THE OFFICE Season Finale Recap: “The Job”
May 18, 2007 by Kath Skerry
At just about 8:54 pm tonight there was a slight shift in the universe. Did you feel it? There was this calmness and this stillness that took over and for the first time September 21st all felt right. Yes, Jim and Pam have found their way to each other. Can I get an AMEN!!
The Season 3 finale of THE OFFICE was brilliantly written, acted, and well paced. It was filled with twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. And I know that it sounds cliche, and I know saying it sounds cliche, sounds cliche. Maybe I’m being cliche but I don’t care. I am what I am – a full fledged Office addict who got exactly what she wanted, and in fact needed from the finale.
Looking back on this season I can’t help but be reminded of the profound words of the prolific Missy “Missdemeanor” Elliott: “Is it worth it, let me work it. I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it.” Oh yes, it seems that some of our favorite Dunder Mifflinites had their stories flipped and reversed, and while it was a worthwhile journey for some, others ended up…well nowhere we (or they) expected to be.
I mean, who would have thought that the serious, focused, goal-oriented Jan Levinson would be the one fired for erratic and inappropriate behavior ,and that she would be the one heavily pursuing a relationship with Michael Scott? Or, for that matter, that Michael Scott would be dreading the thought of a serious relationship with Jan – despite her brand new boobs.
It’s sometimes difficult to move up the Corporate ladder when you dig yourself a huge hole right under said ladder. Yet that’s exactly what Michael did. Michael was so confident that he was going to get the position with Corporate he went as far as to sell his condo…on eBay. He bid his fond farewells to the Scranton Branch and appointed Dwight as Regional Manager. In New York, Michael thought his interview was going really well, but after finding out that the position he was interviewing for was the same one from which Jan was being dismissed, well, things started taking what some might call a turn for the worse. After letting it slip to Jan that she was being fired, Michael saw first hand what Jan Levinson was like when she was not her usual calm, cool, collected self, and he didn’t like what he saw…Jan’s got a bit of the crazies. Jan gets escorted out the building, and Michael was informed that he’s not getting the corporate job. And later while his jobless girlfriend was having a mental breakdown in his car, Michael decided to go with his instincts (which has never served him well in the past) and told Jan she could move in with him. A “crazy-unstable-head over heels-in-love-with-Michael Scott” Jan Levinson is going to be…well, she’s going to be something – and Michael is scared. How the tables have turned.
Then of course there is Jim Halpert who pined away quietly for years as he watched the woman he loved live her life with someone else – someone that didn’t love her nearly as much as he did. He went away, and came back a changed man, in as much as he could. The new suits, the new job and the new girlfriend became the shield he needed to keep his heart from being broken again. And while Jim was losing more of himself day after day, it was Pam who was growing and discovering who she really was. Now it was her turn to pine for Jim, and watch him be with someone who she knew wasn’t right for him. And just as Jim helped Pam discover the best part of her through his friendship and love, it was Pam who brought Jim Halpert back and helped him to realize that he was happy with who he was before he left for Stamford, and how much happier he could be when given the chance to start a new chapter of his life with Pam.
But I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure it was going to go their way. With Jim and Karen both up for the Corporate job, the two took some time to explore New York City together. For perhaps the first time, we saw that outside of the office and away from the ghost of Pam, Karen and Jim are a fun couple. Karen is good for Jim. She wants him to step out of his comfort zone and experience new things. She wants him to be the Corporate guy who gets a haircut so he doesn’t look “homeless”. She wants him to go to nice dinners in NYC and sneak into musicals with her. She wants him to be Adult!Jim. But Karen is smart, and she knows that Jim needs a little push sometimes – especially when it comes to their relationship. She aslo knows that if either of them get the position with Corporate, that they can’t last unless they are together. Never one to beat around the bush Karen puts it on the table for Jim.
Karen: So what’s going to happen to us when I get this job?
Jim: Oh you mean when I get this job?
Karen: Well IF you get the job, well then I’d move here for you. Would you move for me?
I’m not stupid, ok? I was at the beach. We don’t have a future in Scranton. There’s one too many people there.
Jim: You mean Kevin?
Karen: Exactly. But you get it, right? I can’t stay there.
Jim: Yeah, I do.
And Jim does get it. He, Karen and Pam can’t all be in Scranton together. And perhaps NYC is just what Jim needs to finally move on. And it might be easier if subtle reminders of Pam weren’t everywhere. From the ill sound of “Dunder Mifflin, this is Grace” to the good luck note and gold yogurt lid from Pam he found amongst his interview materials, Jim perhaps realizes that he’s been running from Pam for too long. But he’s not sure if he can really go back.
(Flashback to beach day. Jim joins Pam at the water a few minutes after her speech)
Jim: The real reason I went to Stamford was because I wanted to be…Not.Here.
Pam: I know
Jim: And even though I came back, I just feel like I’ve never really come back.
Pam: Well I wish you would.
We all wish you would, Halpert.
Pam is done running too, and Fancy New Beesly is here to stay. Pam’s not apologizing for beach day confession, despite the good natured ribbing from her co-workers or her awkward encouters with Karen. Nope, she meant what she said and she’s owning it. Her new found self confidence is now evident in everything she does. From accepting Dwight’s offer for her to be the unofficial secret assistant to the regional manager, to her subtle ways of letting Karen know that she’s not giving up on Jim just yet, to her take charge command of a meeting gone awry, Pam is a new woman. Hell, even her talking heads are much more hopeful and honest.
Pam has finally found a way to be happy again after a really difficult year. Things didn’t turn out exactly as she planned but she’s going to learn to be ok with it. Maybe a life with Jim was never meant to be.
Pam: I haven’t heard anything, but I bet Jim got the job. I mean, why wouldn’t he? He’s totally qualified and smart, everyone loves him. And if he never comes back again, that’s ok. We’re friends, and I’m sure we’ll stay friends. We, we just never got the timing right. You know, I shot him down and then he did the same to me. But you know what? It’s ok. I am totally fine. Everything is going to be totally..
