THE OFFICE ‘Season Finale’ Thursday on Give Me My Remote
May 17, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Click here for my recap/review of THE OFFICE season finale.
(WARNING! This post and its subsequent comments contain spoilers and speculation about the season finale of THE OFFICE. Read at your own risk!)
Here we are. The final Office Thursday of Season 3. It seems like just yesterday that we were all eagerly awaiting the outcome of Jim’s lovelorn confession to Pam. Had Jim moved to Stamford? Did Pam marry Roy? We got our answers but here we are nine months later and some of us are still nervous as ever as to the fate of Jim and Pam.
The questions are a bit different but my nerves are still shot. What will Jim’s reaction be to Pam’s beach day revelation? Will Jim move to NYC for the position with Corporate or will it be Michael, or even Karen? And if Karen gets the job, will she and Jim try to carry on their relationship long distance, or will he finally ‘let love in’ and be with his lobster, Pam – or will they just remain friends (no!)? And what the hell could Jan’s ‘big’ news possibly be? Oh the anticipation is killing me.
Thanks You Office Fans…
Before we get into our last Office Thursday, I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for all THE OFFICE fans that have supported Give Me My Remote lat year. I’ve personally had some incredible experiences over the past year and they are all because of your support for the show. We may talk about a lot of shows around here, but The Office fans are what keeps us going around here and I just wanted to acknowledge that…and you. So thanks again for everything.
We’ve got a ton of office gossip to get to…so let’s do this!!
We Wish You Well Jenna…
As many of you have now heard, Jenna Fischer fractured her lower back on Monday after falling down some steep stairs. She’s recovering in NYC until she is healthy enough to fly back to L.A.. The love has been pouring in and we at GMMR send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. If you’d like to send your well wishes to Jenna click here.
LIVE Office Chat TONIGHT…the last one, ever??
Yes, tonight may very well be the last LIVE Office chat we have at On Monday at the Upfronts, NBC announced that will be hosting live Office chats during the episodes next season. Depending on how that all falls out I may or may not be hosting our Buddy TV chats next season. Also, I can’t say too much but there’s always a chance I could be involved in the new chats over at I’ll let you know more when I know more. But for now click here to set a reminder for tonight’s Office chat which will begin at 7:30pm est.
Tonight on The Office…
“The Job” – Special ONE HOUR episode (begins at 8/7c)
In the hour-long Season 3 finale, the desk jockeys reflect on their day of beach competitions. Meanwhile, a corporate job opening sparks competition at Dunder Mifflin, as Michael, Jim and Karen journey to New York for interviews.(Since there were no photos available for “The Job” I thought I would use one from last year’s season finale. I’m using the power of positive thinking.)
- Watch 3 clips from tonight’s episode (Yahoo!)
- John & Jenna on the red carpet with Kristin Veitch and Michael Ausiello (scrolling video list on the right)
- Kate, Phyllis, Leslie, and Craig talk with Michael Ausiello
Greg Daniels & BJ Novak Live Blog after the Show…
B.J. Novak and Executive Producer Greg Daniels will be live blogging after tonight’s east coast airing of The Office. Will they be feeling the love or fielding the hate? Either way we’ll get their take on the season and the finale right after the show. You can head over there now to start leaving comments. To be honest, these blogs are usually tough to follow, but they are a great read when they are over and done with. (Live Blog with Greg & BJ tonight)
Sooo much more Office Thursday after the jump
From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Kate Flannery’s final blog of Season 3. A special thanks to Kate for taking the time to write this blog every week. I hope you know how much the fans of the show appreciate it. In this week’s blog, Kate talks about the read through for tonight’s episode, and a little fun she had at the NBC Upfronts on Monday. I got to spend some time with Kate on Monday and she’s so wonderful. Make sure you read the latest blog and leave her some love in the comments. (Kate’s Blog)
The Office at the Upfronts…
Office fans have been rejoicing at the news from Monday’s Upfronts. With an expanded schedule, more hour long episodes, and a new world online, there is no denying that NBC is behind the Dunder Mifflinites 110%. Clips from The Office got the biggest response during Monday’s presentation at Radio City. Later this afternoon I will be posting some exclusive pics of the cast from the red carpet as well as some I snagged at the NBC Upfront after party so make sure you check back later. But here’s a quick look at just some of the new Office fun coming our way next season:
- More Episodes– The Office will be expanded to 30 half hours including 5 hour long episodes
- Live Episode Chats – As I mentioned before, viewers can watch and chat together during the show next season on I should have more news on this soon
- The Office 360 – will be launching The Office 360, a fully developed online experience for fans of the show. In addition to more original online content, users will be asked to create their own branches and complete weekly corporate tasks. Local “branches” which successfully complete tasks may be integrated into an on air episode of the show. How cool is that?
