-Angela Scene

June 4, 2015 by  
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bones logo featured

[Warning: this post contains spoilers for BONES’ “The Life in the Light.” Please watch that hour before you go any further.]

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BONES: Michaela Conlin Teases Angela’s Decision in ‘The Life in the Light’

June 4, 2015 by  
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Cr: Brian Bowen Smith/FOX

Cr: Brian Bowen Smith/FOX

As BONES heads towards the end of its tenth season, two key team members may be saying goodbye to the Jeffersonian.

For years, Angela has struggled with where she should be, career-wise, and in tonight’s penultimate hour, “The Life in the Light,” Hodgins presents his wife with a life-changing offer.

“We’ve been building up to this a little bit,” BONES star Michaela Conlin (Angela) acknowledged. “We’ve seen she’s conflicted about the kind of work they’re been doing for so many years. I think this time it’s less about her — I think a couple of seasons ago, it was about her journey, and what she wanted, and how she didn’t feel like she was being fulfilled as an artist. Now I think it’s about how she wants to raise her child, and the environment [the family] is in; I think it’s more of a family decision.”

But even if Angela takes Hodgins up on his offer, in the more immediate future, she’s worried about her best friend. (Angela and Brennan actually share arguably their best friendship scene of the series in tonight’s hour.)
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BONES Season 10 Finale Photos: ‘The End in the End’

May 27, 2015 by  
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BONES is ending its season a little bit later this year. And while we have to wait until June 11th to see the final hour — which was filmed before the show was officially renewed for season 11 — the photos from “The End in the End” are here!

Check them out…


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BONES: Brennan (Emily Deschanel, second from L) and Booth (David Boreanaz, L) weigh their options outside of the Jeffersonian and the FBD in the Season Finale "The End in the End" episode of BONES airing Thursday, June 11 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Also pictured: Michaela Conlin, R and TJ Thyne, second from R. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Jordin Althaus/FOX

BONES: ‘The Woman in the Whirlpool’ Teases

May 27, 2015 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Bones

bones logo featured

When BONES returns on Thursday, the series will be deep-diving into the fallout of Brennan confronting Booth about his gambling addition (and subsequently kicking him out of their home).

Before the hour airs, I have a few teases (and thoughts) about “The Woman in the Whirlpool”…
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BONES: Teases For ‘The Lost in the Found’ and ‘The Verdict in the Victims’

May 7, 2015 by  
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We’re only a few hours away from BONES airing two episodes back-to-back (they are not connected by case, so calling it a two-hour episode feels wrong), and after viewing “The Lost in the Found” and “The Verdict in the Victims,” I do have a few teases about what’s going down… Read more

BONES: ‘The Murder in the Middle East’ Photos

May 5, 2015 by  
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Booth and Cam are heading to Iran — where Arastoo has been staying, to take care of his dying brother — in an upcoming episode of BONES, and are tasked with solving a murder there.

Check out some photos of “The Murder in the Middle East”…


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BONES: Arastoo (guest star Pej Vahdat) hides while being chased through the streets of Tehran in the "The Murder in the Middle East" episode of BONES airing Thursday, May 14 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

BONES airs Thursdays at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES 206: The Long Haul
BONES 206: The Show Reaches Out
BONES 206: The Heart of the Show
BONES 206: The Backbone of the Show
BONES: Hart Hanson on Why Episode 206 Will Just Be a ‘Good, Solid’ Hour

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BONES: Cyndi Lauper Teases Avalon’s Return

March 25, 2015 by  
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Bones_ep1011-sc25_0231_hires1(1)Cyndi Lauper’s Avalon Harmonia returns to BONES in Thursday’s “The Psychic in the Soup,” and this time around, she has a special message to the team…from the recently-departed Sweets.

I spoke with Lauper on the show’s set about what Sweets is trying to tell his friends (and she has an adorable joke to make about John Francis Daley’s post-BONES gig)…

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