(Jim quickly opens the conference room door)
Jim: Pam (to camera) Oh sorry. Are you free for dinner tonight?
Pam: Yes.
Jim: All right…then it’s a date
Pam: (with tears in her eyes and smiling) I’m sorry. What was your question?
Seems Karen was right. There was one too many people in Scranton, and Jim understood that. I just don’t think she ever assumed she was the odd one out. But that’s when happens when you step in on JAM. See ya Fillapelli. Enjoy your new life with your friends in New York (wait, she is moving to New York, right?)
So yes, it happened. It really happened. Jim and Pam have come full circle and finally, FINALLY found their way to eachother, and in the process they both found out who they really are. Yes, again another cliche, but when it takes a full season to get there it certaintly doen’t feel anything other than authentic and necessary. A special BRAVO to Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski who were both so incredible tonight. Not only in their scenes together, but throughout the entire episode. They didn’t give anything away with their performances, and more importantly they didn’t hold anything back. There wasn’t a false moment tonight. I’m not sure why neither submitted this episode as their Emmy tape.
So with tears streaming down my face, I’m ready to accept that Season 3 of The Office is done. But oh wait….it ain’t over yet.
Wondering who got the job with Corporate? CFO David Wallace makes the call to congraulate the candidate, and the camera slowly pulls back to reveal…IT’S RYAN!! YES! Did anyone see that coming? Hells no. And remember what I said earlier about flipping it and reversing it? Well how about that for a big old zinger. The Temp who has never made a sale gets the Corporate job. The same Temp who spent his days at Dunder Mifflin working harder than anyone else to make something of himself only to be reminded at every turn that he was just the temp. Well, payback’s a bitch, and in a brilliant twist that no one saw coming, Ryan is now everyone’s boss. Yes, Michael and Dwight…all bow down to the Temp. Oh and Kelly was just dumped. Ryan is out of here.
What I think is missing from this review, recap, whatever you want to call it is just how funny this episode was. Yes,I’m a bit focused on the satisfaction of the Jim/Pam ending, but it’s just that I’ve been waiting for so long it seems to overshadow everything else. But there was some fantastic moments tonight. There was Dwight’s power-crazed pursuit to start his new regime as Regional Manager with Andy by his side. Michael feeling up Jan’s new chesticles, Creed’s blog (which is now available on, and come on, who doesn’t want Schrute bucks? A lot of just great moments that reminded me why this is my favorite show on television.
Despite wearing out my carpet with all the nervous pacing I’ve done over the past few days worrying about what was going to happen with Jim and Pam, once I got into the episode I was having so much fun that I forgot to be nervous about the fate of the BEST couple on TV. It was an incredibly satisfying house of television.
So that’s that. Season 3 is wrapped. And I’m going to give myself at least 3 business days before I start speculating on season four. Oh come on, you know you are already going there. What will Michael’s life be like now that Jan is living with him in Scranton? Will Dwight and Angela finally go public with their love? Will Andy continue to worm his way into everyone’s lives? Will Meredith finally find her 12 steps (and not the ones that lead from the parking lot to the bar)? And what kind of sweet revenge can we expect from Ryan now that he holds all the power?
Oh and of course what does Season 4 hold in store for Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly? Will we be deprived of witnessing their early courtship? How will the writers keep their relationship as fresh, interesting, and as special as it has been since we first met them. Call me crazy, but I think Season 4 will prove to be important for all future TV couples. Gone will be the days of the curse of “Moonlighting”. The Office will prove that you can have your favorite couples together without it being the downfall of the show. Jim and Pam will continue to be lovable, romantic, funny and angsty…and most importantly NOT BORING. Just wait, you’ll see.
These writers are the BEST at what they do, and they proved it again tonight with this season finale.
Thanks for a great season!! I’ll miss you over the summer Dunder Mifflin. See ya next season!!
…and we’re done!
omgogmogmg i feel like a loser posting this so quickly BUT AHHHH!! JAM AT LAST!!!!!!
I know!!!!! i’m so excited JAM finally!
and omg can you believe ryan!
OMG what????? Australians need to know!!! What happened?!?!?!?!
OH MY GOSH! They so set us up to think nothing was going to happen!! I can’t think…I’m freaking out!! It was SOO good!!!!
BEST ENDING EVER!!!!!!!! I could die I am so happy!
i cannot believe that he is the boss of michael. thats going to be interesting.
but now what happens to karen, shes just gone?
Ryan as Michael’s boss is going to be awesome
I think I just woke up anyone within a five-mile radius. OH, MY GOD. No, no. EVERLASTING OMGS until I ultimately expire. I’m still on a high, jumping up and down, squealing incoherently so that only dogs and beach wales can understand me. I feel like I’m falling into hysteria! OH, MY FREAKING GOD!!!!!! The summer is too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMYFREAKINGGOD!!!!!!!
Rough memory of the magic that ensued:
Jim: “Hey Pam, do you have plans for dinner?”
Pam: “No…”
Jim: “Great, it’s a date then.”
Pam: “…[to camera, glowing and smiling] I’m sorry, what did you ask me?”
OH MY GOSH!! That was so good and I honestly NEVER saw it coming!!!!
Thanks you so much writers. I’m sorry if I ever doubted you.
For wheriskylie:
As Jim was interviewing, he found a note from Pam with one of her Office Olympics yogurt lid medals attached that read “don’t forget about us when you’re famous.” We see shots of Jim leaving the interview, but don’t know what happened. Back in Scranton, Pam is doing a talking head about how she and Jim just never got their timing right, but it was ok, they’d always be friends. Then Jim interrupts, asks Pam out on a date, which she accepts. Jim leaves again, with a stunned Pam beaming at the camera. And Ryan got the job.