- Dunder Mifflin Fantasy League – Kevin Malone will love this one. Next year on, viewers can create their own NBC fantasy league. Draft characters from your favorite shows and receive points when they pull a signature move. Just think, a game where you are rewarded every time Michael says “that’s what she said”, that can’t be too hard (that’s what she said)…she how easy it is (that’s what she said)…oh god, I can’ stop (that’s what she said)…enough! (that’s what…oh forget it)
The Office Fest 2007…
Scranton, PA may never be the same. The Office Fest 2007 is this coming Saturday, May 19th. Angela Kinsey and Brian Baumgartner will be on hand to celebrate Scranton and it’s important role on the show by meeting and greeting fans in a day long event. From a VIP breakfast to an autograph session at the Steamtown Mall and wrapping up with a ‘Raise the Rooftop’ party at night, it is bound to be a fabulous day. So sorry I have to miss it. For all the information on the day’s events, including how you can get tickets, click here.
Ed Helms and Mindy Kaling Talk to Puppets?..
If you aren’t going to be in Scranton on Saturday, but will be in L.A., join Ed Helms and Seth Morris (Curb Your Enthusiasm) as they host a real live talk show, with real live puppets at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in LA. Super duper special guests from TV (Mindy Kaling) and maybe even the movies will perform live and be transformed into their puppet selves right before your eyes. Come one, come all! This show has to be seen to be believed! (Get tickets here)
If it’s more Ed Helms you are looking for then make sure you check out Chapter 2 of “Zombie American” (see Ch. 1 of Zombie American here)
Congratulations Rashida…
Our sincerest congratulations goes out to Rashida Jones whose new comedy “The Rules for Starting Over” was picked up by Fox officially this morning. Despite my Karen woes, Rashida is part of the Office family now and we will her nothing but the best. And hey, just because she has a new show it does NOT mean we won’t see Karen Fillipelli next season.
Rainn on his Baha’i Faith…
Rainn Wilson talks candidly about being raised in the Baha’i faith in this wonderful new interview. As someone who knew very little about the Baha’i Faith, I thought it was a very interesting read. Rainn talks about the influence of his faith on the acting roles he considers as well as his view on Hollywood and faith. All that and you get to see an adorable pic of Rainn’s son Walter. Aw. (Read more here)
Your Guess is as Good as Mine…
Do you think you know what’s going to happen on the season finale of The Office tonight? Share your specs and let’s see is anyone gets it right (or comes even close). Who will get the job in corporate? What will Jan’s big news be? Will Jim choose Karen or Pam? You’ve got until 8pm tonight to figure it out.
The Office Video of the Week…
I stumbled across this video last night and I LOVED it. I tell ya, that instrumental music from “Love Actually” gets me every damn time. So here’s to you Fancy New Beesly and your journey of self discovery. Next step – jumping Jim Halpert. (Thanks to WaterisWide)
[gv data=”YnjddoRPQVU”][/gv]
Love The Office…Wear The Office…
Weekly pimpage alert – Make sure you check out the all The Office inspired stuff within the GMMR Online Store. We are always adding new items such as magnets, stickers, mugs, etc so check it out. (The Office t-shirts and more at the GMMR store) was nominated for BEST POP CULTURE BLOG in this year’s Blogger’s Choice Awards. If you like GMMR then consider sending a vote my way. To be honest, these type of awards are kind of silly (I mean, hell you can nominate yourself) but what the hell, right?
Here’s what you need to do to vote:
- To vote for GMMR, click here.
- After you sign in with your username and password, go back to the link above and remember to click VOTE
I snagged some icons from the various Office fans over at Live Journal. Other photos courtesy of NBC Universal. Thanks to all!! The Office Thursday header by
Thank YOU, Kath, for covering The Office every week. I always enjoy reading these every Thursday morning. They really get me pumped up for each episode.
I can’t believe that it’s the finale already…I’m so nervous! This whole ‘they shot multiple endings’ thing is freaking me out!
I can hardly wait, omg!!!!
First, totally off the subject, my husband and I got to go to a pre-screen of Shrek the 3rd, and got to hear JKras voice as Lancelot! Let’s just say, I think I know where some of his meaness is coming from this season.
Speculation for the finale: I have thought about this, and I am trying so hard to be realistic. So:
Karen gets offered the job, she takes it, and asks Jim to go with her. He says he has to think about it. This ticks Karen off and gives him an ultimatum. “Be my boyfriend, or Pam’s best friend, but you can’t be both.” Who do you think Jim will choose?
