Wednesday Night’s “Friday Nights” Makes My Night
January 11, 2007 by Kath Skerry

Not to sound like a broken record here, but I felt the need to say just one more time how happy I am to have finally discovered Friday Night Lights. I have become completely enchanted by this show and the fictional town of Dillon, Texas. Often it’s the writing that makes or breaks a show, but with all do respect to the writers, it’s the acting that sets Friday Night Lights apart from some of the other dramas on TV today. Again, I’m not knocking the writing, I actually think it’s wonderful, but as I said in my previous review of FNL, the people of Dillon are simple. They don’t need fancy words to show the emotion of a given situation. The actors bring the town to life through their realistic portrayals of everyday, normal people. No brilliant surgeons, no 60 minute murder mysteries, just normal people living their lives. It’s brilliant.
Tonight’s episode once again put the spotlight on Zach Gilford‘s portrayal of Matt Saracen. Saracen is ALL heart, and unlike a lot of boys his age, he’s not afraid to share his emotions with those he trusts. He just wants to do right by the people he cares about. So much so that he tells his father that it’s ok to go back to Iraq because that’s where he wants to be. Despite the fact that he’s 16 years old and charged with taking care of his senile grandmother, he still wants his father to be happy. He’s selfless like that. And cheers to his adorable girlfriend Julie Taylor for being mature enough to realize that she can’t always come first in Matt’s life. He has to take on more than someone his age should, and rather than stomp around like a brat, Julie is supportive and takes the time to listen to Matt – and she might be the only person that is there for him like that at this point in his life. Love these two.
In other Panther news, Jason Street and his family have officially named Coach Taylor in their lawsuit. At the end of the day none of them really believe that Coach was responsible for Jason’s injury, but they have to look past that as they are desperate to make someone pay (literally) for Jason’s paralysis. The town learns of the law suit and quickly shun Jason and his family in favor of the Coach. I don’t mean to be harsh, but I really don’t feel any sympathy for Jason’s family in this one. I’m not a cold hearted bitch, I know they’ve been through a lot, and they need the money, but placing the blame on an innocent person in the hopes of financial gain is just dark. I hope the lawsuit is dropped…soon.
Tonight we also got a little glimpse into the not so glamorous home life of Tyra. It’s not pretty, but I have totally made a 180 on Ms. Tyra after last night’s episode. I kind of wrote her off as a cliched town slut, but I was wrong, and she has a lot more to offer. Bravo to standing up to her mother and her mother’s abusive boyfriend. But more important, she gained much respect from me after taking her own advice and walking away from Tim Riggins who came groveling back after being kicked to the curb by Lyla Garrity. And what was with the all of a sudden sweet and sensitive Tim Riggins. I felt he was a bit out of character last night. I really never bought that he really cared for Tyra, but last night they made it seem like he was madly in love with her. Kind of bizarre.
In other news, Smash is still my least favorite character. I don’t hate him, but of everyone on that show Smash is the one I connect with the least. His cocky behavior is played out and I don’t mind that Waverly wasn’t buying his BS. Next week is going to be interesting when his secrets are revealed.
And lastly, what was up with a full episode without my boy Landry? That’s just not right. I’d like for him to be in every episode please. Producers, writers, please make that happen.
If you haven’t watched Friday Night Lights, and want to, the entire season is available for FREE on Just click here to watch.
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Filed under Friday Night Lights, TV News
I just got absolutely hooked on this show, and am now catching up through (thank goodness), even though I’d love it on iTunes to be able to watch on my iPod anytime, or show to my friends. Great show, thanks for talking about it
I am so hooked on Zach/Matt – what a cutey, and, as you say, stellar acting.
I have given this show a new shot too, after so much noise from you GMMR, and I am thankful.
Ditto on Landry – must know where that boy is headed, and soon!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m in love with this show!
Last night’s ep was great as always and of course I adore Julie and Matt. They are my fave TV couple (no offense to Jim and Pam b/c you know my love for them, but unfortunately they aren’t actually a couple… yet).
I kind of like Tim and Tyra together but I totally agree that Tyra was right in not going back to him, at least for now. They both have a lot to deal with before they’d be able to have a good relationship together. It did seem out of character for Tim to ask her back, but there was a deleted scene from last week’s ep that did kind of show that Tim still has some feelings for Tyra. It’s too bad it was cut out of that ep so that Tim’s actions wouldn’t have seemed out of nowhere.
I read that next week’s ep is a rerun of the “Homecoming” episode so it looks like we have to wait two weeks to see the Panthers in the playoffs.
Oh hurray!!!! I am so glad that you have discovered the wonder that is Friday Night Lights – this is, by far, the best new show on television, in my opinion. This show and The Office have taken TV to a whole new level of depth.
I completely agree with you about the amazing acting on this show. There is some stellar writing too – when Coach Taylor goes to talk to Jason’s dad… and Jason’s dad at first resists talking to him but then just spills his guts…. it was heart-wrenching when he said: “it’s killing me to do this! But – since I’m already dead….” God, it was so powerful.
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