Just…wow. I think this tops Casino Night. (Is that even possible??)
See you guys next fall….guess it’s a date!
I thought that right before Jim came in, it was going to end like that. BUT I LOVED IT! YAY for RYAN!
I do not believe what just happened! I’m so glad that it didn’t just end with Pam’s talking head because now we have something to look forward to! but now what will become of Karen?
Anybody else think that reminiscing (sp) about Pam caused Jim to withdraw from the candidate pool? That was the feeling I got was going to happen during his interview.
As of now, I think Karen still lives in Scranton, no?
Here’s my question – will we miss out on the beginning stages of JAM?
Those tears in Pam’s eyes. I’m slightly confused though… I thought the spoilers said Jammers weren’t going to be happy ??????
incidentally, does anyone know when Officetally will be up and running?
I think a deafening squeeeeee was heard across the land courtesy of Greg Daniels. I am so thrilled with tonight’s episode that I do not believe I can coherently express myself.
So many favorites, but especially all that was expressed without words. Jenna Fischer is so phenomenal, those last few seconds of the joy that emanates from Pam is just so Wow. Just amazing. And now we have a summer of speculation on all of the JAM-iness.
Didn’t Karen say she couldn’t stay in Scranton? It would be very awkward if she were to stay, but who knows.
Office tally is up again..use the username: Dwigt/ password: dwigt..if it doesnt work just keep doing it until it works…
RE: Karen in Scranton?
Here’s the dialogue from the episode:
“We don’t have a future in Scranton. There’s one too many people there. “No, but you get it, right? Can’t stay there.”
Yes, Karen, there is one too many people in Scranton, and it seems it’s you.
This whole episode was so good. I would love to know who directed it because it felt very well paced.
I just love that we came full circle. Last year Pam gave him a reason to leave. This year she gave him a reason to come back.
And not bitchy at all. I’ll tell you what’s bitchy, telling your boyfriend that his hair makes him look like he’s homeless or calling the girl who just apologized for an awkward situation a bitch.
BRAVO! WELL DONE! As a dude I can’t say that I cried, but I must have kicked up some dirt because it got really dusty in here just about the time Jim walked into the conference room.
Can someone be “awesomer” than Pam? I don’t think so. And Jim ain’t to shappy himself. The perfect ending.
… is it S4 yet?
People Jim and Pam are together. I thought this day would never come. Now we just need to convince the writers that angst can be created in other ways not just by breaking up and getting back together.
GMMR. You can ducky must do another podcast just so you can talk about these last two eps of the office!
Crashlanding –
Ducky called me just a few minutes ago and we decided were going to podcast at some point this weekend. More on that later. I’m really looking forward to it.
So is it already too early to be talking Season 4.
We have Jan living with Michael. Ryan as Michael’s boss. Jim and Pam dating. Karen perhaps still living in Scranton, but most likely in NYC.
Did I mentioned that Jim and Pam are dating?
GMMR, I was lurking in the Buddy chat and I felt the same way you did about this being the Jim/Pam/karen episode we have been expecting all season. Karen and Pam kind f fighting over Jim.
Will Jan have those boobs next season?
Excellent about the podcast GMMR. Love those.
The great potential thing about S4 is that with Jim and Pam dating they will actually get to talk to each other more than once every other episode.
I am so happy right now. I thought the Jan boobs and mental break down was a bit much but with that ending I can take just about anything. I’m loving the idea of Ryan being everyone’s boss.
Karen didn’t come home with Jim. Did she permantly stay in NYC? Edward from TWOP said that it would be a mistake to assume we wouldn’t see Karen next year. Do you think he was leading us astray or that Karen will still be living in Scranton, myabe until she finds another job. That would be awkward for Jim and Pam, right? I think he was throwing us off.I think Karen and Rashida are gone for good.
I am still on a high after this episode! I can’t believe what we’ve been waiting for all this time is finally happening. I love it. This was a wonderful episode and I do love the way the writers had it all happen. As frustrating as this season was for JAM fans, this was a wonderful resolution.
I so wish I could watch this again right now but I’m not at home! I can’t wait till I can watch it again tomorrow. I absolutely fell in love with this show all over again!
I absolutely loved this episode. It was just perfect!
I cant stop watching the episodes last 5 minutes over and over agin
Am I SOO glad I found this site because I was feeling like a psycho with my Jim (okay, fine, my Jim AND Pam) obsession. My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts. Anyway–does anyone else get the feeling that the way the writers may drag the JAM thing out is that they will have trouble dating BECAUSE they are such good friends? Like, they don’t know how to make the transition into boyfriend-girlfriend? I LOVED the Office Olympics gold medal Pam gave Jim. That was the moment he knew he couldn’t leave Scranton.
Am I SOO glad I found this site because I was feeling like a psycho with my Jim (okay, fine, my Jim AND Pam) obsession. My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts. Anyway–does anyone else get the feeling that the way the writers may drag the JAM thing out is that they will have trouble dating BECAUSE they are such good friends? Like, they don’t know how to make the transition into boyfriend-girlfriend? I LOVED the Office Olympics gold medal Pam gave Jim. That was the moment he knew he couldn’t leave Scranton. And the flashback to the beach? Loved it.
That was a perfect episode! I cried like a baby when Jim saw pam’s note and came back! what a perfect ending to a great episode!
Personally, as I was about 40 minutes into the show, it occurred to me that I was really enjoying this hour of television, and didn’t even have that big of an opinion on how it ended.
Best parts for me were Dwight and Creed. Pretty much everyone had at least one good moment, except for poor Toby.
Also loved “You had good advice, but Jan’s was bigger.”
They did make Karen more unlikable in this episode, although she does kinda have reasons to be in a bad mood.
I was completely surprised by the final Ryan scene, but found it hilarious. Don’t understand how Ryan and Karen will fit into the show next season though.