Jim’s reaction? Well, if I had just gotten slapped with the knowledge that I had been ignoring my best friend it would be something like this.. “I’m sorry, I am sorry that I let someone else get in the way of us being friends, because you never let Roy effect our friendship or how much fun we had together. I get it now. I miss you too…” and then they hug, and hugs turn into a kiss…..aahhhhh no, I can’t think that way, realism, realism……
Jan’s big news – Either, A) she is pregnant, B) She has been reassigned to the Scranton branch, or C) she got boob job. Now, I only say any of this because Jenna said that Jan had news that was literally big. And Jenna would know.
GMMR – Thank you for all the wonderful Thursdays. The office would not be the same without you!
(only 11 hours, and 40 minutes until the finale!!!!)
Kath- Thanks so much for everything you do for us CRAZY fans!
The Office is a treat for me to look forward to every week and I feel the same way about reading ‘Office Thursdays’.
I am hoping for Jim to confront Pam about what she said…but not in front of the group. I think Karen should bow out of the relationship. She knows Jim has feelings for Pam, and no one wants to be in a relationship where they were the ‘second choice’. I think even if Karen leaves, Jim will be confused. Maybe Phyllis can use her clever “Dont think, Just say” (like from Women’s Appreciation) on Jim. Maybe that will cause a kiss???? I can only hope!
ps. Feel Better Jenna!
Hey, thanks for featuring my image as your header! That’s really cool… would you mind making the text to my site at the bottom of the page a link though? That would be pretty sweet. Go Pam go!
I wonder if this comment in Kate’s blog is a subtle hint for good things coming for JAM:
“I remember we were at the beach shooting “Beach Games” when we read this jam-packed awesome finale script out loud. We were so excited that we almost had another hot dog eating contest.”
I wish I could know what was going to happen tonight. I have no idea how I’m going to wait 9 hours to find out!!! I guess I’ve waited this long so I can wait a little while longer.
I though, based on Rashida’s show getting picked up, that I did kinda know what would happen but with all the talk of a game-changing ending and BJ’s comment that “next year will be different”, I now have no idea what will happen.
My hope: Jim gets the job but, after thinking about it, he turns it down. Karen somehow gets the job and she and Jim decide to do the long distance thing. That leaves him free to regain his friendship with Pam next season and he’ll break up w/ Karen pretty quickly next season. He and Pam will head towards couplehood, maybe this time next year. The final Jim/Pam shot of this season is Jim taking his old desk back and turning to share a smile with Pam.
No idea about Jan’s big news is: it’s either she’s pregnant or she got implants (what with all the talk of her shrunken chesticles and the fact that she was off last week).
I was just umm…Office Thursdays, I’m in love with you. I’m really sorry if that’s weird for you to hear. But you needed to…hear it. Probably not good timing since it’s the season finale. I know that, I just– I just needed you to know. Once. *tear*
Screw realism, it’s already unrealistic how much Karen has already put up with being the second choice. If she doesn’t at least dump him tonight, I will throw things.
Jan pregnant? Boob job? All sound pretty stupid, honestly.
Gay Witch Hunt asked the question “when two people find each other, what should stand in their way?” All of season three has stood in their way. How can we not have some JAM payout tonight?
If BJ Novak wrote this episode: All his episodes have great JAM moments, The Fire, Initiationn, Sexual Harassment, etc. I’m hoping BJ doesn’t let us down.
About the multiple endings, I heard it was a ruse and they knew which ending they’d use the whole time.
something has me thinking that michael is going to get fired, jim is going to get offered the job, and he is going to have to choose between the job and pam. when he chooses pam, karen will get the job instead and leave. jam will be spending a lot of time in scranton because of the management change and michael will be spending a lot of time there with nothing else to do (ala david brent) and somehow he will eventually get his old job back.
that is my prediction.
First, a big thank you for these weekly posts- I love checking in every Thursday to read the latest on The Office and the cast. I won’t offer any specific speculation (mainly because I’ve turned my head in circles so many times these past few weeks trying to figure it out that I don’t know right from left), but I do want to say I’ve got a REALLY good feeling about Jim and Pam- and maybe a baby for Jan, no matter what Melora says
And thanks so much for sharing the FNB video- I loved it! So here’s to a great finale, and to you Kath for being the best blogger an Office-obsessed gal could ask for!!
1) Awww Mosby
Team Office ThursBy!
2) Worst way to end the finale: Who Will Jim Choose Cliffhanger!
