NAME THAT TUNE Exclusive Video: Jane Krakowski Praises the ‘Bigger’ Season 2, Plus Teases the Addition of Celebrity Contestants
March 22, 2022 by Marisa Roffman
Filed under Name That Tune
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NAME THAT TUNE: Jane Krakowski in the season premiere of NAME THAT TUNE airing Tuesday, March 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Lorraine O’Sullivan / FOX. © 2022 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: FOX.
NAME THAT TUNE returns to Fox for a second season on Tuesday, March 22 (at 9/8c), and as host Jane Krakowski jokes, in the exclusive video below, some things have changed: “My hair is bigger, the band is bigger, the money is bigger. And the contestants? The same sizes.” (Also the same: Randy Jackson, who returns as band leader.)