Oh, and I had been saying that I didn’t want Jim and Pam to get together in a season finale, due to the fact that we then skip ahead four months. Are we really going to skip past them developing into a couple and getting everyone else’s reactions, especially Michael’s and Kevin’s?
Also, Scrubs had a pretty good finale as well, although I was getting a bit angry at JD at times. In fact, I kinda wished the two had aired in oppositte order since Office ended on a high and happy note, and Scrubs left me feeling apprehensive.
Jim. And Pam. Are Dating. They’re together. Finally. Right? I didn’t dream? I’m such a pessimist that part of me thinks it’s not what it seems, like it isn’t actually a date but a chance to rebuild friendship. But it isnt, it’s an actual DATE DATE right? I need confirmation, people!
need to know where can i watch the season finale.. i’m kind of getting what happend from different blogs and of course here but I NEED to see it with my own eyes.. please help.-
Mrs. JBK: written by Paul Lieberstein and Michael Schur.
Directed by Ken Kwapis.
Remember Ryan’s email to Karen asking for a date? Seems to me if they are both in NYC, he has a chance.
Does anyone know where I can watch the full episode online right now??
I’ve been thinking about it and I don’t think its going to be hard for Jim and Pam to start their relationship- they are going to be great, its going to be natural- I think its going to be all the other circumstances that make it awkward and difficult (which is good because it is realistic).
I love that Ryan got the job, yeah he didn’t sell a thing for DM but that’s because a) he probably didn’t even try b/c he didn’t care b) he’s definitely not a salesperson. He’ll fit right in in corporate.
I think they did a good job of showing Karen’s true colors in this episode and actually letting Jim see them!!! So many of the mean things she did were behind closed doors for no one to see. He saw the light and the light was leading to Pam!
also glad that they brought back the gold medal that she made for Office Olympics (so cute that she kept it!)
off to watch again…and again…and again!
Where can we watch it?!?!? I NEED to watch it!
I completely agree that it’s going to be easy for Jim and Pam to be happy together. I think that they will have some trust issues, but all the bumps in the road they can have next season will only make JIm and Pam stronger. I think it’s going to be FUN to have them together.
Hey all, just have to throw in my two cents and agree with all of you guys! It was a great episode. Pam’s last talking head made me cry…yes cry. I hope I’m not the only one (actually my BF called me and told me she cried too so I’m not alone). That ending with Ryan was just great and I did not see that coming.
Is it too soon to ask when does next season start?
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! US weekly said Jim would get the job. JESUS!!! I am so happy. I can’t OMGing. My entire apt complex thinks i’m psycho. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG yay for JAM!
Awesome finale to close Season 3! When I saw that gold top/lid from a yogurt cup, with the note “don’t forget me when you become famous” I was like…………OOOOH NOOOO. Jim is not going to concentrate on the interview….hahahhaha.
Ryan’s look toward the camera….PRICELESS. I can’t wait to re-watch this.
I hope Jenna is recovering from her fall.
Looking forward to next year!!!!
Not sure where to post this but it looks like Oscar Nunez is going to be on Conan tomorrow night. Let’s hope they talk about the finale and where things might go next season.
I am so glad I had will power this year and didn’t spoil myself going to the chat and reading message boards. It sucks being on the west coast. Best ending ever!
I loved the JAM in the episode. I am so happy. Next year will be interesting, but with all the shakeups, it has to be good.
First deleted scene from tonight’s finale is up at – more of Michael’s interview at corporate and his return to Scranton.
OMG!!!! I’m dying right now….DYING! Of happiness!!! And bliss!!!
Hey samsmom, i’m also on west coast, and am glad i waited too. It was definitely worth the wait, with an ending i certainly didn’t expect!
I heard they filmed two endings…i wonder what the other ending was?
I love JAM! I want to see them on that first date! YAY!! I’m so happy!
Speaking of, if they are going to deprive us of Jim and Pam’s first dates, then they need to do webisodes of them. But, surely, they wouldn’t be that cruel. Seriously, we’ve been patiently waiting three years. Anybody’s count of how many times they’ve watched the finale? I’ve lost count, but I’m also fast forwarding through the Jan’s boob job stuff. Funny the first time around, but Jim and Pam’s the main deal.
They have THE SCENE
up on as well.
I’m really pleased that there was a resolution to the JAM story. Now I can enjoy my summer. And in September, we can get back to the funny (with a side of heartwarming, ooey gooey stuff) and NO angst!
THANK YOU writers!! After beinga loyal fan of the show and such a *jam* supporter I was very happy that they finally got together.I hope Jim and Pam have a wonderful relationship and I hope the writers understand that they don’t need angst to make a comedy great. GO JAM! Is it September yet?
Okay. Can we just get a round of applause for the best show on television? I think they deserve it.
LaLa here, finally chiming in….
OMG OMG!!! FINALLY!!! I’m really surprised they actually resolved this now, and didn’t give us a JAM cliffhanger, but oh my gosh, that last scene with Pam… and the way she teared up…. that was so beautiful!! Thank you writers for not dragging this out anymore, and giving us JAM!!!
Also loved the Michael-Jan stuff, and how the writers have cleverly shifted the real romantic “tension” for next season to them – that’s going to be awesome. And Ryan getting the job!! That was the biggest OMG for me. But question: Ryan’s never made a sale, right? Isn’t he underqualified?? I may have missed something here…
You guys!! Creed’s blog is now up at the official NBC site!! You have to check it out, it’s hysterical!!!
Hate to be a buzzkill but…….
does anyone else feel that the episode should have been the series finale? (as painful as it maybe…)
In the final scene I was chanting to myself, “Jim, open the door! Jim, open the door.” I got all teary eyed when he did!! Due to a prior commitment, I had to record it and watch it after everyone went to bed so I couldn’t scream. But I did kick my feet.
The Ryan kicker at the end is the best evar!!!!! I am officially in love with The Office writers . . . . . . .