Elisabeth –
You are totally right. I hate realism, but, John K. has always said they try to make things as realistic as possible, and I am trying not to get my hopes up. But as insecure as I am, like I think Karen is, I would totally put up with being 2nd choice, if it meant being with someone.
The other thing is…..
Karen, I don’t think has any idea how far it really went with Jim and Pam. When Karen confronted Pam in the kitchen and said that she knew that Jim kissed her, and it was no big deal, does Karen also know that Jim said “I’m in love with you, don’t marry Roy?” Karen is messing with a bond that will never break.
GMMR, as always, thanks so much for doing these Office Thursdays!My routine on Thursday’s is literally: come into work, turn on my computer, go to GMMR to see if Office Thursdays is up. So thanks again for all your hardwork!
As far as speculation for tonight. Well, like cam3150 said, I see the season ending with Jim taking his old desk back and smiling at Pam. The only thing I would add to that is that he rolls his sleeves up. I really don’t know what’s going to happen or how it’s going to happen because these writers are great. Can’t wait to discuss the show tomorrow!
I am so proud of myself I have stayed spoiler free ALL WEEK! I hope it pays off tonight, if not….next season I am spoiling it up again
I’m hopeful for tonight.
I’ve had this theory for a while…since this season mirrors last season in many respects: Last season we had a kiss in the first and last eps of the season, like bookends-The Dundies and CN. Well, we saw the kiss again in GWH, so does that mean we’ll see anotehr kiss in the finally? Hmmm…
Here’s hopin’!
Kath, thank you for your tireless work-I’m amazed at what you can accomplish while still holding a regular job.
You Braveheart.
Kath–Thanks for all your fantastic Office Thursday here at GMMR. I look forward to them every week.
Great pick on the Video of the Week. That was the perfect music to go with the video. Fantastic!
Can’t wait for the next 7 1/2 hours to go by so we can have our 1-hour finale! Fingers crossed!
Kath–Thanks for all your fantastic Office Thursday here at GMMR. I look forward to them every week.
Great pick on the Video of the Week. That was the perfect music to go with the video. Fantastic!
Can’t wait for the next 7 1/2 hours to go by so we can have our 1-hour finale! Fingers crossed for JAM!
HooBoy, what a ride!! Thanks for an awesome season GMMR! I wouldn’t have made it without my little Office family
. And about tonight …
It’s going to be OK.
Hush my darlings, don’t fear my darlings, the lion sleeps tonight…
I just discovered your website in February (that’s the same time I got hooked on The Office), and I love it! Thanks for the recaps you give every week. I look forward to reading them. I cannot wait until tonight (only 10 1/2 hrs to go here on in California). It’s going to be great, and no matter what happens I trust the writers!!
wow, that video totally brought tears to my eyes. Seriously, crying!
this show is just so amazing!
I hate to post about another website on this site (I love both of these sites and read them very regularly), but does anyone know (Kath, I assume you would know since you and Jennie know each other) what is up with Officetally? I haven’t been able to load it all week, which is very unusual, especially considering that tonight is the season finale.
this is really off topic but…. does anyone know what happend to It feels so weird having no ot on office day, thank god gmmr is still here!!!
I hope we’re still going to have Office Thursday posts during the summer! They’re just so festive.
Is there a link to the interview with Rainn Wilson on Baha’i Faith?
No speculations from me, just a question: is there supposed to be a link to that interview with Rainn, or am I missing it? Just curious.
I’m thinking Jan is going to tell Michael she loves him — really loves him. Did you see how hurt she looked when he broke up with her? I don’t think Michael will leave Scranton. I’m unsure about Jim. If I was Karen, I wouldn’t want to be in that relationship. Maybe it’s best for this season to end with Pam and Jim being friends again and hope for something more next season.
Whoops, I got distracted and didn’t post right away. Morris beat me to it.
I will be at the Steamtown Mall for their appearance to get their signatures, but unfortunately I’m only 19 so I can’t attend the rooftop party. Bummer! Oh well. I can’t wait til this saturday!!
My computer is acting crazy, so this is my foruth attempt at posting a comment! My other post was longer, but I just wanted to say thanks to GMMR for all the great Office Thursday posts this season. I cannot believe we’ve reached the season finale already!
I’m so jealous of those of you who are in L.A. and can go to the UCB show with Ed and Mindy – I’d love to see them or any of the other Office cast perform live! I’m also interested in reading that article on Rainn and his Baha’i faith. I just realized that he went to h.s. not too far from me in the Chicago suburbs since his parents worked at the major Bahai’ center in the area.
