CHICAGO MED — “This Could Be The Start of Something New” Episode 809 — Pictured: (l-r) Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC)
As CHICAGO MED prepares to say goodbye to Brian Tee’s Ethan Choi, showrunners Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider were immediately clear with how they wanted to write out the beloved character.
“We wanted a very honorable exit,” Frolov tells Give Me My Remote. “Something that was happy, fulfilling.”
“We wanted to keep him happy and alive, and with the possibility that he could reappear,” adds Schneider.
To that end, the writers reunited Ethan with his on-off love April (Yaya DaCosta, who departed the show at the end of season 6), and the duo will tie the knot in the Wednesday, December 7 episode, “This Could Be The Start of Something New.”
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Tags: Andrew Schneider, Are Ethan and April reuniting on Chicago Med, Chexton, chicago med, Chicago Med 8x09, CHICAGO MED air date, Chicago Med April and Ethan get married, Chicago Med Brian Tee exit, CHICAGO MED cast, Chicago Med Chexton wedding, CHICAGO MED episode, Chicago Med Ethan April wedding, Chicago Med Ethan exit, Chicago Med Everyone’s Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About recap, CHICAGO MED guest cast, CHICAGO MED guest stars, Chicago Med photos, Chicago Med season 8, CHICAGO MED season 8 air date, Chicago Med season 8 cast, CHICAGO MED season 8 episode, Chicago Med season 8 episode 8, Chicago Med season 8 episode 8 recap, Chicago Med season 8 episode 9, CHICAGO MED season 8 guest cast, CHICAGO MED season 8 guest stars, CHICAGO MED season 8 Photos, Chicago Med season 8 spoilers, CHICAGO MED season 8 stars, Chicago Med spoilers, CHICAGO MED stars, CHICAGO MED: 'Everyone’s Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About', CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New', CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' air date, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' cast, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' episode, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' guest cast, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' guest stars, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' Photos, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' spoilers, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' stars, Diane Frolov, Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider interview, Ethan and April getting married Chicago Med, Ethan and April on Chicago Med, Ethan and April wedding Chicago Med
Ethan (Brian Tee) departs CHICAGO MED on the Wednesday, December 7 episode.
Check out photos from “This Could Be The Start of Something New”…
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CHICAGO MED -- "This Could Be The Start of Something New" Episode 809 -- Pictured: (l-r) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi -- (Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC)
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Tags: Are Ethan and April reuniting on Chicago Med, chicago med, Chicago Med 8x09, CHICAGO MED air date, Chicago Med Brian Tee exit, CHICAGO MED cast, CHICAGO MED episode, Chicago Med Ethan exit, Chicago Med Everyone’s Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About recap, CHICAGO MED guest cast, CHICAGO MED guest stars, Chicago Med photos, Chicago Med season 8, CHICAGO MED season 8 air date, Chicago Med season 8 cast, CHICAGO MED season 8 episode, Chicago Med season 8 episode 8, Chicago Med season 8 episode 8 recap, Chicago Med season 8 episode 9, CHICAGO MED season 8 guest cast, CHICAGO MED season 8 guest stars, CHICAGO MED season 8 Photos, Chicago Med season 8 spoilers, CHICAGO MED season 8 stars, Chicago Med spoilers, CHICAGO MED stars, CHICAGO MED: 'Everyone’s Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About', CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New', CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' air date, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' cast, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' episode, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' guest cast, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' guest stars, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' Photos, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' spoilers, CHICAGO MED: 'This Could Be The Start of Something New' stars, Ethan and April getting married Chicago Med, Ethan and April on Chicago Med, Ethan and April wedding Chicago Med

CHICAGO MED — “Winning the Battle, but Still Loosing the War” Episode 803 — Pictured: Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC)
CHICAGO MED star Brian Tee will exit the medical drama on Wednesday, December 7, and NBC has officially teased what to expect in his final hour.
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CHICAGO MED — “It May Not Be Forever” Episode 514 — Pictured: (l-r) Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
[Warning: This post contains spoilers for the Wednesday, November 16 episode of CHICAGO MED, “Everyone’s Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About.”] Read more