Well, that eased the pain of the VM canceling. Jenna Fischer deserves an Emmy…at the very least a nomination!
I totally agree with you Carli. Jenna deserves an Emmy for this season!
I am up way too late tonight, but I have seen the episode a couple of times. Thank God I have tomorrow off!
Awesome. Just awesome. These phenomenal writers did not let us down. The yogurt lid Olympic medal and note was genius. Also, I loved how they returned to the beach flashback late in the episode and let us hear what was said. Brilliant, especially after the hollow beach flashback early in the show made us think the JAM storyline was all but over.
I love how strong Pam is now. She’s even more beautiful, which I didn’t think was possible.
Someone above put it succintly: Last year, Pam gave Jim a reason to leave. This time she gave him a reason to stay.
Totally dawesome.
GMMR – there totally was a shift in the universe last night! I could hardly sleep last night thinking about how good it was. Jenna was so coy and I really thought there wasn’t going to be a JAM finale…which I guess made it that much sweeter! I really will never doubt the writers again – they certainly made it a satisfying finale – and I have to admit I was really worried.
AAAAAAAAH. Just what I needed.
I don’t think Jim even stopped to THINK about Karen. I think he remembered who he was, left the interview, left New York, and went to find Pam; his only thoughts were for her.
Poor little Karen.
I mean….Karen WHO????
Ok… so why did they have to ruin Jan’s character? I loved boss!Jan.
The rest was good though
I haven’t come down off the JAM high yet. The only thing better than Jim busting in to ask Pam for dinner was the final look on Pam’s face. Having watched the commentaries on the S2 DVD set, we know that Jenna really gets into character. So ‘yes’ people that was Pam’s reaction and Jenna is a fabulous actress for giving it to us as a gift to hold us until September.
I’m going to miss my Thursday nights with all my buddies over on BuddyTV – we maybe need to do some midsummer rerun watching together? It just wouldn’t have been as Squee without you, Kath, and all the buddies! Here’s an air high five to all of you.
To sum up, two words, Jim’s back.
I feel so emotionally satisfied it doesn’t even seem real.
Well, I did not see the Jan boob job coming, I know people specuated that but I thought I could that be interesting?! Well, I underestimated the writers….and I thought Melora Hardin was brilliant in the episode, I loved to Hunter “Good luck with your band, don’t let them change you” priceless.
And of course Jim and Pam, well it’s about freakin’ time! And the cast and writers before the episode aired really led us to believe that nothing really positive would happen with JAM…what a bunch of sneaks
I think the best part was Dwight interviewing Andy. What is the best color? How do you make a table? What is the capital of Maine?
I’m still smiling….this show is brilliant. Greg Daniels really fooled me…I could not believe Jan’s “big news” was her boob job! I thought she was pregnant, but of course, that would be what an ordinary sitcom would do.
This finale was perfect. I enjoyed every moment and every character. The writers really let everyone take a bow. And we finally saw the funny, smart Pam from season two – Jim’s partner in crime (“absolutely I do”). I cannot wait to watch their sweet harmony – John and Jenna do it so well.
And Ryan????!!! Did not see that coming.
Thank you, GMMR, for the wonderful season of Office recaps and love!
I am so happy! I thought last night’s episode was the BEST! I also started crying when Jim asked Pam on a date — such wonderful acting from Jenna Fischer. The episode could’ve ended there and I’d be happy, but the little twist with Ryan getting the corporate job — WOW! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! I wonder how that will bite the Scranton office in the a–. I am so glad the wonderful and taltented writers gave us what they did. I really think I can make it until September without going crazy!
Loved it all! I will be watching it over and over and over again until my DVR breaks down.
How funny was Kelly’s reaction to Ryan’s “Oh yea. We’re done.” I was just laughing. Did not expect Ryan to get the job at all. However if you listen to Ryan when Michael asks him to fetch coffee, Ryan’s response makes more sense now “I don’t do that anymore.” Cannot wait for S4!
Thankyou writers, producers, directors, actors, everyone…you gave us what we wanted and so much more. It was simply perfection.
Joseph Mary and Martha!!!! That. Was. A-Freaking-Mazing!!! I have an Office hangover. I got home at 10, watched it, and was on such an emotional high, I didn’t get to sleep until midnight, woke up at 4:30am. But I am sooooo happy.
How bitchy was Karen? Oh my word. When Pam and Jim were talking about Jan’s new girls, Karen like horns in and totally ruins it, calling Pam a bitch (excuse me pot, my name is kettle), and then the whole “There is one too many people in Scranton.” Which means she totally knew that there was still something between them!!!! Oh and then Jim just leaving Karen in New York. Yeah, what kind of girlfriend leaves her boyfriend in a city he has never been in, to go see her friends for lunch while he is in the quite possibly the biggest interview of his life. Oh and the gold medal. My heart was beating so fast.
Okay, I can actually work now.
For the first time since the premier of Season 3, I feel relaxed. What a great episode.
And thank YOU so much, GMMR. You make it almost a pleasure to come to work in the morning : )
[…] Click here for The Office season finale, Season 3. The following contains spoilers for the season finale of “The Office” so if you haven’t seen it, you should skip school or quit your job so you can go home and watch it now!!! View This Video on You Tube […]
[…] Click here for my recap/review of THE OFFICE season finale. […]
Thanks for recap GMMR! Amazing episode!
Great post Kat! Beautifully summed up. This ending wasn’t an OH MY GOD ending like last season… this was a more giddy clap your hands together like a 5 year old ending and I turned off the TV last night with the biggest smile on my face. Great ep! Only 3 months till Sept!
I wonder if Jenna knew that John was coming through the door? If you listen to the commentary from “Casino Night,” she says that they darkened the office and brought her in at the last minute, and then brought Jim in right away for the kiss, so she’d still be taking in all the drama and her reaction would be more real.