As for tonight, I am so excited and anxious. I think we will see a new Regional Manager “officially” for Scranton, but I have no idea who it might be! I think also that Karen gets the corporate job but I don’t know where that leaves Michael. Maybe he also gets a job at corporate? If he does, I hope he somehow finds his way back to Scranton quickly next season.
Hope to see you all at GMMR’s last chat tonight!
6 hours to go. Really, this day could not go slower.
Based on B.J. Novak’s comment that everything will be different next season and there will be a twist, I’m thinking the entire Scranton office will move to corporate headquarters in NY. I’m not sure how this can be written believably, but that’s my guess. Karen will come to understand that she and Jim are not meant to be and break it off with Jim, telling him that Pam is nice and that he and Pam are meant to be together. Jim will ask Pam why she never personally told him about her canceled wedding and Pam will say that she did indeed text him that news (in the Diwali episode). Jim never got the message because he was drunk in Stamford and had a fall from his bike and lost his phone.
6 more hours…. i’m verrklempt!
6 more hours….
Thanks GMMR for your amazing Office Thursday posts. I look forward to them every week and hope they will continue through the summer as well as the Buddy chats. Since we have seen all the episodes now, I think the chats will be more fun because we won’t have to concentrate so hard on watching at the same time. I really hope you keep them going. If not, I will miss conecting with my Office family every week. So sad that the season is ending, but I’m excited for tonight’s finale.
As far as speculation for tonight goes. I think that Michael will be offered the job first, but then he’ll find out that Jan was behind him even being considered in the first place because she wants to get back together with him and having him in NY would make it easier for them to resume their relationship. Michael will turn Jan down and turn down the job b/c he doesn’t want to be seen as someone who slept his way to the top and decides to go back to Scranton to resume his Regional Manager position. Then Jim will be offered the job, but he’ll turn it down as well because he’ll realize he can’t bare to be apart from Pam and he’ll break up with Karn go back to Scranton. Which will leave the position open for Karen who decides to take the job. I think that would wrap up everything nicely, don’t you think?
Regarding Office Tally: it’s been down all week due to an overload of Office freaks, I mean fans, trying to get onto the site. It’s been up since yesterday but there’s a password. Both user id and password are dwigt.
I just heard this disturbing news: While Rashida’s show DID get picked up (YES!!), it’s scheduled for a SPRING debut!!!!! WTF?!?! That means she’ll be free to be on The Office for a while next season
You’re right cam3150 – I hadn’t noticed that it wasn’t starting till spring. I assume, though, that they are going to film the episodes starting this summer or fall and have most of the episodes ready to go by spring already. But I still do think we’ll see Karen in some capacity at least for a few episodes next season – but who knows until then? I can’t wait to find out in any case!
wow. um, i just got around to reading all this and i just wanna say thanks for keeping us all up to date with what’s going on with tv in general, but especially The Office. I just wanted to say that i almost cried watching that youtube video of pam and i REALLY hope she continues to be Fancy New Beesley tonight. I am SOOO excited!!! Thanks for all that you do!
cam3150, thanks for the info about Officetally. I did just notice that yesterday it was asking for a password (versus a message saying that the site is unavailable, which I had been getting until yesterday), but I thought that was really strange.
i am so excited about tonight!!!! i think karen will get the job. because, do you really think that the writers would have jim leave AGAIN? and michael wouldnt get the job…. i’m sure his interview will go horribly awry and he may get fired. maybe because he’ll say something about jan. but my money is on karen leaving.
ohmygosh. i have actually thought about a loveactually composed office fanvid. thats weird.
WOW! That video got me totally pumped for the episode tonight!! Can’t wait.
So on the east coast, the season finale is in like 30 minutes, is that right?
I too want to thank you GMMR for your dedication to keeping us Office fans up to date on all the latest, from news to fan videos. We truly appreciate it.
For those wondering about the fate of Office Tally: I just came across this link on Northern Attack for the temporary Office Tally site – apparently the traffic of the site this week made her web host suspend her account without notice! Here’s where she’s set up in the meantime:
Also, she gave password and username info to log into OfficeTally: dwigt (password) and dwigt (username).
couple quick things.
anyone else really excited about the dunder mifflin fantasy league? i’m oddly excited about that idea.
great choice for the office video of the week. i’m a sucker for anything ‘love actually’ related.
kath-thanks very much for all the work you do. i really enjoy the site and the fact that it feeds my need for office news.
Thanks so much for all your hardwork. Being such an Office Fan I check your site probably 10x’s a day at least. You never dissappoint!!! Keep up all the great work!!!:)
Thank you for posting my video! And thanks so much for this entire site and everything you do, it is so completely amazing!! I hope you loved the finale as much as I did!
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