CHICAGO FIRE’s Jimmy Nicholas Reflects on His On-Screen Partnership with Hanako Greensmith
October 26, 2022 by Marisa Roffman
Filed under Chicago Fire
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CHICAGO FIRE — “Every Scar Tells a Story” Episode 1102 — Pictured: (l-r) Hanako Greensmith as Violet, Jimmy Nicholas as Chief Hawkins — (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)
During his year on CHICAGO FIRE playing Hawkins, Jimmy Nicholas frequently worked with Hanako Greensmith (Violet), as their characters became entangled in a relationship and ultimately fell in love.
And with his time on the NBC drama at an end—following Hawkins’ tragic death—Nicholas acknowledges he will miss “everything” about working with Greensmith.
“I wouldn’t have been on the show for anywhere near as long if it wasn’t for my friendship with Hanako and our working relationship,” Nicholas tells Give Me My Remote. “How close we are, there’s no bad ideas, no judgment; just full jumping in with both feet and making good art. And I think our chemistry is something that continues off-screen as well.”