The last scene of the season finale had that same authenticity to it — from the shocked look on her face when he opened the door, to the instinctive “yes” when he asked her to dinner, to the moment when she lets it sink in, to the tears in her eyes when she tries to compose herself and ask, “I’m sorry, what was the question?” I know Jenna’s a fantastic actress, but it all had a very natural, unanticipated quality to it. Brilliant.
Loved, loved, loved this episode!!! But I’m having second thoughts about the Ryan phone conversation. I’m wondering if Karen got Jan’s job and Ryan got Hunter’s job. Would someone who never made a sale get Jan’s job? Maybe Ryan was so excited because he would be working with Karen. I don’t know–Ryan as Michael’s boss sure would offer many comedic moments. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. At least we don’t have a Jim and Pam cliffhanger this summer!
That was a really well written, well put summary of the episode, and perfectly describes how I feel. Forget Filapelli, Beesly’s back. And Ryan being the boss of Michael? It’s almost too beautiful for words.
I know there weren’t any loose ends, but I still can’t believe I have to wait until September.
Is it lame that I’m reduced to a puddle of tears by your review? We made it through all the stressful ups and downs of Season 3!
I really think Season 4 will be the best yet. Thank you, Greg Daniels, thank you. You own me for life.
Guys, if Michael organizes a group hug, stand next to me.
I don’t think Karen will be back in any kind of featured role next year at all. Her series for Fox got picked up for midseason next year. Thus I think that we can put to rest the sad chapter of Karen interferring with JAM.
Fantastic episode all around. “Game on” Jim and Pam. And Michael and Jan. Heh.
I’m pretty sure we’re not going to see any Jim and Pam dates because the documentary team wouldn’t film them. We never see the social lives of the characters unless they specifically have to do with work (“Cocktails,” for example).
We’ll all have to be satisfied with their in-office interactions to tell us how things are going.
And is it just me, or has Stanley had some of the most consistently funny lines in the last few episodes?
Unbelievable. Totally amazing. “I’m sorry. What was the question?” was possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve seen on TV. I just don’t know what else to say right now… Can’t wait for season 4. I love you guys!!
I’ve already posted tons of comments on this episode, but just wanted to say thank you to GMMR for this wonderful recap and for the great chats over at I’m going to miss them next season but hopefully the NBC chats will work out well. Also, thanks to GMMR for all the news and recaps throughout this whole season – It’s been an amazing “journey” for all us fans from seeing Jim in Stamford to his finally really coming back to Scranton and Pam. Just like a year ago, I cannot wait until September!
WOW! I am still on such a high from last night’s episode. Is it weird that I was imagining JAM’s first date as I was falling asleep last night? One thing I thought was interesting… we had heard so much about the alternate endings that were filmed for the finale. But Greg Daniels said in the NBC blog after the show that the two endings were (paraphrasing here) different only in HOW they happened and not WHAT happened. For some reason I love that there was such clarity in their decision on haow to end the season. It makes the torture of Jim and Pam’s awkwardness this season so much more brilliant and real when you know that the “happy ending” was coming all along. Is it September yet??
Loved the entire episode – especially loved Michael’s letter of congratulations to Dwight – perfect! Actually, besides the amazing ending (they really do know how to do things right, these writers) it was a fantastic episode all around for Dwight. I actually watched the episode twice – the first time I was too caught up in the plot to appreciate all the humour.
P.S. Please let us know when any video comes up on youtube, yahoo or other sites, so the folks outside the U.S. who can’t get NBC video will be able to watch! Thanks!!!
Give these people another Emmy!! I’m still smiling from the brilliant episode last night. Not only was the Jim/Pam conclusion great- it was a hilarious episode too!
I loved the episode…and you wrote a fantastic recap!
Re: Ryan possibly being Karen’s assistant
Wallace wouldn’t have called Ryan to hire him if he’s only Karen’s assistant. Karen would’ve.
Also, I actually think it’s funnier that Ryan got Jan’s job mostly based on the fact that he has an MBA. No real sales experience but he has a diploma. Truly, that’s logical in the corporate world, though it makes no practical sense. Perfect. Now the guy who’s “never made a sale” gets to boss around one of the best sellers in the company.
I have a feeling we may see Jan help Michael plot against Ryan next season.
“I have a feeling we may see Jan help Michael plot against Ryan next season.”
I think that would be great – I don’t mind seeing “crazy Jan” for a few episodes next season as I think Melora plays that so great, but I do want to eventually see Jan back to her normal self in the corporate world – perhaps taking over David Wallace’s job along with Michael trying to plot against Ryan?
anyone who knocks karen’s behavior is delusional. you’re allowing your love of pam and jim to unfairly smear karen. if my co-worker openly admitted to loving my boyfriend, i would be hurt and threatened, especially if we had a cordial relationship. i mean, all is fair in love and war and pam can’t help her feelings but she CAN help her actions. she could’ve pulled jim aside and told him instead of putting karen in an awkward situation in front of the entire office. but, pam felt she just needed to get it off her her chest, so i can understand that. also, karen calling pam a “bitch” in response is normal and karen calling jim’s prior look homeless isn’t malicious. you so-called “JAMMERS” are too much for me. i thank god everyday you guys aren’t in the writing room or you would’ve ran this show into the ground a long time ago.
I read this site daily and haven’t posted before but after last night…and this write up…I have to! I think I may have let out a squeal last night before the waterworks started…..and that was just when Jim found the note with the yogurt lid…..oh my gosh I about jumped through the ceiling when he came through that conference room door. Thank you Office writers for not putting us through the “Moonlighting” will they or won’t they torture. That was a tremendously satisfying hour of television on all storylines…but the JAM storyline really deserves praise. I have faith as GMMR states that next season you will prove that TV’s best couple can be together and still be fresh, interesting, funny and angsty together! Season 4 is going to ROCK!!! Dude…and Ryan getting the job is CLASSIC…they are going to have fun with this one next year!!!
Chiming in a little late, but I came home to internet service interruption and I couldn’t get online all night, so I missed the Buddy Chat
Wow. What can I say. Everyone here summed it up so beautifully. This was a truly fantastic episode. The only thing I didn’t like so much was that they turned Jan into a total crazy person. We used to see her insecurities more bottled up and surpressed, but now she’s letting it all hang out there for everyone to see (pun intended). I’m mean come on, “My job could be our relationship. I can wear stretchy pants and wait for you to come home at 5:15.” Who is this woman?
I did think it was bitchy of Karen to tell Jim not feel sorry for her though, because I really did feel sorry for her. I’ve been fired and it’s not fun.
But enough about Michael and Jan. Jim and Pam are back and they couldn’t have brought them together more perfectly. After the first flashback and seeing Jim and Karen having fun together in NY, I thought it was over for JAM for sure. But then came the yogurt lid and Jim’s far away look and when I saw him driving alone I got really excited and Pam’s teary eyed smile of joy was just too much. I think this is the beginning of great things to come for them. The ending with Ryan getting the job confused me, but it was a great twist. They really laid the foundation for a great season 4. Is it September yet?
Best finale of the season…I could not be more satisfied with how they chose to end things. Just perfect.
amazing recap GMMR!
you nailed everything =)
i reallllllly hope that jim and pam just.. never break up. because that would kill everything they ever had.
I can’t believe I missed the finale for a stupid date. I can’t believe I don’t have TIVO, or a DVR..I can’t believe I care so much. Thanx guys for the recap.
GREAT RECAP!! Your writing is super duper! Maybe you should change the name of your website to Super Duper TV No, but kidding aside, you captured all the important moments beautifully and brought light to the fact that the show, while overshadowed by the JAMAREN situation, was still HILARIOUS! “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”: Need I say more?
Thanks for always giving us something interesting to read that connects to what we all love so much!
And SUPER DUPER props to Jenna, who acted her butt off in that last moment of her talking head. The way her voice cracks and is whispery when she says, “I’m sorry, what was the question?” is just brilliant. Congrats to the writers too. BRAVO!!
Can’t wait till Season 4!!!
I don’t even know how many times I have watched the last few minutes of that episode. It was so good and totally mademe cry. Definitelya satisfying way to end it for the season. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
God I love this show…
I just wanted to say, that Dwight with the Big League Chew. Unless I’m completely wrong, that’s bubble gum, made to seem kind of like chewing tobacco so kids can be like the big leaguers. So basically Dwight was trying to spit gum juice into the spit cup. I thought that was hilarious and wasn’t sure if you got that.
Also, love the recap. Love Jim. Love Pam.
I teared up at the end with Pam, and, seriously, Jenna Fischer deserves an Emmy for that alone. She rocks.
I had this geeky smile all night last night, and then today at school, I was estatic.
We’ve entered a new era. Amen.
Ryan is movin’ on up the Cooperate ladder,
Jan is, well, going to be wearing a lot of strechy pants in the future,
Jim and Pam are…YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I am still on my JAM goodness high.
Oh, but waiiittt, Jim’s hair? Tell me John had to cut it for his movies coming up…and that last night was not the new Jim look. I strongly disagree with Meredith’s comments…and how DARE Karen tell Jim how to wear his hair, posessive, (ex) girlfriend!
Wow, didn’t see that coming AT ALL! Ryan?! Guess it’s fitting that a company like Dunder Mifflin hires a paper MBA with no experience – It’s probably still a step up from hiring Michael Scott.
Should be good to see how this all plays out with Karen and Jim next season..
You know what I love. The subtle character traits of even the minor characters. David Wallace mirrored Michael during Jim’s interview, “Stupid HR formality. We have this very irritating HR guy here who’s probably the only person here that you’re not going to like . . . Kendall . . . ick . . .”
Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to respond to a negative comment, but since it was pointed directly at something I said, I feel that I have to respond.
So, Snowballa. I don’t think that I or anyone else that is “knocking” Karen’s behavior is delusional. Is it a normal response, yes. It’s something that many women do everyday: they try to mold their boyfriends into something that they’re not and disparage women by whom they feel threatened. It’s not malicious, it’s just bitchy, which is what I said. It has nothing to do with “my love for Jim and Pam.” It has everything to do with tact. Just because it’s a normal reaction doesn’t mean that it’s something that I have to like in a real person or in a fictional character. Isn’t that why we like this show in the first place–because the characters are rooted in reality? I have always put my faith in the writers and that they would serve the story in the best way possible, they have always acknowledged the fact that they are fans of Jim and Pam and have trusted them to handle the arc in the best way possible.
OMG! TOTALLY crying and laughing at the same time at the end! One of the best episodes EVER! Nearly perfect!
Random thoughts:
Michael showing up on the wrong day. classic. (I did that this week-it was a dr. appt. but still-duh)
I’ve been thinking about this all day and I really loved the part at the beach when Jim said he was back but not all the way back…what a spot-on description for what we’ve ALL been through with this whole season. Season 3 felt a little off, and I missed the fun Jim from S2. And now it feels, to me, like it’s all going to be okay. Not to sound cliche’…
I DID have a moment of panic that Jim was going to let Pam down when he asked her out. But, he used the word DATE. That speaks VOLUMES!
Did Jim just leave Karen in NYC? Wow.
Oh, the goldmedalyogurtlid! sweet!
Ryan?! Did not see that coming! That’s going to bring much hilarity in S4.
Dwight really got a lot done in one day, didn’t he?
The only thing I didn’t really like was Jan has apparently lost her marbles. I liked her tough, career-driven, and bossing Michael around. But, having her move in with Michael is just crazy waiting to happen. So, that’s Fun!
Such fabulousness! Smiled everytime I thought about it today.
I think Jim has ruined me for all others! The haircut? swooon!
Can’t wait ’til September!
I was so afraid it’d be a cliff hanger like last year. I mean, last year’s cliff hanger was good–but I just didn’t want to go through THAT kind of torture again (waiting for fall, I mean). I was freaking out through the whole episode. I literally got mad at Karen for making Jim go to New York early. (I was yelling at her–is that sad?) I then got afraid that it’d be a really lame ending. But then, Jim pulled out Pam’s little good luck note. CUTE!!! Then it cut to the beach scene, OHHHH!!! Then, in a state of panic, I was certain Jim would TAKE the job just so he wouldn’t hurt Pam again (a moment of insanity on my part). But then, THE TALKING HEAD AT THE END!!! Oh my heck, I was, and still AM, SOOOO HAPPY THAT I JUST WANT TO FLY TO SCRANTON AND HUG THEM BOTH!!! (Except that that cannot happen in real life). I LOVE JAM!!! As for the Ryan thing. Well, I don’t really like Ryan anyway, but it totally was an unexpected ending. I can’t wait until season four!!!
Great season finale. I have watched it about 15 times since Thursday. I am so happy and giddy. Starting at the beginning, Michael showing up a day early is just so Michael Scott. At least he didn’t seem like a total idiot. Now back to Scranton. Karen just OMG! What is wrong with her. Pam had the right to say what she felt and during her little speech at the beach she even mentioned that it was okay that Jim was with Karen. She accepted it and it was fine. Pam did not speak bad about Karen and did not attack her, why did Karen have to call her a bitch? Pam didn’t do anything to her. She just missed her friend, there is nothing wrong with that.
I loved Kevin, Andy, and Dwight in this episode! Kevin was so funny making his lists about Karen and Pam! Andy being Dwight’s number 2 was so crazy. It was almost like he was back to when he was Michael’s suck-up! Haha. Dwight was so funny trying to take control of the office. Shrute-bucks! So funny! He seemed really hurt when Stanley said he didn’t want any. I loved his connection with Pam in this episode. Oh and Pam “absolutely I do!” haha! Pam saying she wished Jim was there is how I felt. He would have loved to see Dwight trying to take over the office! Haha!
Oh I did love the Pam/Jim moment when they saw Jan’s boob job! I hated how Karen interrupted it though!
The interviews:
Michael- I didn’t think he was ever going to get the job, but I am surprised that he wasn’t a total idiot. I am wondering why they even thought to interview Michael.
Karen- She is so quick to turn on everyone isn’t she. Look at how fast she turned on Michael when she was asked about what she thought about him “off the record”. Karen seemed a little cool sometimes during the season, but this episode all of her bad qualities were present.
Jim- I think Jim was a shoe-in I think he had to turn down the job, or withdraw because I think he would have gotten the job.
Pam/Jim/Karen: Well we got to see Jim and Karen outside of the office. They aren’t a very loving couple it seems. They have fun, but more friend fun than couple fun. Karen just belittles Jim so much I don’t understand how he could ever be happy with her. She had him cut his hair because he looked homeless and she made fun of him when they got into New York. Jim is not enough for her, she has to change him. It almost reminds me of Women’s Appreciation when Karen said, “every relationship has it’s rough spots sometimes you just got to push through it”. She pushed Jim through so much and changed so much about him and nothing about her.
Pam’s note to Jim was perfect Pam/Jim! I mean it was something that would remind him of a better day they had together, a day he was passionate about, and about Pam! Oh and the receptionist at corporate…that part was wonderful, the look of Jim’s face! Haha!
JAM MOMENT! First date! That was the cutest thing. How Jim asked her out for dinner. I loved Pam’s face when she turned back to the camera! I wish we could have had a little more Pam and Jim, but it was still good!
This was soooooo great!!!!! I was jumping up and down when jim asked pam out on a date!!!! I use to like Karen because she didnt know how much we loved JAM but right after she called Pam a bitch one half of me was like wow she’s that scared of Pam now and the other half was like i hope u say that to jim so he can see what you are really like.
I must say, Dunder Mifflin is probably the WORST run company out there. Ryan at Corporate? Was it just his MBA? because it certainly wasn’t his experience…
No wonder Staples is kicking their a$$es.
great review!
i feel the EXACT same way!
i couldnt have said it better myself.
the office writers really ARE amazing at what they do.
i dont know how they can think of these things…. but however they do it… they should keep it up!!
That was the best review of a TV show… EVER!
You really hit every nail right on the head.
I couldn’t agree with you more about the wild ride season 3 was for us all. But the nicest thing was, it all paid off!
I am so glad to have discovered this gem of a show called The Office. It is my favorite show, and has actually brought me and a new friend closer together!
Thanks for all the great work you have done this year in informing us, making us laugh, and completely delighting us with you commentary.
You deserve a Dundie!
Larry Lee Moniz
I think Karen got the job.
And Ryan becomes her assistant in NY.
After all, she is qualified (probably a MBA grad), made sales, and ATTENDED the interview. The interview was disrupted by Jan/David scene before.
It’s was just a camera trick that didn’t show the conversation between the CFO and her..but showing as if it was Ryan whom he was talking to. That’s why Ryan broke of with Kelly.
Jim did call or see her before went back to Scranton and she opt to stay with her friends to celebrate. Which was not shown in The Job episode.
She would move back to NY (without Jim, of course) and might be in the show occasionally as she now has her own show with NBC. Instead it will be Ryan who will visit Scranton more often and deal with Michael. This will be fun!
As for Jim and Pam, they will remain close friends, dating, flirting with so much sexual tension between them, being adorable, and play pranks on Dwight. Roy might be back to the show to win Pam back.
Maybe we would see more of Dwight/Angela romance in the Season 4?
Kudos to the producers & writers of the show. They deserve the Emmy!
..This is just my opinion. cheers.
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